14 of 1910 - Ordinance 14 of 1910 – Requiring payment of licenses by persons engaged in business of street car VI;. :1 AN O R D I A ; C E An ordinance requirinL the pay:.rent of licenses by per,,ons engage in the business of street car advertising. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Ut,,,h: SECTIC? 1. It shall be unlawful for any erson to engage in the business of street car advertising without first procuring; a license so to do. SECTION 2. 2eraons required to pay a lincense under Section One- of this ordinance shall each ,gay in advance, to Salt -,Le City a Sur equal to 5 0 of the gross annual receipts of such business, e'hd shall. on or before January 1st of-each year, mrke aral file with the 'Lieen$1.e Acseasor a sworn statement stowing the gross income of saidbusines* for the preceding year. The books of any person, firm, association I � or corporation engaged in such business, shell, for the purpose of ascertaining the amount of license payable to the City, be open to the inspection of the License Assessor. 5E02I0ZI 3. For the iiarpos c c 7 this ordinance, the business of renting street our advertising is defined to be the iordtkmt or hirinF:3artX by any parson, firm or corporation of snare on or in Eummr. street cars operated within Sett Labe City for advertising purposes, for compensation. :iECTIOIi 4. Any ,person violating the provisions of 1:11`s ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. :PdT°IOI 5. This ordinance shell te.ke effect upon epproval. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake Ci.ty,Utah,Idaroh 21, 1910, and referred to the Eayor for his approval. „r T peo der, Approved this a day of March,1910, / ,Ma yor. if� • • • •: • r. - c' ' '� o• c� .G �' FOP • E O