139 of 1903 - Ordinance 139 of 1903 – Sewer Extension No. 124. AN ORDINANCE . An ordinance confirming the assessment upon the property on A Street from a point one hundred and sixty-five (165) feet north of South Temple Street to Second Street, in Sewer District No. 1, for the mnstructionof a sewer. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That the assessment list made by the City Treasurer as oorreeted, approved and completed by the Board of Equalization r and Review, heretofore duly appointed by the City Council for that purpose, of the property abuttingon A Street from a point one hundred and s ixty-five (166) feet north of South Temple Street to Second Street, in Sewer DistTiet No. 1, of Salt Lake City, for the purpose of constructing a sewer upon said portionof said street, is hereby confirmed, and the assessments made and returned in said completed lists are hereby confirmed. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. /GI/Z l✓ Sewer ]extension No. 124. PaSs.`.o by City C,oLif,c 1 of .'41 Lak (,ii:Y Utah, 1)aUbfbo 2Is ar+;t 1c.'f. YBG to tnE vayov foyn a a o iva{. PPo ,u , Qn=say,nay a'. teottc:,,1903. - Cfi k;,o:_r t. 139 .., ._ „su ,.• . an ;fAW / ag0 IA A ao Iglataliq ad* arms Aaawasses ad* gaAa'lloos eeneustble tak to Ion Vitirt (M ) evit-Vala Ana beldame ma Maws amt Secede ,I *at tatlaftaa wise al 044.08 Adoese at talinaa 'Awe Atoll! titan *V**0 sea lama is 4041114øi .77:g ll""::°m*:*::71 i\ Iranian? Ntip 014 WilhAIR /OR; tommiessom edit StiOt .1\liten . . aaltactiota % *tidal *$r• • : c, ... , ,1 .. , ,Ai * vet Lislave0 ' Sin 04 0114000#il a d „..0-Vivikretnil \,k -- *rano( age *aim, ant jigatailardt *mean at *Imaal 4041tiara44, 0qams : 10 OalVatiNhaa aaarisal 40a* let A*20 Orka se's ii ,I .40t\ '*- : 414,10#164 t#411,1 a • .1 = , rgot at ,Suits Iasi le settieq bias imp; :'‘,ii gO., eiritabieio to bote.tweee /nasal baava*aN hea alma aaaamaalasaa'' * Ala ,badalltaa0 , . .._ . . . • _• _ • _ ,14erellee ...vdeloi_eqs eIta _ 4.10,41.10110 mitqW 'setts stet /lads emasitoto stAT .R 10ITOK8 .1421 .eg salsa Ione )kj, .70.1, 710 : vz, •L_ !. : . , • IS