14 of 1930 - Autorizing election for the issuance of $3,000,000 'Salt Lake City Water Bonds' •
Salt Lake City Utah 193
Vl I move that the ordinance be passed
Burton "J�J
ELECTION submitting to the qualified tax paying electors of Salt
Lake City, Utah, at such special election the question of incurring
a bonded indebtedness in certain amounts not exceeding in the ag-
gregate the sum of Phree Million Dollars ( 3,000,000 00) for the
purpose of supplying said city with water by means of specified
projects for increasing, improving, enlarging, extending and per-
fecting the present water supply and waterworks system of Salt
14 Lake City, Utah, for supplying and distributing water to the in-
habitants of said city by constructing dams and storage reservoirs,
conduits and supply ana distributing mains, the said water, water
rights and waterworks to be wined and controlled by said city
WHEREAS, there is immediate and pressing necessity for
increasing, improving, enlarging, extending and perfecting the pre-
sent water supply and waterworks system of Salt Lake City for the
purpose of supplying and distributing water to the inhabitants there-
of for fire and domestic purposes, and
WHEREAS, said city is without funds in its treasury suffi-
cient to provide for the additional water supply and waterworks sys-
tem required in order to properly supply the inhabitants of said city
with water for fire and domestic purposes; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of said city have de-
cided and deem it advisable and necessary to ,ubmit to the quali-
fied tax paying electors of said city the quevtion of authorizing
the issuance of the negotiable coupon bonds of the said city in
certain amounts not exceeaing in the aggregate the sum of Three
Million Dollars ($3,000,000 00) for the purpose of supplying said
city with water by means of specified projects for supplying and
distributing water to the inhabitants of said city, saia projects
to be owned and control/ea by the said municipality
Now, Therefore, be it ordained by the Board of Commission-
ers of Salt Lake City, of the County of Salt Lake, and State of
SECTION I That a special election of such qualified
electors of Salt Lake City, in the County of Salt Lake, State of
Utah, as shall have paid a property tax in the year preceding such
election, be called, and said election is hereby ordered and called
to be held on 1uesday the Cth day of May , I D
1q30, between the hours of seven o'clock A M. and seven o'clock
P M of said day
SECTION 2 That at said special election the following
uestions shall be and are hereby by this order submitted to such
.ualified electors of said city as shall have paid a property tax
n the year preceding said election, to-wit-
"Shall Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, State of Utah,
create an indebtedness by issuing its negotiable coupon bonds
in certain amounts not exceeding in the aggregate the sum of
Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000 00) for the purpose of sup-
plying said city with water by means of the specified projects
hereinafter stated for increasing, improving, enlarging, ex-
tending and perfecting the present water supply and waterworks
system of Salt Lake City, and for supplying said city and the
inhabitants thereof with additional water, the said additional
water, water supply and waterworks system for supplying such ''
water to be owned and controlled by the said municipality, srierrt
bonds to be absolutely due and payable serially in not more than
forty (40) years from their date and bearing interest at the rate
of not to exceeu five per cent (5%) per annum, payable as shall
hereafter be determineu by said city by ordinance, as follows.
"Question I Bonds to the amount of Two Million Three
Hundred Thousand Doi/airs ($2,300,000 00) for constructing the
and reservoir,
Argenta DamA including the purchase of such land as may be
necessary in Big Cottonwood Canyon,
Question 2 Bonds to the amount of Sixty-five Thousand
Dollars ($65,000 GO) for reconstructing the Sunnyside Reservoir
as a distributing reservoir,
Question 3 Bonds to the amount of Seventy Thousand Dol-
lars ($70,000 00) for constructing the 27th South Distributing
Reservoir, including the purchase of necessary lands
Question 4 Bonds to the amount of Sixty-five Thousand
Dollars ($65,000 00) Dor constructing the North Bench Distri-
buting Reservoir, including the purchase of necessary lands
Question 5 Bonds to the amount of Five Hundred Thousand
($500,000 00) Dollars for the construction of water supply
mains and conduits from Sunnyside Reservoir along 13th South
to 7th West Street and north on 7th West Street to 5th North
Street in said city
SECTION 3 That the said additional water and waterworks
-ystem, reservoirs and distributing mains and conduits to be utilize ,
required and constructed with the proceeds of said oonds shall be
I•wnea and controlled by said city
SECTION 4. That the question so submitted shall be voted
kn at the said election by the voters qualified as aforesaid at the
espective polling places in the respective voting districts and
ards of said city designated as hereinafter provided by the City
ecorder of said city upon the approval thereof by the Board of Comr
qissioners of said city The vote shall be by ballot on the form
ereinafter proviaed, and said election shall be held and conducted,j
in all respects as nearly as possible in conformity with the
general election laws of the state
SECTION 5 The ballots to be used in voting upon the
question= above submitted shall be prepared and furnished by the
City Recorder to the judges of election, to be by them furnished
to the voters, and shall be in substantially the following printed
oth, . 1930
Questions submitted-
Shall Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, State of Utah,
create an indebtedness by issuing its negotiable coupon bonds
in certain amounts not exceeding in the aggregate the sum of
Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000.00) for the purpose of sup-
plying slid city with water by means of the specified projects
hereinafter stated for increasing, improving, enlarging, ex-
tending and perfecting the present water supply and waterworks
system of 'Salt Lake City, and for supplying said city and the
inhabitants thereof with additional water, the said additional
water, water supply and waterworks system for supplying such
water to be owned and controlled by the said municipality; said
bonds to be absolutely due and payable serially in not more
than forty (40) years from their date and bearing interest at
the rate of not to exceed five per cent (5%) per annum, oayabl
as shall hereafter be determined by said city by ordinance as
Question 1 'bonds to the amount of Two Million Three Hun-;
dred Thousand Dollars ($2,500,000 00) for constructing the
and reservoir,
Argenta Dames( including the purchase of such land as may be
necessary in Big Cottomrood Canyon.
NO . .
Question 2 Bonds to the amount of Sixty-five Thousand Dollars
($65,000 00) for reconstructing the Sunnyside Reservoir as a
distributing reservoir:
QUESTION 3 Bonds to the amount of Seventy Thousand Dollars
($70,000 00) for constructing the 27th South Distributing
Reservoir, incluaing the purchase of necessary lands.
NO .
QUESTION 4 Bonds to the amount of Sixty-five Thousand Dollars
($65,000 00) for constructing the North Bench Distributing
Reservoir, inducing the purchase of necessary lands.
~NO .
QUESTION 5 Bonds to the amount of Five Hundred Thousand Dol-
lars ($500,000 00) for the construction of water supply mains
and conduits from Sunnyside Reservoir along 13th South to 7th
est Street and north on 7th hest Street to 5th North Stieet
in said city:
(Bach voter shall prepare his ballot by marking a cross n
(X) in the square opposite the word "Yes" or "No" which ex-
presses his answer to each question submitted, and shall then
deposit his ballot in the ballot box provided for such purpose.)
On the reverse side of said ballots there should be the
forms 'Official ballot for district Nos (designation
of districts or political division), Salt Lake City, TO ay,_
Fth , 1930 ETHEL MACDONALD, (fac simile signature of re-
corder), city recorder " Said ballots to be perforated and
the stubs numbered consecutively, as provided by law
SECTION 6 No ballot ansv:ering said questions, "Yes" or
"No," as the case may be, shall be received by the judges of elec-
tion unless the person offering the same shall be a qualified elect-
or in Salt Lake City, and shall have paid a property tax in the
kear preceding said election
SECTION 7 The City Recorder is hereby directed forthwith
o proceed to select and make arrangements for not more than five
uitable voting places in each municipal ward in Salt Lake City,
ith the exception of the first municipal ward in which not more
han ten suitable polling placer shall be selected, and make con--
ract for the same, also to select and submit to the Board of Com-
,issioners for appointment a list of names of at least three su3t-
ole persons of proper political belief for each voting place to
:ct as judges of election tnerein, each of said persons to be a
esident of one of the voting districts in the municipal ward in
hich he is to act as judge the City Recorder is directed to make
eport to the Board of Commissioners for approval of all acts afore-
aid as soon as he can conveniently do so
SECTION 8 The City Recorder is hereby instructed to se-
ure copies of registration books, sample ballots, notices of elec-
ion, stationery, tables, chairs and such other things as may be
,ecessary for such election for each voting place, and is hereby
,nstructed to incur the expense for so doing and to employ the
ecessary help for holding said election in accordance with the
i.rovisions of law
I �
SECTION 9 The vote cast at said election on the ques—
t,_ons submitted shall be canvassed and returned and the return made
and the result declared in the same manner, as nearly as possible,
as is provided by law for the canvass, return and declaring the re—
sult of votes cast at an election for municipal officers
SECTION 10 The Mayor and City Recorder of salt Lake City
-re hereby directed and required to make proclamation and give note e
•f the time and place of said election by publication of such notic
in three daily newspapers published and circulated in said city
',sadly for four successive weeks )rior to the date of said election,
the first publication to be not less than thirty days prior to said
1ection; and also by posting copies of such notice at each polling
•lace in each ward in said city and each registry agent shall also
Lost a copy of such notice in at least five conspicuous places withrt
in his district, all of which notices shall be so posted at least
en days prior to the said election
Said notice and proclamation shall be in substantially
Lie following form-
Mav_;th__, 1930
Puisuant to ordinance of Salt Lake City, Utah, adopted
and approved on the first day of April , A D 1930, public
notice is hereby given that a special election will be held at
the respective polling places hereafter to be designated in
each ward in said city on Tuesda; , the 6th _ day of
• A L 1930
At such election there will be submitted to a vote of such
qualified registered electors of Salt Lake City as shall have
paid a property tax therein in the year 1929, the following
"Shall Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, State of Uta
create an indebtedness by issuing its negotiable coupon I
bonds in certain amounts not exceeding in the aggregate
the sum of Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000 00) for the
purpose of supplying said city with water by means of
the sxsecified projects Hereinafter stated for increasing,
improving, enlarging, extending and perfecting the present
water supply and waterworks system of Salt Lake City, and
for supplying said city and the inhabitants thereof with
additional water, the said additional water, water supply
and waterworks system for supplying such water to be
owned and controlled by the said municipality, said bonds
to be absolutely due and payable serially in not more
than forty (40) years from their date and bearing inter-
est at the rate of not to exceed five per cent (5%) per
annum, payable as shall hereafter be determined by said
city by ordinance, as follows:
Question l Bonds to the amount of Two Million Three
Hundred Thousand Dollars ( 2,300,000 00) for constructing
and reservoir,
the krgenta Dopy including the purchase of such land as
may be necessary in Big Cottonwood Canyon;
question 2 Bonds to the amount of Sixty-five Thou-
sand Dollars ($65,000 00) for reconstructing the Sunny-
side Reservoir as a distributing reservoir,
QUAStiOft 3 Bonds to the amount of Seventy Thousand
Dollars ($70,000 00) for constructing the 27th South Dis-
tributing Reservoir, including the purchase of necessary
Question 4 Bonds to the amount of Sixty-five Thous
and Dollars ($65,000 00) for constructing the North Bend)
Distributing Reservoir, including the purchase of neces-
sary lands
Question 5 Bonds to the amount of Five Hundred
Thousand Dollars ($500,000 00) for the construction of
water supply mains and conduits from Sunnyside Reservoir' ?
along 13th South to 7th West Street and north on 7th West
Street to 5th North vtreet in said city
The polls will be opened at seven o'clock a m and con-
tinue open until seven o'clock p m. of the same day, and will be
closed at that hour
There shall be no special registration of voters for the
said election, but the "official register" last made or revised shall
constitute the "official register" for such election
The ballots to oe used in voting on the questions sub-
mitted will be prepared and furnished by the City Recorder to the
Fudges of election, to be by them furnished to the voters The
election will be held anu conducted in all respects, as nearly as
;{ossible, in conformity with the general election laws of the state,
IN WITNESS RHEREOF, the Board of Commissioners of Salt
lake City, in the State of Utah, have caused this notice to be pub-
lished and posted as required by law, this first day of _ i,px117__
D 1930
SECTION 11 Said bonds shall be of such denomination as
the Board of Commissioners shall hereafter determine and said Board
if Commissioners shall provide for the payment of said interest and
he principal thereof as provided by law
SECTION 12 In the opinion of the Board of Commis-ioners
.f Salt Lake City, it is necessary to the health, peace and safety
if Salt Lake City that this ordinance become operative immediately
-nd that the election proviaed for herein may be held on the date
.pacified, qualified electors of said city at said election having
he right and power to determine the issue raised therein
SECTION 13 This ordinance shall take effect upon its
first publication -(--:"/ k 1,v 4, ek,A ,t
� /
i —10—
Adopted by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
tah, this firstday of [Aril_ ___, A D 19 0
----- —
A.. II./., A.1/// 4
City Recorder
f S:.
,� 1,
;} i
CahfttfR�@Q'*Cnntly R,r ,.p..•�t l te,'I a v • ._ �._
(Intetlan S EopslQr.bb.k7T F)al#tt ,v 1 'Pi] to the date C. ! �.
[BIs.tY five of aitapd d%111 ', 1 6b5y. said election,the-f t publication 1
00000)-[1'rceonitr In �ttnuy b rot] U tl ty days prior 1.
aids neeerye,r'sa a de, g tee,.. d election; ] also by posting
+, s, copies or such notice at eaoh polling'
Q stlon 3 toad •fo the arsenal place In each ward in said city and•
each registry agent shall also post a.
of Seventy TI use :,j}olte.7P (070,- cony of such notice it at least Ova
000.00)for c 1 Y udt :7 a 67th go41t.
conspicuous places within I Its district,`
DictaIbuOng It serf. t eltdl9ig all of Which notices shall b s pealed
Pu .1 ae of et e1)6a ands t least ten days priortotheid'
QUeatlen a 1)11 k -it amount eta t - "s
of S1xtY-flue Tlh$Tte d•.7°,71�1 a ($e5, Sold notice and proclamation shall'
000.00) for ebnatPu Ing- i e North'1 substauCI Ilv tl following'
Bench Dlatylbutlnk 8 kel Inched,- p t
Ip1g{, the Phret tee 6f Stdgs t y I t d.9 SALT TARE CITY,UTAH.
QunAtloti-5 8 „0 {It@- Tint SPECIAI, WATER.BOND
o( live.I3undi add pollar
(1500,900.00) fdb b. "§ty tl of to ordinance. f of Publication
water supply^ .1'tet 1 dulls
from Sunny ld ad eg 10t1 PUBLIC NOTICE
South to'(t{ tMaaaaaat narUt Pursuant to di ante- [Salt Letsa..'
on 7t11 'Weil p t S1,Qrlh-City Utah ..opted and A.
0)., 1 on.
Street in et R-. P,. ' p o t day o[ April A D., 1930, i
9Ei wbth- 4 ttddi 'public notice is hereby given Slant a.•
s,tbr d_ vbke yp, U election wit be held at the re-
1 a rvol s`etfd.546 Mai•w d tf polling places hereafter to ha. 1111111111111111
dulte t be •. 6d d 'designated each ward I raid city.
o nbtruct'_tdctl} 4 et•Eald Tuesday, the 5tt flay of .May-•
be tda ep 'ile gQkktivlletl yA D. 1930
bye Id city ,t., At such election there n be nub ERICA,
sE lard,'0 oOaattoh s0 fitted to vote of 1 qualified )(C
cab mired'elf 1 o spb the 3 filet d el t of S It Lake City' Ss.
e1eytith y' t'toa 17 ed fry Il ha p Id p p fe + 1
P fd ,g i etty 1fN�Tthersetn in tit?year 1929,thefollow
+ -a aap� - not 0, 1 4 etlpns
" -Salty,La P1tY
City R 'd of I t 1 -r the 'gale of Suing. e �
#' *bk d by a its bnegotiate*,o .
pp,o I a46�-0�o[ by o of,...selecting
,ono In certain out hot
thaN.g Iatr-1550 �P.( v kg f'ShrE g the aggregate U -e Sun
h Il.4g. 1 4- fog'h ✓ Df 1'1 a Mtlll D Iles•(Sa00000000)
spatttlp`6115, 5 S F 1 elik: th ,ph P f a gars,o aid
h IL fie-1j"! t t i tn., �¢ uUll':SWflt r by •k s.of the
ree eotajy t { b In Wa ape iflel projects u n rear stated .... Eveleigh being first duly
oft It ➢t{ e�- 1E` 1' $7la`. 'fol ,' easing i p i g 1 rests 1,
Y I - xt ad lugs U'pett ling r pre en ��q
Sl3C'CI &She -t'�e fo1 t @ed:y,t sr pair end tei I a system,
auhnil,tea bt"att, ° 501 a a 7.: g,k.ldLasko,
;k 1 u13•Inh O iR°i 4lYt t sworn, depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of •fHE SALT LAKE
tahad-by•-thg ; to the'with dditlo'nal water,the said addi-
• .Budges01 eteetfoh ••tonal water,water aunnly and water.'
.,.1 led to t1T s , W h ':vt 1 for supplying au a TELEGRAM, a newspaper of general circulation, published every day
I .,e,b ta),tia t d'pate to be Awned and controlled by-
• [afl1 T1Ar,T'S.A Y ,I H+ " she:said m 1 id lily; salt-b a to
I ' le absolutely due and A yabt.serial—
s1Dc;Ar ace ova ly t lot n than Io tv(ao)years at Salt Lake City, State of Utah.
FLSCT a f rt.their date awl bearing i t esC
MF it 6�, t the to 1 t texceed f per
_ OP!$IO Y let ($ 1, V. i Pay b
4uect16ns eulj yl 711 c art b. 1a. to shy old'
• 91 a smt r sl t Labe cfy by d r n That the notice .An Ordinance Bill 14.
-County,S emi a fiI 1-,,Pit,04 in: Question 1 Bonds r the , Pp t1
9�1B debted s by 1511U aaa����.� gettable o(•T Mill II Hundred Th n-
1. ono.bot9d$oiin serf apt to Ids not*end.Dolls (E 300 00D 00) i ti
o ce dl g{t Wb s 1 1 m,tit t g ih 'A g 1 D n tf.
' t TI a All}11,01'fSgt 4 +'a 900 Ito) Fe r S 7 d i1 p .1 ut,
[o the ptlr deb$ I�{ti! said gu h land asmay be y InBig..,
city with i'o c '9 t S cep the co+to od C y
e clfied•pro eckSt b 6- @t,states Qtt tl 2 Bonds t the amount,
1 1 f r i ass 'Itttpt1 1t' [�t�argu e, pa$1 t rlV Thousand D lea (E000
tooter litoed pet,fie st1 `.f aegt nide It t r t t u true thieg ree rc
BL t @u eke and Wei,g 1 :A' iJal n ery ft d1s} bitting rese'a
t Salt Lake City air;- J t'.Vale
eiLd pit•a• t rr 13 43 dd1. i�'a 4tS b 3 E6Attd'--t6`4bb;+amour t •
[ 9 C,pty 9`bou6 d•Doll S-{E70
t • ;}I pill g .h OO'IO)v0 for e [0 fig tit 7171 '
e t1+', $ U.DI[el tl g•R. i l d-
ih id...bete.W ' t•p71Dd by lag the y 1 t. arty lands.
'al atiV @ -R 19 t 1h IL
Iabsolutely du I is o_ Of S, ty fiv Thousand Dollars ($6 -
of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said news-
/front their y In not date 110 rand Y2i.' Y l nYteret Bend, tconstructing the North
:at the rate ofnot t ."f 1 8@). b 7 Distributings Reservoir,'crfi i t
l, ]tug the purchase t necessary'lands. i b ri•1 30
cent ore e t ant . ah Q u n - is t ,, a ter in its issue dated theaid• day of ... p.. 19.
_, t 7 t �ea1t t der t i .gafd; of FL Hundred t Thousand n llur9 : paper
Jig ordh a ll:b p,� .t (gtDo 000 oD) i then t late .f.
>7 Xlofl99't .tt e M'oar1C•�to pply {I fconduitsf front
I Me tit dr tF'lhnu' n 91de B along'13t1 South'
le4nd •
00) re, en- 40 with west street and north on 7th and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on
I strete sad Rey-. 1y eat Street to 5t11 Nol•th Street tri
laid 9 I 1te polls ill b..ope 1 atsewnl, ***,*.uses . ***.***la*
Cottonwood�lC C. -,' clock t d ontinue open Pit': for
r {Its @e iloel I , of the s.y,1a days
U'& *.ill l SOU be I aei at that hour.
1 OR THE ISSU 1 A I 11 b special gl tr-
f it [ t r t7 o id el tie,
or revised
ti rrl l 1 g t I c aF thereafter, the full period of ....One..zne ex t.l0n
I 1 shall-'constitutet718 pis yg t Bo di
c SI 100 1 fi t, f helection.
stet,C e/THo 1Y3 (E66 2i b pal to b used In voting
000001 for congest; {7 Su y @ 1 trot s I silts Ill h p i .eT+ZI,
aid Raaorco as ui n,.tea I<: 4t am tarnished to in City Ito.
the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the e
y I i h:. t at t :eIt 1 a P lectlmt, to,
TX 0To by the furnished to the votets:-
it ra t 1 The election will b hold and <
tom»I.' IssoD or b_ w dr t d all respects, a9 nearly assday of -4pri1 A. ID. 19..$0.
I possible, ill
conforinity withthe gen..
Ct 1 al ii ,i of the state.
c n "i b l,tount. $ el oP to r f S It Lit+r
A'o110,0 (570 S City 'th State t Utah, have
i p :1 '4 p ,b 7 this Hut t 7 •• •• 1#6
Nqb �, _ yµ.....'.' P b11 h d and
tP01),5 stt��tt��li'tl o k qualified i.!a ty 1 A'd• -A.",rf>A-nkB9 0 s,-. --[VsJ:
Ink pa9•(ngt1ei i r of Suit Lakes 1'46 JO13N F. BO4{MAN-, Mayor: ei
Clay Vt t,.at Inch Special cleUtl 1 ' i'Attest; t *...
tub nuott lit cif 1 ut l g t bond- FOR PIE ISSUE oIp- -alT31�L mArintiNAbli Subscribed and sworn to before me this ..��..1l day of
eo• Host,. e9 1p-certain o nta
rot ono, g;lit tie stint eg 1 lh 8Lf TSL1N 71 Said is:WS Shall be
i• .O
.at11,1 of r e- tl Dollars(MOW- el 'o}such 1 hi alto as:the Board �.:
u adou.a. sands lr c s April /
QUO DO) Lb R'a'4 epos of Nut 1 fYl tgFj' Q, y� dlrtt 1 1 s shell.heTep[tet dater _
ea(d (-my lx4 1 et 1• by 1..0.�di of 619ty five Thong;A,•c kfl t 0 •.min id said Boazd [Cdinnii s(on •
aloboa„, ,stir trac dn,,,,e,i9g tn- 000 0) for c onstru(+t the Od4 h.e1>@ obeli proud f .the palm t f' ! V�
1lrovlott te.t is ertet,Qlng and ne h Discrlbut,g a f iA4 sal.Interest-and theprincipal thereof- 1 ''c t�,.a,��_�
O fi'bet le.pit , ty„watar supply fine the purchnie or 1l c, llit7(la aa provided TY law �.�.a^«®ate
a W Nits s ' BEOT1ON 1 I thebf the' • -
6 ai t•
salt N2791k0
It y tbr. aapp and,ally . a i iron ce bof gilt all Notary Public.
1t u .yy ker tm99( roltanle at Iron1xFI- . (.: ) e, is it t n a if r s me lash)s&kq 1J ho of de s an. f •ei and i ty of S It L k Cityatlepago g�e o $O d 'and sap- •F tht9 ordinance c becomev rail
ply and dtsbtlb Igo il*tine, the said 5 '3 i d ptely-and that tt te.tton,
+Piet w pp rl to and wet} rile Question 5 Bonds 1 ,Q,,,,��� tf d(or herein may 1 held o
t'be 0 d a n 1trelled by Odd of 11 . Hund 1 1yt 'Sa - [rate.9lteetfladi gUallfl d electors• My commission expires >`10v.•..Z5q..1933
el. , s p 1 5044600,000.00) for tlln �f,. S. t•a aid ktYYl�fat said'cletll 'wont. ,
z Water Supply nib 14' �,h•-T alit i pay1 d,136Wee-to determine the.
d ere is i mOOtato prom t3 a lItde freest' ..( r} } 1t .there, Advertising fee, $ •
a t ores t hey airy fo i 1 I Dash E,, $utit to 7tR.'Wet pk r g it Ton II. This ordinateqe sl all
qtn f!- ng @xtendtngg 8 it[ll tll M1VEegq1 10y , .(fee[up t 10 Plrst pubUoatipp F
otCh n 99tit y die auppty $that in 6atd.ifi � ' 'r5 r` apt d by th B a.d f C tdnt( I
V .vats t Eta,t of cart Path 8 h eo snit 1 k@.City 930. th
IM d3' Yfcc,,tp'ylpolg ap$ laS,v"Nita al of Anvil, A. D: 1s 0 y
zlhl;lu ri t� 0otph'Otrdniltt)nentp E ISSUE{p I wr'2 "1 TOHN P.BOWMAN;Mayor ter �'1 44I',ealic All-1 -tea s )
- a ' •"z. e L litACDONALD, .1
S 4 t Ibkl` iv8 to t } Utv I olflc - Y1
do s i $of ,, 8? d.41 i4I M1'1r.,( e'r•s o yi(/d 1.Irti0 Bi p MS 4 zar 1sa5:'", r,l
._, �,.r its ' e :mr?'a."','
Wy and w t eWe hg system required.se oil omit U old Y of
In d top.op rly sapPly-OM 1 N WI ieh empresses his n tver'':tq, -
habl f t of sdld city'with water for each q
question submitted. (1 halt A 11'.
tiro and domestic l uryoses and lire l deposit Oh, ballot Itl the ba1bl{Ot-tin
WHEREAS,The Board of Couuuta- box provided for such purpose.)_- is
stoners of said-;city have deckled and Ott the i'nvcrsb side of sold ballots I,
deem It advisable and gece.§saiy to there should be the form: "Offtalal tl,.
submit to the qualified tax paying ballot for districts Nos, (desiP-.I,'-
I electors of said city the question of nation of districts or political 'lint-"•
authorizing the 1aan(111PB of the nest,- Mott), Salt Lake City,May 0th, 1920:"
ll0Ule.n upon bgnda of the an 1 lily ETtil.:t. MACDONALD, (fac.nimtto
in certain th it. not .'shading In Said
of re rd per Fray and
the aggregate tile 11 of Three Mil- stun ballole tocho perforated null the-
lion se ofs ($1,000,000,salt]
for the stabs numbered conaocntie Ile;:ea pro,
purpose 000010illg t Id city with vWed by law. a •
'alisr by m"' 1 peclflei1 pr"e' SECTION 8. No ballot ony(vcrtt)g.
for inhabitants
habi and d`f said
"Me' said questions "leas"01 eiv:` s the
to tilel' in hob a ow ed nand ccity.ons said .c na be,'shall be rece'lved person
Prof eels to t he owned and controlled offt1 eri o/' election Inlets the perked
by ow,sale fore, Imunicipality. 0(101100 file aimc shall bo a qualifail
Now, 011 offe•e., be it ordained by eeoror 'I doll i.rke Clty, all shall
the Boars of Commissioners f Salt'hnvD pale a property tux 1n the year
Lake City, of the County Ile of Salt it al (, e7, 'r otlen
Lake,and State of Utah: hl C11O\ I, '1'h0 City Recorder II
si of I,ONeac I. Thal. eu epeeist! c lull hereby dl naten ltt•1hr11tn proceed
lien of such n Oh. .leety of Suit to select r and matte arrangementssitablvoting
Lake City, o Uio•-'(,'os shall of Salt Pat n o that) flvr. a bid Ivo10 it
Lake State of to l a a 1 Lako eachmunicipal ew d 1 Salt
pelt!n property t It Abe year 1 Mal City, with the pal of the
lading such election, b dell d d first municipal ward In which not
sad also bon l o rT day, l n1 et 11 tell imitable polling g places
railed the held 'TUAadny,tile(Lll ]ti 11 bselected, d 0C 1tr001)
Tiny of Mai,aA D. 1930, between,fOr Cho.Same;alb to select and sub
`If hours of a r n oclock A.M. utid nit to the Board f Commissioners
9clacic B.e1.-of,.YAla ]ay. tot' appolnlnlellt.Is Ilanof nlinles of
s'F ion70N following g-aald a shill! nt Ier nt illrac elief he por•sona of"
election rho ereby 9d'ttia orde snub- Primer political belief es each notice`
m •
and esluch q by tliI electors
sub- plurc to nit :n judges of lace a
lard to a qualified electors of cabmen•oath Of acid Persona to ri n said city tax as shall have,p n.Pray• •esthe of .. f the in
ally t the Y ,preceding 1� i I the g L 1 Recorder
1 he s
election, t t; to .t The --II It 1 r
Sih II Salt Lake City Salt ink _
{ directedt I I ,,t t] Pad
Con I State of lJl h at- bl of Co I f. UlY 1 of 11
I dun d s b10 Issuing'(Is negotiable last f c.!n is ,ta ash nn -
Icoun I ids'n talc le le nut venlently Ito s at,,
ceding ill the ollar 03,000,000.00)
3, Ule m hi 1)11ON fi.a The City Recorder tIs
ire 1 10 Ilion fDollars-y 0g said do ia)
0.1 the p U 0' f sump Ylhe spin city re hereby l l-tad to secure a0holb of
with t by el means t the specified in- aolis( Io b • 0,lmpl0 bellow,
I projects I shafts. enlarging
for In- notices fselection. er things
g, f rpperec g thelnp ex- bechairs1 such outer tlitngs as In 1.
wading and perfecting the Pysem each
necessary for .0110 et cation for
water supplyalto it,wet t`5t•ol'I(a plying stool voting i thine, and is nsee fo ins o''
f Salt Lotto the n d.t supplying doing
d0 to loot theOx10 f ',o
its city and l ter ail it thot'die,del g d to employ ll c ccgs,.- ,
with additional 01 water.the s 10 af�dN help forholding Id election 1 --
wonal water,teat a CO . fig lrisuch'-ep d I WW1 the Provisions Of 1
woke system 0 for u fig such FACTION 110N 0 17 ate cast t tale ,
water said
be o��@@3tQpd and 5111 led by electionbe
on (hquestions11returned
bml wadi,
the bald Iely due a1ld oya bones to Shall t canvassed and e result aria"' t
be absolutely more
drys anµ 1 yn(90 serial- the return the
an and the result sl ;.'
]y in of maizethansend Waring
g I seyears dared to t', s'.l amanner,ps nearly w.
from their data and Fen ins int t for p e I 0 Pi provided by law,.
the to of not , a ceod five rye•'f a result
t of ssreturn and an el ng c.
ant fter bper et u ;04-bye Bhay the I s lt.of t to so•)t an-else.., i
•byreadin be she f I e20i'cold city tlon C II III Lp 1' fficerr;
by estIo n 1. 13 tolloty .•,g.0111. 10 T Mayor and City--.
Qbe do 1. po dt try A.hO amount.g0-1�t d 1 required t k
of TRD Ill 17 ($2,t ld..5dreo 111 0
and Dollars a ($ J000060 "'fob a pro I ti a d el tuts C U
stIu 11 g the,A,tgeit be and Rt.- W 1 nl.< f '] el tt l:'
r p #'ait,4ii i t 1 gltul I u of 1 u e three
C d d - I •di, �Ig �} U to 111 0 l 11 l l 1
• la d 7 slid leftyp( daily fel f i
Question 2. Bonds to the ytlnanrl cae'dly election,etipo Mier
tflee publication date oh,
of 5 ty-Prue TUogsand%ell00a (.f6 be not less titan thirty dales prior to'
000.001 for rrrondlrlli•tlng._the c bunny- Bnid eiu slt,n; 10 n-no by Punting,
side Reservoir as a dletl'ibtltbig reoer- copies of auch notice at each polling
yoil l phial 1n each ward in said'city and.
Question 3. Dodds,to the amount a
of 8lvenU^'pl5onsand>llolltrs ($70•- each registry agent.shalt also post a
000.00)for oorttruetin the 27th South eons f such Pall.0100 to at loans five'
g all of luuoaa pimps 'hell district.`
Purchaseln f Reservoir,including the all of which r ads shell be.so poste,
Purchase of a•Bonds Sande. at least test clays Prior to the baler'
Question a Banda i§ the amount eleaidll. 1-
0[.011 fo .Dotal tbepo(he (E98: Said notice nti yt'octhe fol shag'
Banc) for using tang the North be n substantially the following'
Benda Distributing 't100e oh', h101140 foiw.
Ittg the put'cheSt of ttecetsaty 1 IUN, SALT LAI i'CITY,UTAH,
Question 6, foam.'to,theamount. SPEt:tA[. WATERL'O.�'D
of Five.Nandi d, T'2,10tIsand Dollars, ELECTION.tION.
(E500 0o0.00)•f4 tine gonetru0tl f May 0th, 1930
water suoPly,1:1Mativa an conduits p tBI.IC NOTICE '$
from s } Ise`.Resepr(lt;a(oog loth S
South t tb set sib 1011north Pursuant to ordinance.of Salt tali
on th West aid i,)0.'-- ''6tit North• Cie Utah adopted ant pp roved on 1
Street ld,fly - thefl 't 1 y of April, D 1930,
SECTION wale St1110' $ro-quid stem.ddl. public eat ishereby held
l given that -
filial at r alit wCtp0C10 01 CC 0111. ep Ielection wil1,10 0 1.hereafter Ll r
aid-hlgl0etiii, ant lad and a I'.1 e t II,: 001 04toby..
conduits struc to er .flit he pl eeede od and on
Tuesday, tileh and h s id l-
Dn<ttu i 1 Nlt1Y th0 p-(l d A tof heeli ld loll. the Btn day of.Iw;Yv'
shall-be. . a?-aud.pgnt oiled A. 1010.
by Said ON -. At fludt•election there will i 17 Cy
SECTION 4.k he voted
ciliation CO:matted to d . vote of tut! qualified-. s.
cold election
sheik be -00110 on at-thei60g..l1ggb l l electors of Salt 11 01 (Ly•.5
sale I 1 o tit the spec s t g4I ell g�lyttall have paid 2 , the
Ile t ,
a1 ate e a d tits a abalone pp7 tpif hates In.the year 1929,-the fo{lo
p7noe,A bit:kthe' apee4)4) votlil &--'„ pa i ''
fi d Po 0[ .. ;� lkap. a. 7ta re?
City Ren•order of Icy'hpon the .e9bbed b by issuing its n gotleb)g�
❑p1 l It e'eof by the d f oupo I o rat IIr ce t be mounts not
Con hd a e h-df said oty. yotq conepding ill..the aggretat,the aunt
.hall be be-ballot 4n tile.fg m,ft>3rha $Three MillionDollars($3 000 000 00)
t Matter provlde11 �.PAI a t leatiou U purpo f edppis fog'...id
shalt It. held: Y%A .rod Cad lir t�tt-( $ mdGh Olater by moan' f ties
i rasp is as neatly bs,pg bin t 1edft,0)000-a defied pi•o]lets hereinafter Meted'
fortuity±Ith the getefi ee1ectio t la a.for Increasing, In U Ins; ant s 1 g
of the two. 't ;': meter log and perfecting the p t,rese{
SECTION 6.The,ballets'to he reed,Warr enmity d wnterwolk systen
voting upon- the questions above of Salt Lake City,i and for O tllening.
dishsubmitted (he-01t ._RPepoed t1 fin'..,tall I[ t life ter, thef 11 see
,dg of electidl to ba ti C0diti 10 9. tonal111 at water supply and wet r,'
fish d to tbie9WW1,
d'.;$tIW1,A.,1!f:Work tsystem- f pplyl g h
subst ttlah I. ..Cllrr1ed'Water010f b owned and coot lied b
• Mini: Fs be said municipality; told bonds to
SAil'1`Al,e QTT r AI0 be absolutely due and payable
SIECIALzWATER r,OND ;ly In t more than forty (40)years
EI.'EIl), i fronttheirdate d bearing interest
MaBtlt 10 0• I • -et the rate f Mt t exceed f p.
OFFICIAL,..gpLIEOT cent (4 ) Pern m payablee'
Qua then su1ie CI oh 11]et Itft •bedetermined by said:,
Shall 8tlt tt CI eat 7a$e µlay byordinance, s follows:
County,state If'(tali,create'a t f I- 0 Q iti I 1. Bonds t tt aamount
aelotednoln by its y tillp..negotlaltle'of pie, 110,0 n I l rue!loud a llto1l'
coupon bonds,in e t Itl rdS o 5 s,not'sand.Dollar, ($2300,000.00) feu o'f
c exceeding In the 011020 at.o.u10 sum.-etl cal g the 'Argenta Dan)h0 I4,
of Three MI11109 D halb,Cia;1110'0 00) snob
1• Inchiding the purchase et,
for t P Pei f Btte.pl 1 l/said 1 h) d y may be necessary illBig,
city with Watt by *Own of the Cott I od Canyon; •spcelti 1 pietkQtt Ifs - -.#r ptated 'S tl 2. Bold to' 'the a o 1- t
[or i a 0.p npl l 1116Zlla Hing, of sixty fig.The still Donn (EOf1l
extending d Refee�qg tilt,br6se11t SlOmoo)•fo loco t ming the Sunny..
water supply d tgFwoi q�yy•e0111 side Reservoir s di jr ninths 1's r,.
of Salt Lake City d p93timy'A3ytf'Agy
s Id city na.Cho lab qee lion 3. p1Bn$5 to-the am u t` +
with sad Wadi' f goo ply TI w a a Dokl A•($70..'
tiunal teI 'd0b 60) fOt .d t t t i7g th 37111-
µ,�Vt., n It 0,Yi g h got) DI t III tl S"Reservoir,
< a 1,,strolled by e... ,,, e. t v lands.