14 of 1901 - Ordinance 14 of 1901 – Ordinance confirming assessment of tax upon property on east side of 3rd Ea Bill No. .‘ ' for AN ORDINANCE CONFIRMING THE ASSESSIliENT OF TAX UPON PROPERTY Foc,./wIc- THE EAST SIDE OF THIRD MUM STREET FROM THIRD SOUTH TO FIFTH SOUTH SL WS? FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A SEWER. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT MAKE CITY; Section 1. That the assessment list made by the City TreaS, rer as corrected, approved andcompleted by the City Council sitting as al loard of Equalization, of the property abutting on the east side of Third East Street from Third South to Fifth South Street, in Sewer District No. 1 of Salt Make City, for the purpose of constructing a sewer upon said portion of said street, is hereby confirmed, and the assessmentsitataz made and returned in said completed lists are hereby confirmed. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. ' .,,i1 .,(7, "-- / / v/ O• ,N,..„,rai\A_A.D.-v-v--- 1 ! L 9 14 . .. 1 VOI n'% 'lig VIE- -n , tipqr Ur '1,0 TZ7.- WA RAT CNTUATIAcn RT-WA,"I(MO IA:8 A'71:14; ATtIt OT AMOR CLAW MORI TMKRT2 _7'71 0,RIAT tO SUIR 9-TAR MRT MONIS A tO itto:ITOI'P'RROD iTOM ;11in P.MAJ TaA8 TO . Int-af0:1 10,1r, W!-4T vg CP1iLMLIc - 1 7: j ,.iji ObAn *sit daernisel m on* $adT .1 .(7i,Jois8 ar -4:11J0ta ftonno.• x410 snj x4 1544ctivact skim bovolims ,hojob.,-too sz • jAAM t..-,1,1. to *Ala Its. sc0- no Nai /c.ida x0legolsi st; 1c triot*settaupg -.c) ao I .0-7 J.c=titsia leveR 01 ttosinit- d0uoR Anil (10 AtmoR AliAt AD11 jue=t 1 Ani4owl*Ahoo 'to **ogle% Alt 110/ 0.tin TA0' 1-1-T' brw Oam 401*Setnessmaim sAI &Ls tiesmillitios x04,14 AI deoItn, bt.,N 10 , Aloarttl.,00 x441en snA 40a0.1 ,i4,sitioso bias ni ben.lp0u1 .1 -volqz.s noqu /nA'--'15 ()AA, .ri.4 sonsatAlo staT .& .0oR I , f, k ----- ..„... r 14 . ,--, ,-). ' , , \), ' "' (•R ,1 -'Z' '-' • n \ . \ = 't 1 . ; 1