139 of 1920 - Sidewalk Extension No. 203, Second and Final ' til ROLL CALL VOTING AYE J NAYS! Salt Lake City, Utah, October 15, , 192 0. Barnes Burton _ Crabbe I move that the ordinance be passed. Green Mr. Chairman --i Result AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE CONFIRMING the assessment upon.the property hereinafter described on Michigan Avenue, 13th East to a point One Hundred Sixty-five feet East from said Thirteenth East Street in Sidewalk District No. 40 (Sidewalk Extension No. 203) for the pur- pose of constructing concrete sidewalks. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That the assessment list made by the City Treasurer as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of Com- missioners of Salt Lake City, sitting as a board of equalization and review of the property in Lot 10 of Block 30, 5 Acre Plat C, Big Field Survey, abutting on both sides of Michigan Avenue from 13th East to a point One Hundred Sixty-five feet East from said 13th East in Sidewalk District No. 40 of Salt Lake City, Utah, for the purpose of constructing concrete sidewalks upon said portions of. said street, is hereby confirmed, and the assessments made and re- turned in said completed list are hereby confirmed. SECTION II. This ordinance s 11 effect one day after its publrioation. Passed by the Board of Commissi re f S L e City, Tit., this . a Oo ber, A. D. 1920. %�/ ✓�irn a r y coo er. Sidewalk Ex erasion No. 203. 2d and Fine: Estimate. 139 , . 4 I is- c. t C? m ,.. -r). 4 _.___., o 3, -S n cjD a J{ A Sv N ifl g Iv _,_.. . li . O O p M 3 . ..i.,) V -44 4, .3, ..: _ .. . , . . ., , . ., , ._,. . _ 4- .• ... . , . . . . : . . ,... . ., . ._ . . ,.„ .., ., , • ,•, . , , . .._ . ... I. • {: G • - .._ , • i . t , '- '' I . r 4f , 1 r 1 r- .-:,, o 1 1,....., ± 11 - .,....1 I; ' I ; I I— -----..„ 1 I II - - I . : ll 1 I —..,- ' . i I , , I 1 ; . ._. .k.1 . I. 1 , it. . . „ . • 1 • . : i , 1 ..... . ; •,..,, ; , i tl- . ;-• . . : i, .:: . . .. ,. . • . . . . . ,‘.1 ..._,.......-••'''' . . _ i . I ; . . . ; ' I . . .. . I , : 1. . . . 11 F3'1.! ''I 1'1* '---;, - -.1..• : — ; ' 111 • ',;.... • . Il I I: ' . Il''::, . •. • . . • . . , . • : ... ! I . II i i, d III 1: 1,I 1: