14 of 1907 - Ordinance 14 of 1907 – Sidewalk Extension No. 121. ! ._.
AB URD11-10E .
An ordinance levying a tax and for the ase6s!nent Cl' ..)cd.i., yty
on tho north side of Eighth South Street betetton Eighth west and
ninth Vbest Streets, on the north side of Titusville Avenue from LintAn
best Stroet to the eeet iJottk of the Jo1.7 '. 1v-;r, C;./17. 0:a ii : north !
side of Indiana Avenue from the jorden :Aver to Cheyenne Street, in
Sidewalk! Districts Jos. 21 eed 41, fr,r t,:6 eeestr:letioe of cement
Be it ordained by the City Council or Salt Leke City, BtelL:
SECTIOL 1. Thet the Jitei Council doss, :ivot.y: levy 'Le tax
1;rovido Zo..:• t7,e asses.eetet or the tninle upor tito i)ro.oerty hnreinftor
described in Lot 1, flock 9, Lots 21 to SO, ieeleelve, 7,.-1(,ek 5,
Seventh Soeth Subdivision of T1Lock 9, Blot "C", Lot 1, Block 1,
Seventh Libtth Subdivision of Block 9, Blet "0",Lots 1 to 6, 11.c.l1sivel,
7 to 12, inolte, D103-11 1, 2. :. ,.712J ',; A' tin; th7, not-thwe6t
quarter of Section. 11, Tov.nehip 1 south, 17112,e 1 south, lyinL; between
Oquirrh and -Emma Streets, and between Titusville Avenue and Jcidan
River, Lots 1, and. 18 to 24, irelesive Tiook 2, Lots 1 aed 16, blockl
3, J. E. Whalun's Addition; Lots 1 to 20, incleeie, olosk 1, 1 to
20, ir.3117.7.i,,-!, Titeek 2, 1 to SC, iclJeve, flock. 3, 1 to Se, in-
clusive, flock 4, Bopler Grove Additien, belt 1,alte City Survey,
abuttine on tho 1.orth tiad of Eirtth S(ee.th Street between Eie;hth Wes1
and. Linth 'best Streets, on the north side of Titusville Avenue from
Einth best :-.trot to the eeet bLad: of Ou3 .z, i-..ivcr, hhl 011 :.'"C LO-r412 ! '
61. e of indiana Avenuo. from i'.c. Jeriee. tier to Cheyenne Street, in
Si loath Bistriots -nee Ll sad 41, c-id 1;1',,1)ety hr_,Ti7] a rcortle of,
429(..').4 feet E..lonL, r: ld ::tre,As.
Thi.; tam is i-'vied to ff-z- :-/ tLa e]..„:eih..e of ,e)nstrActin6 cement
sidewelks foal- (4) 2ect ;: L:la l'o .s (z. ; ic.:het thick a„ponb- id
portions of brr'iJ streets oiAceite 2' ,7 iJr,IL,(7,rty hrelftr deit'ibed
is be e2i.. lciy L-ffentod t.11:1 beftted ty .;,- ic7, ii..Yrovcnt, ond it
is hereby edjadeed, detereepel ,,*.1 ,,,t1.)-_mc,. ti ,t the 2,-1,8 will:be'
w444Pq:a especially benefited thereby to the full amount of the tax
hereby levied, and said parcels of land are hereby ause,,00d at an
equE.l and uniform rate in accord♦nee :'ith the linear foot r err ge
upon said portions of said streets frontier: upon, ; a to a depth of
twenty-five (25) feet back tiler;from, and the tax hereby loci d and
to be assessed upon „fltc; parcels of land is tree tizousi d two hundred
twenty—four and 55/100 03,224.55) dollco. , or 70/100 00.75i dollars l
per front or knee_ foot, Which is t-e estinoted total cost and esti-
mated cost per linear foot of slid sidewalks, and the Treasurer is
hereby authorized and directed to assess in accordance opith the pro-
visions of this ordinance for t`:e purpose herein t.entioned, the south
iside of the east 145.5 feet Q7 Lot 1, cloth 9; the south ilie of Lots
21 to 30, i.-.olusive, Block 5, SeventOO Sorb. Saudivirion of Block 9,
;Plrt "C"; the south silo of the west 155.25 h:et of Lot 1, ♦.lack 1,
Seventh South Subdivision of Block 9, flat "C"; the south .,t'e of
Lots 1 to 6, _-clusive, Bloch 1, the west •. -ie of Lots 7 to 12, in-
clusive, Block 1, J. h. 16halon's Addition; the south aide of those
portions of the northwest quarter of Section 11., Township 1 south,
Range 1 west, lyin6 betv;een Oquirrh and m7nf; Streets, and lying be-
tween Titusville Avenue and Jordan Fiver; the south side ,f Lots 1,
and 19 to '4, inclusive ,'lock 2, tie south vide of Lots 1 sod. 16,
(Block 3, H. Whalon's Addition; the .gout'„ side of Lots 1 to 20, in-
elusive, Bloch 1, the south rife of Lots 1 to 20, inclusice, Block 2,
the south side of Lots 1 to 20, irclr, ;ive, _J: 1:1k 3, the uoutu. side
of Lots 1 to 20, 1.-01.: 1ve ::lock 4, .Lop_s ; Croce Audition, Salt Lake
City Survey, as t;,; .::e >ra .,nown upon orrioisl phado of `d
City to a depth of twenty-rive ( fact onek trot: i' `,r, ts, and
Ito collect said tax.
SECTIOB 2. Said tax Jhni1 eco,•o _ ad be delinquent in sic equal.
instrlLcie..ts, as follows, to-wit: One 1xt , o came and
be delinquent One mo .h after the approv; 1. Oi this ordinance; ores"
sixth thereof in one year after such approve; one-sixth thereof in
two years after such approval; one-sixth hereof in three years after
such approval; one-sixth thereof in four years after such approval;
and one-:sixth thereof in five years after s•uch approval.
Bch and >10iiy installment of said tax except the first, shall
3,0 interest 0'� he rate f six per cel.t per annum from date of levy
u Ct@1 dolinquelr't an4 eat and every installment of Said tax shell
44 interest t`,t1i rate Hof eight per cent„per anno from of t ftor
3Q'ts ';note of delstnque*by.
SECTION 3 . iris aril ignce shall tel effect p's,t Spprov=.i.
6r' v " `lrl
34��walk Extension No. 121.
Passed by the City Council of Salt, hake ,^,,.t:T,Utah,Kaxch 11,
1907, and. referred to the :ua;Tor for his npr 1 Cx�
p .
,7 Ftecor er.
Approved this /,Z day of ,,"nrch,l9o7.
(y ,-- 772
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