14 of 1937 - Providing for the licensing of the sale of light beer at retail in bottles and on draft, fixing the Rec.108 100 1 -37 ROLL-CALL , �, Salt Lake City,Utah, MAC'111937 VOTING NAY AYE . 193__ Goggin ✓ _ I move that the ordinance be passed. Keyser -^T Matheson - - - - � G24/Murdock - - - - V Mr.Chairman - - - AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE LICENSING OF THE SALE OF LIGHT BEER AT RETAIL IN BOTTLES AND ON DRAFT, FIXING THE FEES THHEREFOR AND REGULATING SAME. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. There is hereby enacted a new Chapter in the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City.„')Utah, 1934, to be known as Chapter LXXI, providing for the licensing of the sale of light beer at retail in bottles and on draft, fixing the fees therefor and regulating same, which shall read as follows: SEC. 1640. LICENSE TO SELL LIGHT BEER AT RETAIL. It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the business of the sale of light beer at retail, in bottles or draft, within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City without first having procured a license therefor from the Board of Commis- sioners of said city as hereinafter provided. A separate license shall be required for each place of sale and the li- cense shall at all times be conspicuously displayed in the place to which it shall refer or for which it shall be issued. All licensees shall comply with the provisions of the Liquor Control Act of Utah and the regulations of the Liquor Control Commission and this chapter and every license shall recite that it is granted subject to revocation as is provided in Section 1651 of this Chapter. SEC. 1641. DEFINITIONS. The following words and phrases used in this ordinance shall have the following mean- ing unless a different meaning clearly appears from the con- text. 1 4 "BEER" means any beverage containing not less than • one-half of one per centum of alcohol by weight and obtained by the alcoholic fermentation of an infusion, or decoction, or of any malted grain, or similar products, and which con- tains not more than 3.2 per centum of alcohol by weight and may or may not contain hops or other vegetable products and includes ale, stout or porter. "RETAILER" means any person engaged in the sale or distribution of beer to the consumer. it "SELL" or "TO SELL", when used in this act in any prohibition shall be construed to include to solicit, or to receive an order for, to keep or expose for sale, to deliver ii for value or gratuitously, to peddle, to possess with intent to sell, to traffic in. For any consideration promised or ob- tained directly or indirectly or under any pretext or by any means whatsoever to procure or allow, to be procured for any other person, and "sale" when so used shall include every act of selling as above defined. 'WHOLESALER" means any person other than a brewer or retailer engaged in the importation for sale or in the sal: of beer in wholesale or jobbing quantities. "LICENSED PREMISES" means any room, house, building j structure or place, occupied by any person licensed to sell beer on such premises under this act; provided that in any hotel or other business establishment an applicant for Class 11 I "B'+ or "C" license may designate a room or portion of a build ing of such business for the sale of beer which portion so ii specifically designated in the application for a license and the license issued shall be the licensed premises. "1VUISANCE" means any room, house, building, struc- jture, place or licensed premises, where: YI (A) Alcoholic beverages are manufactured, sold, kept, bartered, stored, given away or used, or where perk sons resort for drinking alcoholic beverages contrary to the Liquor Control Act of Utah or this chapter; or where ii -3- (B) Intoxicated persons are permitted to loite about, or profanity, indecent, immoral, loud or boister- ous s permitted,language or immoral or leud conduct or li carried on; or where (C) Dancing is permitted on licensed premises or by the licensee of any licensed premises in any place in or adjacent thereto for the purpose of serving beer to the patrons of such dance; or where (D) Minors are permitted to purchase or drink beer or enter upon or loiter about licensed premises, on are employed thereon; or where (E) Laws or ordinances are violated by licensees or his agents or patrons with the consent or knowledge oa licensees upon such premises which tend to affect the public health, peace or morals; or where (F) Any sign is displayed which is obnoxious, gaudy, blatant or offensive. "ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE" means and includes "beer" and "liquor" as they are defined herein. "LIQUOR" means and includes alcohol, or any alcoholic, spirituous, vinous, fermented, malt, or other liquid or combi- nation of liquids, a part of which is spirituous, vinous, or fermented, and all other drinks or drinkable liquids, contain- ing more than one-half of one per centum of alcohol by weight and all mixtures, compounds or preparations, whether liquid of not, which contain more than one-half of one per centum of al cohol by weight, and which are capable of human consumption; except that the term "liquor" shall not include "light beer." SEC. 1642. LICEIQSE FEES SET FOR i?HOLESALER. It shal be unlawful for any person to engage in the business of selling beer at wholesale within the limits of Salt Lake City without first obtaining a license therefor from the Liquor Control Co - mission of Utah and paying a fee therefor in the sum of $400.10 per annum. y SEC. 1643. LICENSE PRIVILEGES. Retail licenses issued t hereunder shall be of the following kinds and shall carry the 1 following privileges and be numbered numerically commencing from the number one: CLASS "A", retail license shall entitle the license to sell beer on the premises licensed in original contair1- i ers for consumption off the premises in accordance with the Liquor Control Act of Utah and the ordinances of Salt Lake City. CLASS "B", retail license shall entitle the license to sell beer in the original containers on the premises ' for consumption on the premises and to all of the privi- leges granted to the holder of a Class "A" retail licens and in accordance with the Liquor Control Act of Utah, and shall be issued solely to drug stores and restaurant- only when the drugs, food and service sold or rendered i- sufficient in nature to amount to evidence and afford as surance to the Board of Commissioners of a bona fide dru: store or restaurant business instead of a mere pretext for obtaining a license. Ei CLASS "C", retail license shall entitle the license; to sell beer on draft for consumption on or off the pre- mises and to all the privileges granted the holders of Class "A" and "B" retail licenses in accordance with the Liquor Control Act of Utah. "SEASONAL" license shall carry the privileges of a Class "C" retail license and shall be for a period of le-s than one year to be determined by the Board of Commissio - ers. "CLUB" license shall carry the privileges of Class "C" retail licenses for sale of beer to club members onl and may be issued to bona fide incorporated blubs that 3 maintain club rooms within the corporate limits of the city; provided that no such license shall be issued to a jj such club and any license issued shall be revoked if any person therein furnishes a place or holds himself out to -5- Ei receive, keep or store, or does receive, keep or store any liquor brought there by other persons, whether members or not, for the purpose of being served to or consumed by such person on such premises, or where any person or per- sons do resort to or assemble there for the purpose of drinking liquor. Class "A" retail licensees shall be entitled to the privilege of the sale of soft drinks as provided in para- graph (c) of Section 689 of the ordinances of Salt Lake City, without payment of the fee therein provided, and Class "B", "C", Seasonal" and "Club" licenses shall be entitled to the privilege of the sale of soft drinks as provided in paragraph (b) of Section 689 of the ordinance of Salt Lake City without payment of the fee therein pro-I vided. It shall be unlawful for any licensee to purchase or accuire, or to have or possess for the purpose of sale or dis- tribution, any beer except that which he shall have lawfully purchased from a brewer or wholesaler licensed under the provi sions of the Liquor. Control Act of Utah. SEC. 1644. APPLICATION. All applications for licenses and transfer of licenses authorized by this chapter shall be verified and filed with the License Assessor and Collector ad dressed to the Board of Commissioners of said city and shall state the applicant's name in full, that he has complied with the requirements and possesses the qualifications specified i the Liquor Control Act, and if the applicant is a co-partners p, the names and addresses of all partners, and if a corporation, the names and addresses of all officers and directors, and mus be subscribed by the applicant who must state under oath that the facts stated therein are true. The application for such license or transfer thereof, -- together with such information as is required by the city to b- attached thereto, shall be referred to the chief of police for { Ij -6- I inspection and report. The chief of police shall, within fiv days after receiving such application, make report to the Board of Commissioners of the general reputation and characte of the persons who habitually frequent such place; the nature and kind of business conducted at such place by the applicant or by any other person, or by said applicatt at any other place; whether intoxicating liquors are or have been served or permitted to be drunk in said place, or by said applicant at any other place; whether said place is, or has been conducti- i ed in a lawful, Quiet and orderly manner; the nature and kind of entertainment, if any, at said place; whether gambling or dancing is or has been permitted upon the premises, or by sai N applicant at any other place; the proximity of such premises 1 to any school or church; and he shall add thereto his recomme d- ation as to granting or denying said application. Upon recei•t of the said report, the board of commissioners shall act upon the application as it shall deem fair, just and proper, in re gard to granting or denying the same. SEC. 1645, QUALIFICATIONS OF LICENSEE. No person shall be granted a retail license unless he shall be qualified as provided in the Liquor Control Act of Utah. SEC. 1646. BOARD OF HEALTH. The Board of Commission- ers may require any applicant to procure from the Board of Health a permit for the license applied for, which permit shall show that the premises to be licensed are in a sanitary condi- tion and that the equipment used in the storage or distributio , or sale of such beer, complied with all health regulations of Salt Lake City and of the State of Utah, and on recommendation of the Board of Health any license issued may be revoked or su - pended by the Board of Commissioners when any reasonable order rule or regulation of the said Board of Health has not been co - I 4i plied with. SEC. 1647. TRANSFER OF LICENSE. REFUND AND 1'ORFiITURE OF FEE. On application any license which has not been revoked as herein provided may be transferred as follows: 1 -7- Application shall be made therefor to the Board of Commissioners as herein provided and filed with the License Assessor and Collector together with a fee of Five Dollars. If the application is granted the said Five Dollars shall be deposited in the City Treasury, Otherwise it shall be returne to applicant. No license fee shall be refunded after a licen e has been issued and upon revocation of a license as herein provided the license fee paid for such license shall be for- feited to the city. SEC. 1648. FEES. Applications provided for in this chapter shall be accompanied by the fees hereinafter provided, which fee shall be deposited in the City Treasury if the il- 1 cense is granted, and returned to the applicant if denied. For Class "A" retail license per annum $50.00, or any part thereof. For Class "B" retail license per annum $200.00, or any part thereof. gFor Class "C" retail license per annum $400.00, or any part thereof. For "Seasonal" license at the rate of $50.00 per month for the season or period for which it is issued. For "Club" license at the rate of $200.00 per annum All licenses issued hereinafter shall expire on the 1st day of July of each year, and shall be issued for one yea , except "Seasonal" licenses, which shall be issued for any num ber of days determined by the Board of Commissioners. SEC. 1649. REGULATIONS. (1) No person shall sell beer at any public dance or to any person intoxicated, or under the influence of an intoxicating beverage. No license shall be granted to sell beer in any dance hall, theater, or in the proximity of any church or school. (2) It shall 14e unlawful to sell beer to any person under the age of twenty-one years, or to sell beer for consum.- tion on the licensed premises or permit beer to be consumed on any licensed premises unless so licensed or to permit the drinking of liquor on such premises. (3) It shall be unlawful to advertise the sale of -8- light beer except under such regulation as is made by the Liquor Control Commission of Utah and provided that one simpl: designation of the fact that beer is sold under city license may be placed in or upon the window or front of the licensed premises not to exceed in cost $100.00, and no brewer, whole- saler distributor, warehouseman or other person shall furnish nor shall any retailer display to any retailer/arty sign which shall exceed 1500 square inch- es in area. (4) No licensee shall violate the terms of the li- cense issued, nor unless he shall be so licensed shall he sell bottled or draft beer for consumption on the premises, or per- mit any beer to be consumed on the premises, and it shall be unlawful to keep or maintain a nuisance as is defined by this ordinance. brewer (5) No dealer/or wholesaler shall eitherly directly or indirectly supply, give or pay for any furniture, furnish- ing or fixtures of a retailer, nor shall such dealer or whole saler advance, furnish money or nay for any license of a retail- er, or be financially interested either directly or indirectly in the conduct or operation of the business of any retailer. (6) Licensed premises shall be kept brightly i__lumi ated at all times while it is occupied or open for business a no booth, blind or stall shall be maintained unless all tables, chairs and occupants, if any, therein are kept open to the full view from the main floor at the entrance of such licensed premises. SEC. 1650. LICENSE REVOCABLE. The Board of Commis- sioners of Salt Lake City may with or without a hearing at its discretion when in their opinion public interest may require, refuse to grant any license applied for or revoke any license issued and in such case no cause need be stated, and may when the public welfare of the city suggests such action suspend a license for a period not to exceed a year. In any case where i the license is revoked no license shall again be issued for such premises for a period of six months after such revocation. 3i -9- Any person who shall sell beer after the revocation of his license or during the period of suspension shall be punished as herein provided. SEC. 1651. INSPECTION. All licensed premises ahall be subject to inspection by any officer, agent or peace offi- cer of Salt Lake City, or the Liquor Control Commission, or the State Board of Health, and every licensee shall at the request of the Board of Health of Salt Lake City furnish to it samples of beer which he shall have for sale. SEC. 1652. PENALTY. Amy person who shall Violate any provision of this ordinance shall;-be guilty: of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction, shall be punished by a.fine not exceed- ing $299.00, or by imprisonment in the city jail for a term not exceeding six months or by both such fine and imprison- ment. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this // day of ___, P..i'. 3,7,1 ���QQ Mayor.;. City Recorder. !I 1 .4.. .....4 . -re t.,--• , ....., ',..- AD I-5 - , t--, -. ..1 ..1 6 MI -,-',......, . • .. Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, County of Salt Lakej Legal hloficd ''''' AN ORDINANCE _LEA_.H.Young AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING AOR ;THE LICENSING OF THE SALE OF 'LIGHETAIL IN DOTTLES A.N'D TON ,F DRAFTER AT RFI ING THE FEES(THEREFOR AND REGULATING SAME. Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the advertis- 131 II ordained by the Doard o1 Commie- • 1 Salt Lake City,Utah: SEw Chapter in the iRevised Ordinanuee ing clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper published in ,'a new Salt Lake City,'Utah,1934,to be known s Chapterthe%XI,elm providingl light eery thetail routingn ttles and of light fixing'to of]i Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State of Utah. ;therefor and regulating.ace,w !reaa as fouows: . SEC. 1T LICENSE shall BELL LIGHT BEEN AT RETAIL.It eau be unlawful That the advertisement Ordinance_..&57.1._-N9-,---4_-. nor any Person to gage'n the business f the sale of light beer at retail,1n bnt- of drat, thin the Wet sums _garding licensing for Sege 0f 1ic°et 'over• f Salt Lake city without first having j'P p ed license 1:nerelor from the! ;hereHeard 1 Commission era se said clic'ha: ,shall provided:•A,separate license n Corporation) .slid lthe reuuirrd for shall•at.11 place times lim sobe cols (Salt Lake \j�jtY :anon- i aotcvonsly dieplayed in-the place to which it hall far or for which it shall he M- imed. All licensees shall c with th the !provisions of the Liquor Control Act of Utah and the regulations of the Liquor Control Commission and this chapter and every license shallrevocation recite thateit t granted in was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the ,subci.l Cotf on la Provided 'Sr SEC. 1651e 1 this-Chapter. ee��� ' gds•and phrases DEFINITIONS. his ordinance 11th L•�.�� Mahal}.have the.I°flowing meaning unless a day of A.D.I9'57 }different meaning clearly appears from' tt, context. DEER" me a any beverage contain- 1 time Mg not leas than one-half of ° Per and was published entum of alcohol by weight and obtained the alcoholic fermentation o1 a - fusion, r decoction, o ofa any malted which grain. or similar products, the last publication thereof beingin the issue dated the t m than 3.2 per centum'. contains1 alcohol by weight and may or mar not 1 e tale hops or other vegetable products and includes lc,stout or porter. day of A.D.19 nne a IOW person "RETAILER"the s means beer gaged in the male or dieWlbutfon o2 bear to She consumer. "SELL" or-TO wben used In SELL," act in any prohibition ahallto re can- , an order to include keep eor ex receive ---- -- --- ---- e�arliv for,to keep or expose for sale, eD�er for value graLnitnnely, to vPrtising C rk. peddle, to possess with tent to sell, to traffic in. For any Ponsideration promised or obtained directly or indirectly or under -ny pretext or by any means whatsoever to Procure or allow,to be procured for any&ball ther include pevery dact o1. wiling hen so need as above defined.& . u "WHOLESALER" mean. any parson other than brewer or retailer gaged he importation for sale o in the sole to be f ore me this 14.th day o f of beer in wholesale or lobbing gUanti- ties "LICENSED PREMISES" mean. any room,house,building.structure➢ place, A.D 19....7- occupied by any person licensed to sell, beero beer such premises under this t:pro-, vided that in any hotel or ther business establishment an applicant for Class "Di or C" ]lessee mayin designate \7,,/ _ portion of building 1 sash by e'nneee for I-/17/itK� y/' the le of beer which portion o see. rtfioally designated in the application for license and the license leaned malt be Nota Public. the licensed➢reminee. r • 14 of Ciea. "C" retail licensee for sale of beer to club members only, d may be is- All licensee issued hereinafter shall see d to bona fide s orated dubs thatthe let day of July of each tyear, "N:Henn tr'E"mea a any r house,'. maintain club rooms within the co and shall be issued for year, except building, structure,n place or licensed •limits.of the city;provided that c lb and whichnshall be issued premises, here; remlicense shall be issued to any such club and "Seasonal"licensee, (Al Alcoholic beverages arenufao any'license hieueid shall be revelled of y for any number of days determined by the Lured, sold, kept,"bartered, stored,o given persoe therein furnishes 1 ➢lace I.holds Board of Commissions. whereawvenoms resort himself out to reed , store orSEC.1699.REGULATIONS, (1) No per- /or drinking used, beverages contrary I doesreceive, keep io r store anyt➢linuur eon shall sell beer at any public dance or to the Liquor Control Act of Utah or this t thee by other persons,,whether to any person intoxicated, .under the chapter:or wheremembers or not,far the purpose of being influence of an intoxicating beverage,No. (B)Intoxicated verso). are permitted served to or co med by such person o license shall be granted to sell beer, o I to loiter about, or profanity, indecent, such premise, or where any person or y dance hall,theater,a or in the proximi-' Immoral,loud boieteroee language o persona do resort to ass ble there for tY f any 0 church chool, immoral or lewd conduct le permitted,or the purpose of drinking liquor,' (2)It hall be unlawful to ell beer carried or here, f Class "A" retail licensees shall be en. to any Doreen under the re of twenty- , (C)Dancing is permitted licensed '.,titled to the privilege of the sale of soft one the ,or to se11 beer for cone Dteer ne prtueed s or by the licensee of any Il- drinks provided in ➢eragraph ic) f on licensed premises-or permit beer i ed premises-in any place inr adj. Section 609 of the ordin a ices of Salt Lake to be consumed any licensed premises Ccent thereto for the suche foserving City, without pal Vent,,:the lee therein unless o licensed orto permit the drink- beer to the'patron.of dance; or provided,and Class"B","C","Seasonal", ing of liquor on euch premises, where and "Club" licenses shall be titled to (3)It shall be unlawful to advertise the (D)Minors are permitted to ourehaee or the privilege of the sale of colt dross as sale of light beer except under such reg. drink beer or enter upon or loiter about provided in oh (b) of Section bus elation as made by,the Liquor Control licensed premises, or are employed there. of the ordinances f Salt Lake City with. Commissionsos f Utah and provided that where out payment of the fee therein provided. one simple designation of the fact that on: or Lou's ordinance. are violated ult shall be unlawful. for any for p ae bear Is sold under city license may be by licensees o or hie gents or patron. to purchase or rppeoe or to h1-e or➢oe- placed in upon the window or fron o1 with the consent or knowledge f If. arse for the purpose of sale cr diatribe. the lieenaedr premises not to exceed in'cost ees upon osuch premises which tend lion,any beer except that which he eha:l $100.00, and brewer, wholesaler die- to naaffect the mublic health, peace •or have lawfully purchased from a brewer or tributer, warehouseman or other e er ➢reon morale: sIe: or where wholesaler Beene. der the Provisions shall furnish to any retailer shall(F)Any sign Is displayed, which 1e of the Liquor Control Act of Utah, retailer display y signwhich shall ex- obnoxious, gaudy, blatant or offensive. SEC. 1644,APPLICATION,Ailose- coed 1500 square inches in area. a ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE" means and Lions for licenses and transfer of liceimnsee 1 (4) No licensee ehell violate the terms eludes"beer" and"liquor" ea they are fled es red by this chapter shall be vert-. f the licence a ed,norunless he shall defined herein, ficd and filed with the License Ass -: be so licensed shall he sell.bottled or draft "LIQUOR" n ca er and ineledee alcohol, o and Collector addreadd to the Bar e d I beer for consumption on the➢remises,or i or any alcoholic, spirituous, vinous, fee. of Commieaianere DP said city and shall I permit any beer-to be consumed on the anted,malt,orother liquid combine.' tale the applicant's n in full, that' premises,and it shall be unlawful to keep loon of)quids,a part of which le spirit- he has complied with the requirements or maintain a mean es is.defined by fermented,f and all other and possesses the qualifications specified thin ordinance,n drinks or liquids, containing in the Liquor Control Act,and if the ap- (5) No dealer or wholesaler shall either than one-half of ono per centnm •plicaut r co-Darinerabip, the - directly indirectly supply, giro or DaY of more than by weight: and all mixtures,. and addresses of all partners, and if a for any fire it ire,.fuurniehig orfixtures compound. or preparations, whether Ic corporation, the names and addressee t of entailer, nor hall such dealer liuid or not, which Contain a than. I all officers and directors,a and must be wholesaler advance,furnish money-ate or1 Dar one-half.of one per centnm of more subscribed by the applicant who must for any license o1 retailer.oli by weight,and which r capable of hu Late cutler oa Lh that the Stcte elated scatty i terested eitherrdirectly or indirect. man Ption: e-\Pt that the term' •therein ,:re true, ly in the conduct r operation.of the "llgnor"shall not include"light beer." The application for such license or business of any retailer. SEC. 1692. LICENSE FEES SET FOR transfer thereof, together with such brightly Licensed premises shall be' kept WHOLESALERS. Il shall be t lawful y,ty o atimt as is requited by the brightly illuminated at all times while It for a person to engage 1n the'bun..wt city to be attached'thereto, shall be reoccupied or open for business and n o 1 selling beer at wholesale within the ]erred to the chief of police for inspec- I booth, blind or stall shall be maintained I limit).of Salt Lake City without first ob. Lion and report,The chief of police hall, unless all tables, hairs and occupants, f ,taininR license therefor from the Liquor within five da-v6 after race ing uch aD- zany, therein aro kept open to the lull ,Control Commission of Utah d paylne plicatlgn, make sport to rthe Hoard of !v from the Main floor at the enti'anco. a Ire therefor 1n the Sum o1 8400.00 per Comm qfr,the general epvtatiop tat ouch licensed Dremieee. anSEC. 1643. LICENSE PRIVILEGES had.4.' the persons who habit- SEC-1650,LICENSE REVOCABLE,The Retml licenses issued hereunder bit be f la t'Beech conducted the nature Board of Commiwestonere of Salt Lake CIty the following slued a d hell shall the. 0$I!l�p@ ducted at n ey with without hearing t its follow.,privileges and be-numbered u- p 'flat a)6) le t, o by anti other i discretion when W pinion public in- applicant—at-commending from ufhe number P 89" pplicant_.aI ny ether tercet ma, re¢ refuse to grant any one: Dfa �'.b(hoen sehies cativg liquors re bMen.lued apulied f revoke sy lieenae retail license hall entitle have-been a rued or permitted to are leaved and in such' as causeneed be C0 ed "A", drunk in other place,or by said applicant stated, and m when the public welfare the elenses too sell beer an the premises at any other place: whether said place of the,city suggests such-action suspend e;cemed in original premise, s for - r hoe been conducted in lawful v license for a period not to exceed a Ptihn 0 the. toin de Suufet and orderly manner:the nature and year.In any case here the license,i re- ' the Liquor f Control Act of Utah,and kind of entertainment, if P. at said yoked no license,shall again be issued ed for 'thC ordinances of Salt Lake City. place; whether gambling or dancing Is or such premises for a period of ei months CLASS B", retail beer is shall entitle has been permitted peon the premlese,or 1 after such revocation. x Alm licensee to sell beer In the original by said applicant atu y other place;the Any person who shall sell beer after the containers a pre premises for p- revocation pof his license during the 'pion eo the premises and to sofo s 000lr 1 such Decimate to say erod of s pension shall be punished as privilege..rota granted to d inRec holder of a Class school orchurch: doan he 11 add ng ore. herein provided. the stool lieenae d 1n dances with de his recommendation mpplicaon a to gUpon ranting ot SEC. 1651. INSPECTION, All licensed the Wiled solely Control Adof Utah,and shall the said said,theeiboard of commissionerst premises shall be subject to epection by be See ed a lely to dreg stores and r sheeafdreupo board officer,agent 1 peace officer of Salt tmvice',M only when the drupe, food and hall i Dots the ➢phcation a 11 bah any r the Liquor Control CofGmis- tnutuev'sold or endeted is aulfd of i deem fair, Just and proper, m regard to Lake arty,o nature ice to Abe 10 'o once and ice afford Br S denying the even, r the State Beath ofr Health; e a to ide Board of Commissioner).ant SEC.S . N person :Mall be nit LI- cry licensee shall t the .quest of the a1siness i fide drug store o res[mw for CENSEE. No person shall be granted Hoard of Health P Salt Lake a shall furnish business instead a1 a mere or for retail license unleee he shall be qualified to it a mPlea'ot beer which he eau have. obtaining a Bcanet provided in the Liquor Control Act for sale. CLASS eCt, ell h license shall entiCe of EC. SEC.vio2.late PENALTY.Any this who ;Lhe.ption o to sell beer o draft for con-' SEC. 1646. BOARD OF HEALTH, The shall i late y illy provision misdemeanor,' o cr. mphert o e off the c,I er and tore Board of to procure f may eentre any I and, shall be guilty f lunished by all the "AvileRed granted the holder, applicant p procure from the Board of and,upon conviction,shall be punished by ofClass n 'A" and "BL retail licensee m Health a Permit for the license at htl a floe not exceeding jail for by i c danro with the Liquor Control Ad which permit shad are that iho' Dxceeding t the jot for term not of Utah. - for, en ntha. by both such "SEASONAL" license hale the iMry co to be and in a ;fine and imprisonment. mriyllogee f Class "C" retail carry Brame fiery edition that are equipment SECTION 2.In the pinion sof the Board d shell lw for Drfbd' 1 77Se a used in the storage o distribution, 'of Commissioners, it sac to the e year to be determined b9 tles.Born o1 tt h beer, complied with all or peace,health d safety t the inhabitants .gnlatione 1 Salt Lake City and 1 the f Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall. of Commissioners. Stale of Utah, andrecommendation take. Rest immediately.' "CLUB"license.bad carry lb.privileges of the Beard of Health any license - SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take ales a. be revoked or euaDended by effect upon its first publfcation. the Board of Commissioners eratwpheo.f any Passed by the Board of Commissioner)) bhp order,ruler r f at Lake City,Utah,this loth day of said Board of Health hao'not-been eem• tt{ay,A,D.1037. ' plied with. E.B.ERWIN, SEC. 1647, TRANSFER OF LICENSE, Mayor. REFUND AND FORFEITURE OF FEE., (SEAL) ETHEL MenDONA D, On Replica teho any`licence which ha.p City Recorder, been revoked a herein Provided may , Bfll she 14. tranererred as follows: :Publfehed May IL MI. Application shall be rears,therefor:' the Board of filed efonere.1au' provided'and filed with'the'Limos „ and Collector ogether with a 1 of season and Dollars, II the application Is, granted the said Five Dollar.shall be de. .posited in the City Treasury,otherwise It 'hall be returned to applicant.No license fee shall be refunded after a license has been f ash and upon e revocation of 4 fee herein provided the license fee paido fr such lieenae shall be forfeited to the city. SEQ. 1648.FEES.Applications provided for in this chapter shall'be companied r by the lees hereinafter p ided, which fee,shall be deposited to the City Trea- n y if the.license is granted,bet return- ed to the applicant if Il00, For Class 'A" retailit license .tee all. num$50.00,or any Dart thereof, For Class "B" retail Been. per 1.- 11u3200.00,or any part thereof. For Clegg "C" retail license per an num, 0, or am non thereof. "Seasonal" For "Seasonal" license at the rate oi $50.00 perey nth for the season or pert. od for which it 1e termed. e For"Club"license at the rate of$200.00 Per UM., �"' *Fa " ,l N• p f\ 1..•