14 of 1902 - Ordinance 14 of 1902 – Authorizing and empowering the City Attorney to revise ordinances of Salt L ORDIrANCE. An ordinance authorizing and empowering the City Attorney to revise the ordinances of Salt Lake City. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City: Section 1. The City Attorney is hereby authorized and empowered to revise and compile, as soon as may be, all existing ordinances of Salt Lake City. Section 2. The sum of One Thousand ($1000.00) dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the general fund, for the purpose of defraying the actual expense of such revision and compilation, and the City Auditor is hereby directed to draw his warrant or warrants for such portion or portions of such sum as may be necessary, upon requisition by the ` City Attorney, duly appaintsd by the Revision Committee of the City Council. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. N1e6u. .: ;:,,::: 51: : Tjf fc-L :(:) ,-,v11\ / / \( 1 4 Pt frin;11 Al; t Tra.1 J1010 ,C) 0t 11S•‘) . 1, 3-7 - .1;f1,G ';Fur, f - f flc1,7 {LB -.0 • • .1. as o ) :-`11 "10 Pitl' ;63) CI = ;-1?• ;3 ?:(.) •• 'I.' " 1.0 .:1-1* • 1"'" or, ..'.',F3 ofi,t sc1 ri ±JaJ:.i; !3"; rf(),Jki . gur.. ..,;)o,f Ilo1.1 2-)1.!'* to 0,:),3,tin1acto1 I if. . ff10 arL1 .J\ . o . 00y rt I 1 I . • _1 _1 sk:\\