14 of 1940 - Amending Section 1360 revised ordinance 1934, relating to traffic--how long may stand. R.c.108 200 12-8-37
ROLL CALL Af3111940
•VOTING- AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, 193
Goggin - - - - _ h I move that t7 ordinance be Roca
Keyser - - - - - y
Matheson - - - -
Murdock - - - - "
Mr.Chairman - - - / •
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, as amended by an ordinance passed
by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on March
)t( 18, 1937, as amended cy an ordinance passed by the Board of Com-
missioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on November 21, 1939, relating
to traffic.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1.That Section 1360, revised Ordinances of Salt
Dake City, Utah, 1934, as amended by an ordinance passed by the
Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on March 18, 193W,
as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of
Salt Lake City, Utah, on November 21, 1939, relating to traffic,
be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows:
SEC. 1360. HOW LONG MAY STAND. (a) No person shall
between the hours of 9 o'clock A. M. and 6 o'clock P. M., ex-
cept on legal holidays, park a vehicle or permit or suffer
any vehicle registered in hffis name to park longer than two
hours upon any of the following streets in Salt Lake City:
Both sides of:
2nd East Street, from South Temple to 1st South.
State Street from 4th South Street to 9th South,
Main Street, from North Temple to South Temple.
Main Street, from 4th South to Fayette, inclusive.
South Temple, from east side of 2nd East to State Street.
South Temple, from West Temple to 2nd West.
Motor Avenue, from 2nd East to State Street.
NYrst South Street, from West Temple to 2nd West,
2nd South Street, from West Temple to 3rd West,
3rd South Street, from West Temple to 2nd West, inclusive.
Pierpont Street, from West Temple to 1st West, inclusive.
4th South Street, from West Temple to"lst West, inclusive.
West Temple, from 3rd Sots to 5th South Street,inclusive.
Walker and Carson Streets, (back of Newhouse Hotel).
South side only, North Temple, from State to Main Street '.
Any other street where vehicles are parked in such num-
I bers as to cause congestion or leave no parking space and signs
are erected by the Police Department indicating that parking
is limited. to two hours.
(b) The Chief of Police of said city shall establish
and plainly mark in convenient places along the curb in any of
the above streets, or any other streets in the business dis-
tricts or congested area, zones to be known as truck zones,
loading zones or safety zones. Truck zones shall be used sole-
ly by the drivers of trucks or delivery vehicles for the our-
between the hours of 9 o'clock A.M. and 6:30 o'clock P.M. on any day other than a
pose of making deliveries/ The driver or person in charge ..-,
legal holidaly,
of any truck or delivery vehicle shall not park or allow any
such vehicle to stand in any truck zone longer than fifteen
minutes between the hours of 9 o'clock A. M. and 6:30 o'clock
P. M. on any day other than legal holidays.
The driver or person in charge of any vehicle shall!
not park or allow any such vehicle to stand in a loading zonei
longer than fifteen minutes between the hours of 9 @'clock A.
M. and 6:30 o'clock P. M. on any day other than legal holiday .
It shall he unlawful to park a vehicle in a safety
(c) When signs prohibiting parking are erected on
narrow streets or upon approach to hazardous or congested
places, or adjacent to school property, no person shall park
a vehicle in any such designated place.
(d) No person shall at any time nark a vehicle or
permit or suffer any vehicle registered in his name to be
parked on either side of North State Street from South Temple
Street to 2nd North Street except as permitted by the Chief
of Police with the consent of the Board of City Commissioners.
Notice of such exception shall be given by appropriate signs
posted or painted upon the street.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners ,,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its
first publication.
Passed by the Board of Comm'.,sioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this /_ day of "• D• 1910.
cl •
� i �1
City Recorder.
oje.,9,4 Nct
te Boyd tlentrrnmesztb
APR 1 11940
if) 19,(1
First Pubkation in
• •
Affidavit of Publication
County of.Salt Lake
R1934:as amended
of Salt Lake di City, Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
Utah. 193s; dotl by ners of
Passed'by City,
f Marchsi18. 1 Y
Salt Lend City, an ordinance March 16, 1937.
the Board`tlfbCommissioneref Salt Lake vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS, a newspaper
City, Utah, on November 21, 1939, relat.
in»a°ittraffiioed h9 the Board of c°m- published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
missioners 61 Salt Lake City,'Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 1360, Re-
1feed Ordinances of Salt Lake City,Utah, of Utah.
9a4, an amended by an ordinance passed
be the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City. Utah, s
Bamended o by p of passed e the That the advertisement.._Ordinanon-BilUm.11o....14,.
o Utah. f Commissioners af Sait Lab City.
on November 2, 1939, relating to
traffic,be and the same is hereby amend.
SEC. 1360. HOW LONG MAY STAND. Relatingto traffic — S.L.C. Corp.) City Reoorder.
(a) No person shall between the hours ...........
of 9 o'clock aand 6 o'clock p.m., e
cent on legal holidays, park a vehicle or
permit'or suffer pny vehicle registered in
hie name to park longer than two-Roars
LDon y of the fallowing street.in Salt
ake Cit`: -
• •'1nd•'East'Street,from South Temple to
,tat South.
State Street from 4th South Street to
Main Street, from •North Temple to was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
Sout Temple.
M in Street,from 4th.South to Fayette„
(thrmD, irom`e Laic or%na 12th day of April A.D. 19.40---
E South State Street.
West Temple to
:2nd West.
Motorpublished 1.time
Avenue, from led East to State and was
First South Street, from West Temple
1o2ndd9 West.
Street,from west Temple toi the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
3rd West,inclusive.
3rd South Street, from West Temple I
to 2nd West. 'i ° t froth West Temple tag day of A.D. 19
,lat.er tinclusive.
..4thiii—••-8outh Strincluseet.t 1(4m West T mp104.0.
'West Tempi from. 3rd-South to:1th
Routh Street,. lu iYe
Walker and Carson Streets, (back of Ad •using Clerk.
Newhouse Hotel).
South ids only, North Temple, from
State to Main treets.
Any et
her where tvehicles are
Parked i con-
;Fatten or81leavenn parking cause' Pace and
lgna are erected by the Police Department
[indicating that parking is limited to two
hours.,(b)The Chief of Police of said city'
!shall establish and plainly mark i °n-o before me this 1 th-. day of
" °
t places along the orb r any
iofthe above streets,o anyother streets
in'the business districts r congested area.
to be known as truck zones, load- A.D. /940...
ing z s safety z Truck zones
shall be s used•solely by the drivers of
trucks or delivery vehicles for the Bur•
hose of making deliveries between the
hours,of'9 o'clock a.m.and 6:le o'clock
yd y Theudriver e person.than a legal 66
ii qy {p tR0 .Oh y vehmle'ehall not' (1)No person hit t y lime park
tDaik Ile y hvehrcle to Lana a Vehicle'or permit r suffer any vehicle
ur 9 IFS k zo9e 109Fer than registered m his name to be parked °n ary Public,
gain.. between the hours'01 9 o'clock other•side f North Slate Street from
a.m. and 6:30 lock ➢.m, on any day• Mouth Temple Street to 2nd North Street
other than le 'hoprrlidays. lareept permitted by the Chief of Po.;
The drive, or person in charge of any ,lice with the consent of the Board of
vehicle shall.not park or allow any such City Commissioners: Notice of alich es.
Vehicle to stand in a loading zone longer ception shall be given by appropriate gig!.than fifteen minutes between the hours Posted or painted upon the street.
Of I o'clock a.m. and 6:30 'clock p.m. "SECTION 2. In the opinion of the
any day other than legal holidays. 'Board of Commissioners it isnecessary to
• It shall be unlawful to park a vehicle the peace, health and sty the in-
in a safety zone, habitants of Salt Lake City that this
" aritint parking-ar ordinance shall take effect immediately.
erected o 'narro stre w streets or pon'an- SECTION..3. Thl ordinance shall take
Broach to hazardous orcongested places, 'effect Don its first publication,
Or_agi N, to-s veh property, no ' Passed bythe Board of'Commissioners
son a
shall pflrk.a „onde in any, euch 'of Salt Lake City, Utah, this llth.-day
designated place. of April,.A.p.3940.
• City Recorder
C 'Deputy City Recorder.
L?` f
Y hhahra April lath,1910.
Oft -
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