138 of 1979 - Amendng section 25-5-7 and repealing chapter 10 and sections 33-3-3 and 33-3-4 providing for the pay ROLL CALL it
VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, October 23 ,ig79
Mr.Chairman ✓
Agraz ��, rat
I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Cam bell �. zC�
*tax. o ,
Phillips c ��
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 25-5-7 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, and repealing Chapter 10 of Title 25, and
Sections 3 and 4 of Chapter 3, Title 33 of said ordinances, relating
to automobile allowances and travel. expenses.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That Section 25-5-7 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to automobile allowances, be, and the
same hereby is, amended as follows:
Sec. 25-5-7. Automobile allowances. City-owned automobiles
shall he provided for each member of the Board of Commissioners
and the City Auditor for operation on official. City business of
the City; provided, however, that in lieu of using a City-owned
automobile on official City business, a member of the Board of
Commissioners or the City Auditor may, at his option, elect to
use a privately-owned automobile, and in the event said official
so elects, no City-owned automobile shall be provided for him,
but he shall he reimbursed up to but not more than two hundred
dollars per month for his expenses involved in the operation of a
privately-owned automobile on official business of the City.
If, in the opinion of the Board of City Commissioners, a take-
home vehicle should be authorized under the policy set forth in
Chapter 3 of Title 33 of these ordinances, the Board may in its,
discretion award a qualifying employee a car allowance in lieu of
providing a take-home vehicle.
All other officers and employees who are authorized to use and
who do use privately-owned automobiles for official City business
shall he reimbursed for their operation expenses of said
'automobiles at the rate of eighteen (S.1R) cents per mile for
each mile actually traveled in official. City business. The Board
of City Commissioners may approve an increase of one ($.01) cent
per mile in said allowance for each ten (S.101 cents the
wholesale cost of gasoline to the City rises above the level of
seventy-nine and nine-tenths (S.799) cents per gallon to a
maximum allowance of twenty-one ($.2.1) cents per mile.
In lieu of the above, meter readers in the Department of
Public Utilities shall receive an automobile allowance of : (1)
$30.00 per month for meter readers whose route is within five (5)
mile radius of the Water Department offices at 1530 South West
Temple and (2) $40.00 per month for meter readers whose route is
outside said five (5) mile radius of said Water Department office
for more than fifty percent (50%) of the time during the month.
Before payment is made to any officer or employee pursuant to
the terms of this section, the use of the automobiles must be
authorized by the employee's supervisor and the mileage traveled
must be verified by the head of the department involved.
verification and reimbursement shall he on forms and in the
manner provided in administrative procedures, as prescribed by
the City Auditor or Finance Director.
SECTION 2. That Chapter. 10 of Title 25 and Section 33-3-3 and
Section 33-3-4 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah,
1965, relating to Automobile and travel expenses, are hereby repealed.
SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah, it is necessary to the health, peace and welfare of
the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall become effective upon the date
of its first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 23rd day of October ,
BILL NO. 138 of 1979
Published October 30, 1979
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
AM ORDINANCE Shana D. Conaty
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 25.5.2 of the Re.
Ch N e rtOof it a 0alt tech o,Utah.10t ,and rep+'title
Chatter said in 1s,red sngrlto 3 o ahahan e,Tine
on of ordinances,relating to automobile allowances and
travel expenses.
nUt'°filch,Mbymeeoard°"gmmissione"°'`"It Lake Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal
SECTION I.That Section relati of the automobile
of dLake tM�y, ,.,byis,amo relating wbhr.anny,anr- advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily
25-5.Automobile folloW allowances.
-1 the aoerd of (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the English
`lam misCity ioners and
the City Auditor
for operation,onaottb- language with general circulation in Utah, and
%uofu Ciryuwnedautomobilleon official City hos). published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the
of the Board of Commissionors or tho City Y
Auditorm ev,at his option,elect touse a privately-owned State of Utah.
automobile,and in the event said official so elects,n
City-owned automobile shall be provided for him,but he
shall l,o reimbursed up to but not more than Iwo hundred
rd°'oai Pavalet°-ownehd"au"romobile'ot°oil'ta°eu`inessoi That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
trie Cit V.
If;fit the opinion el the Board of City Commissioners,
a take.home vehicle should be authorized undernaonthe policy
Bo1 forth i°Chatter 3 of title 33 of these ordinances,the pub notice to amend an ordinance relating to
ard may In its discretion award a qualifying ing employee D
.1 allowance in lieu of providing a take-home vehicle.
other officers and employees who are authorized to
diet and
o nessSsshall betaimburrssed rot"their operattio'n automobile allowances & travel expenses
rronsec of said automobiles al the rate of eighteen(i.10)
ce mile foreach mile actually traveled In official
Cits y business. The Board of City Commissioners may
allowance I increase tor each ten f(f.10)'cent cthe wnt holesale ite ln costaid
ansollne to.the City rises above the level of seventy.nlne
d nine.tenths(3,799) per gallon to a maximum
allowance°t twenty-one(f.211 cents per mile.
In lieu of the above,meter readers in the Department
of Public Utilities shall rereive
automobile allowance
of:It)130.00 per month for meterreaders whose route it
within five(SI mile radius of the Water Department of fie
es at 1530 South West Temple and(21 SA0.00 per month for
radius of saidr Water�Deportm mote entuoffice for mfore than fitty
Percent(50)of the time during the month.
POr ban°trto the ter,,o is f to 5 se loh.m°cuse of to..00- was published in said newspaper on Oct, 30, 1979
amobile must be lmtharbed by the employee's supervisor
nd the mileage traveled most he verified by the head of
the department Involved.Verification and reimbursement
shalt be on forms and in the manner provided in edtor or
Iralive prodecores.as proscribed by me COO Auditor or
Automobile .ty, _
F' Director.
SECTION 2.That CI I r 10 of Title25 and Section 33 r/(l
d t 333e t u Revised ordinances of Salt Lake City, ,Qn /7�1\,/\ A l tJ�^.. �< n.-� �� 1
Utah,1965,ie./W a t A , travel expenses, /" ,A
hereby repeated.
SECTION J.le the opinion of the Board of Commissioners Legal Advertising lark
o p °la"Sall Lake City.Utah,it is ,ry to the health,PO MO
and welfare of the inhabitants of Sal Lake City that this ordi-
" become effective Immediately.
SECTION d This ordinance shall become eflective ulon
Passeddbbyithe Board of commissioners of salt Lake City. 7th
mob,this 23rd day of October,19,9. ore me this day of
BILL NO,130 of 1979
nhliehad Ortotier 30,t919 sv,.p D-2a
Notary Public
My Commission Expires
Peb, 11, 1982