139 of 1912 - Amending Section 739, poles in streets. ROLL CALL Salt Lake City, Utah, -_5ep4• 16v VOTING Yea No I move that the ordinance be passed. Keyser l Lawrence V - -- Morris ,y:. ... Mr.Chairman . . . _... RESULT - - .......... V' A B OBDIB 1. CE . An ordinance amcndin: and re-cm:ctin,-; Section 729 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lfko City of 1902, relLti.,-1,!. to telerc.2,n, telephone and otl)or poles in streets, as amended by an ordinance passed by Lie Booya of Commissioners of Cit , Pt , August 20, 1012. Be it orl,-iLed by the Board of Uommi.n.:ioners of Salt LLhe City, Utah: SECIION 1. That Section 7CC of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1903, relating to telegraph, telephone and other pOles in streets, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Sol t LCAe City, UtLh, August 28, 1912, be, and the cane ii hereby amended and re-enacted so ts to read as follows: SF,CTIOU 7130 It shall Co unlawful for ,en;, "J)000011, firm or corporation to erect in any dart of any street of Salt Lac City -Lich i. paved, or -itch is abobt to be )averl, any pole or poles of any hind, or for an:,; pur,)ose, except upon a permit issued by the Board of Commissioners of said city: or to erect any pole or poles of any kind, ior any purpose, in an, other s',reet of sid city except in strict pursuance of a written permit from the Ci:y- Bn:ineor The permii issued by the Board of Commissioners cud iccucd by the City Enc:inoer shall sn)ecify the person, firm or corporation to v.rom it is issued, nd thc material, size, conotruc- tion tt lee' in of such polo or oles, ndieh 2'omit must be on the ground ff.ore such poles ore Cci c erected, and must be frooly exhi::ited o any fir n or cit officer aching 0 =amino it. SECYIOU 2. This ordinance sdall ',six effect upon 1:G2 publication. Pass A by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,Utah, September 16 1912. • *ma Mayor p City 'e orcer -439 41,1k11; A A 0 RAT ;JAI. CE . An ordinc.Pcc ucndiii , ciff, re-enact:Ins Section 739 of the Revised Ordinances of Colt Lf7,',O City of 19(r,, reltiip to telecre:2,1, telephone ana other poles in streets, zo mended by rn or6iDrce psosed by the Boz-rd of Commissioners of Co it DRe Ott: , Uto:i , AuL;ust CC, 1CP2. Be it orCcined by the Bozrd of Connissionors of Jci=c LoBe City, Utah: SECHON 1 That Section 739 of the Revised Ordinances of Solt 1,0,-.Ke City of 1903, rclatirqs. to tolet;raph, telephone and other poles in streets, as emended by an ordinance pesscd by the Board of Commissieners of Suit RzkeCi Auust SO, 1912, be, an the same is hereby amended and re-onacted so zs, to rood 22 follows: SECTIOU 7:j9. It shall be unlawful for cup person, firm or corporation to erect in any part of any street of Salt LaLc Ciy -hish to paved, or Sich is scoot to be dared, soap pole or poles of any hind, or for cup purpose except upon c permit issued by the Board of Commissioners of sfid cii,y; or ' to erect any pole or poles of Ma': kind, for sup purpose, in any other e,reet of svid city except in strict pursuznec of E written permf:t from the Ci'Ly Rnjineer, The permit issued by the Board of Commissioners 'ono '. Et issued -13,T the City hnsinecr shall sPecify the person, firm or corporation to whom it is jos-J.0,d, out the material, size, heih- construc- tion and location of such poic or Jbieh 10 suit must be on the s;round Core such poles are bciu, erected, en must be frecl; exhibited :o any per. on or cit, officer ashin • to el:amino it. SECT:IOU 2. This ordinance shall tukc effect upon ii2 publication. La•-e-vr-k T-1/VV.01"-r‘io Pass d by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,Utah, September 16 1912. TF- /171-74 'A);,,7( - / I I 0/..ir Mayor 1 y 'e orcer ‘ tit ___-3'0, r. , L-a: i z,„ , ,c,.3.0,: i5.- . .. 1 ,,4?, r ';:) ' 41 v.., 15. ' i u 1