14 of 1936 - Repealing Section 1306, relating to Taxicabs. ROLL CALL VOTING I AYE I NAY Salt Lake City, Utah, 193 Goggin V I I move that the ordinance be passed. Keyser ' / Murdoch -20,7 Lee aAt..11-.04E Mr. Chairman - 1 ir Result AN ORDINANCE AN OfiDTI,IINC:a REPEALING Seetion 1306, of the Revised Ordi- nances of Salt Bake City, Utah, 1034, ac acid by an ordinance t•,< p2aed by the Board ad no.11rninn..ioncra on 'lay es aiaendeni by in ordinance pacaed by the Board of Comnia'gionero on 7,ebruary 10, 1B,"O6, relctin,„ Lj ta),.i coba. e IL ordainad by the Oua2d of CamaLAaiuncra of Salt • - : Lake City, ULaii: SETIL:ON I. Ttic,l, Thetion 1308, of Uic7reviaed of Salt Lake City, Ut.th, 2334, cc oneadaO by on o. diaaacc :-ad by the ,,urrrq ad fla.ills;siarr,rs on Nay I, 1334, ac amended by an ordinance 1v.a...,e(; by tin: Board of CaJilis•sionam ri TTebrua,ry 18, ISLU, rt.iatla L '6a,s_labs, be and the cane is Ucoaby ut,caled. ;17cTinIT C. In the 0,21n1L,o. of the floard of Co.,..iloalone2s,14 IL is necaLcary to Lac comae, health and so.f.,.ty af the inbabitents 14 of Salt Lake City that Lath omOinoaco 6na-"1 Lake offc.ct Lanediaiely. CELTICS o. Thia ordinance. nall take cv:"Coet u)on 1,n; firat, publication. L-411-4-44.-e ILL'r Paned by the board of Cothaissioner:, of Salt Lake Utah, this r----" CC Ly YCr_!JVCIci. 14 1 tO ) rn 41.1.1 . . T\ '-\\