14 of 1933 - Amending Subdivision (B) of Section 1889, relating to the speed of motor vehicles and regulating thr ROLL utvi.d, VOTING AYE NAY : • SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, DC t, 1-C 0. lqiila3 V/ Finch . . . . . ____,_ I move that the ordinance be passed. -- Ill"LEE . . V ---- Mr.Chairman . . AN 2 Oi CE „,„„ Result . . • , ,ah OLDTNACk, LTILNDIfiC BUBDIIIIBION 1(B) of all.CTION. 1069, fl,V.F.SLI) aftriLum C OF .:1172 Liffli CITY, UTAH, 14:Xl0, as a4hded b. err ordinance Gas:Led by the bo&rd of Commissioners- ui' 01t Lake Cmty on or I]. 1 , 1S , dasisnatod as bill. No. 17 oc 1..4 ,, 'relating to the spec of motor vehicles and renlating through ni4f.iv.ys. Be it ordained by the Board of kooinj iS 1a ,i-e of 0alt Coke City, Utah.: 0ECTION I. That SulAlvibion (B) of beetior 1.800, i;evised Ordinances of Salt Labe City, Utsh, as amended by an ordinance. .co of ix the Board. of Commissioners of bait Cake city on. IM)ril 12, it.-) .2, designateC as bill do. 17 of lOCk, rolatinb to the speed of motor vehicles and regulating thTou0h hiOffays, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: • (B) any person vs/to drives a vehicle upon any street in Salt Lake City at a speed in excess, of that indicateU in bill. do. 17 og Salt Lake City ;)-ublished :.,)ril 14, 102, for the der- ticular district or location, or •4ho fails to btop befure enter- inc or crossing any designated through hijhway in Sall Lake City shall, u.00n conviction, he guilty of s misdemeanbr ounlshable as herein provided- , For the first conviction thereof, he shall be punished by o fine of not more than 0_00.00 or by imPrlsonmont in the municipal jail for not more than 1.0 days: for is. second such con- viction, shall Co punisheb by a. fine of not more than L29O.00 or by imbris-rfliunt in the munici,..,s1 jsil for not more than CO days or by both such, fine and imxsisonAent; tnwn a third or subsecuont conviction sructh scroon shall be punishea by mm fine of not more than :1:,a',2.00 or '0:: Impf:isonent in the municipal jail for not moo 0 than six months or by both such fine and loqprisoninent. a:LOTION . In the ooinioi4f the 'board of COlilii01.1.0T;r, it jia neceLsaay to the pcace, hcaliTh and safety of the inhabitants of halt Lake City that this orCiance shall ta0.0 c7Ccet j.mitediate- ly. :3.12,CTUP L. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first .Tublicat:'.on. /'") Passed by the Doord of Co_muisLioncrs of bait Lore City, 11,10tL,,,t, this /_71b:y of .41.-aiii014.-.16 -// ( ,,N . I Mayor 1121LThAlC9L/Cli ,JILy Cecorde3:. 111 .1 .• . , . ,a.... I .. - Ck.% --l• -,,,z, ...,, ,-..i, ,.... 1`,.. e -01 5,..3 (4.* Proof of Publication IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake. • AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SUBDIVISION (B) OF SECTION, 1889, REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY,UTAH,1920,•ae amended erode v by of ordinance as6eedt 1, HARRY•W.QIJP being first duly Salt Lake City on April 12, 1932. designated as Bill No. 17 of 1932,, relating to the speed of motor ve- sworn, deposesay and that I am the Chief Clerk of THE SALT LAKE hleles and regulating through high-1 ways, Be It ordained by the Board of TELEGRAM, a newspaper of general circulation, published every day Commissioners of Salt Lake City,. Utah: SECTION Section That Subdivision! (B 89, Revised or at Salt Lake City, State of Utah. dinances of Salt Lake City, Utah,' As amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commis- 1loners of Salt Lake City on April 2, 1932, designated as Bill No. 17, That the notice AN.ORDINANCE,.RIM,.NO••14. ' of 1932, relating to the speed of motor vehicles and regulating; through highways,be and the same' Is hereby amended to rend as inl- lows: SALT.LARS•CITY DQBpORAT Is7Id ' person who(Rivas e City uponat a any street in Salt Lake:Mole speed In excess of that) Indicated in Bill No, 17 of Salt Lake City published April 14,1932, for the particular district or loot: tion, or who fails to stop before entering or crossing any designated through highway in Salt Lake City s shall, upon conviction, be guilty Of,a misdemeanor punishable as herein provided.For h he shall be punishedconvictio a fine of, of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said news- not more than $100.00 or by im- prisonment in the municipal Jail! for not more than 10 days; for a. second such conviction, shall be paper in its issue dated the ...lR ...thlay of October... 19.33., punished by.a fine of not morel than 8200.00 or by imprisonment in, the municipal-tall for not more! d 20 rie °oon` hranmpsonsn pnathid and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on or subsequent conviction such per-I son shall be punished by a fine of. not more than $299.00 or by lm-. prlsonrllent in the municipal Jail'! for for of more than six months •••October••leth by both sash fine and imprison-1 ment. SECTION 2. In the opinion of!! the Board of CommBsionera, it is, thereafter, the full period of Otte.ine.ertiori necessary to'the peace,health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall takeimmediately. ON 3. T onance shall the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the ..l•$tlz take effect upon its first publica- tion, 1 Passed of Salt BoardLa of Commis- sioners October A/D. f9.�3.3.. this 17th day of L.FIN A. D., day of J 1933. HARRY L.FINCH, Temporary Chairman. (Seal) ETHEL MACDONALD, ' Blil No, 14. City Recgrder. Published'October 18, 1933. Subscribed and sworn to before me this e9xh... day of October A. D. 19 33.• Notary Public. Gar' . 2s /9.33 My commission expires • Advertising fee, $ Proof of Publication From The Salt Lake Telegram County Entry No.