14 of 1943 - Amending section 98-relating to the Board of Health and increasing salaries ROLL CALL
APP ,443
VOTING Salt Lake City, Utah, 194
I move that the ordinance he passed.
Kel,ser - - - -
Matheson - - , •
*kmimixx - -
Mr.ChaArman - - -
RQsui, -
AN OUDINANCif, WiAYEIG SYCTION TJ of the h_ovided Ordinances
oi L.,alt Lake elty, Utah, 191.4, as umendeh by ordinances iassed by the
to mihtit,hr oh hhLdd.,fli:er 6, 1957; uctoper 5, j )57; ip.arch
.), ilarch 6, ic41; ekrtriry ;,outomoer 15, ,v42; aria
cl:steEtwr 29, 1942; betatihk, to the board oh Dec(CC.
lie it ordained by the hoard oF Sommlhhcc horah.: of (. AL hole
:A,LTLon 1. Tha Suction 90 of the levited ordinances of
lalt Locke City, aa ahenaed uy ordinaaces pstsca by the
tea3'6 of Commii,sionors Co E.0H,emlier 11, 195/; Octoucr Srch.
", ), 1939; march 6, I'M"; february ileptuolicr 15,194..e; and
rui:Ainc, to the hour of licaltn, be and the same
iu hereby amondea to read au follows:
%%C. 96.P.PrOIN1in . The hoare of Commissioners may up-
eoint tau fotlotin, officers, aosistont and empioyees oj the
noaro of Health, who shall receive annual salaries, payable semj-
;:ionthly, not ox 0000iuld tOe acounts as foi [os:
ith Couoiibsioher 0300.0o
fArbt Li:sista:at health Gommissoner :3000.00
',OCO-pC,- Assistant health Wimisbioner 220U. 12
The health Commissioner Line_ first and :30cohe assJstant
liedith Commissioners shaLl receive the snit 05.Uo per month
for transportuti_oh ana
ibid 6'anitr,rian, woo shall have charge of division
of milk, meat and food inspection und division
of sanitary inspection Iri3L ).00
Assistant Chief Sanitarian 2520.00
kucteriologist 2620.00
Chief of Nursing Division 1920,00
Chief or Colorant-inc Inspector 1920.0U
licouty 1.ogist of Vital ; tati' tics 1920.00
-first Grads Inspectors, each l00.00
(which amount incltdes the 510.UU as provicec in
111 No. 9, publibheb k)1ril i..945)
Second Graue insohctors, each . . . . . . . . 1660.00
Thiro Grade Insocciors, each 1560.00
rhurth (add() inspectors, each 1440.00
1hief Milk Inspector . . . . :100.00
marnot Inspector . . . . 2100.00
Chief S;uni-tatioh Inspector . 2100 00
Gnief ;es isur ant t;,)r ,V•e100.00
▪ersonae-1 Director and Ui-.,.dce . 16b,J.uU
Uhief ci. Vchereal
•riehiaL . . . . . . 900.Uu
ist or' ue 000 1740.00
..eabhe Grade ..Ta]..sc J 6e 0.
▪ Grade Aurs u 1!„•Ou.OU
-Hearth Grhe Nurse
st Grade Veterinary inspector . . . . . . 2460.bu
:-Jecbch Co....be Veterinary IhsbeeLer . . . . .
Grade Veterinary InsdeeLer . . .
P.01X1.'611 Grace VaLerihary . . . .
Ither tee Ghtef (0.1. the hasisianW uhiel
Cc a V,? 011..
\h. ,e0Lhary Taspectors shaLl Cu V,CuC,i-UteS or an ap;:,roved
veturihhry school. ;.Lnd coisputcht tqualied iGs veterinarians.
TA the (Jihioh. v tne.16oa4-clur Ub,Idlissiceers,
,v, •
is accessary 'Co the peace, houithXna 61rety,of the iahabitents
Ul. L. LLLOO City teat, this eretnahec„,Ithallet Lui,Gediatc.G.Ly.
,t,';$ •
`,.;1,V,T-10.11 T.ris orh hence ah K uU. 0 d'f,-Aect, abbe. 11,s
Chi: hoe,r., UK. Co•;it•ii.ss.LueGrr o
1. 11, t^" uoy •,•1..• •
; ..... — ,
. , — . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . .
I .
a X
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
Legal Notice
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SEC, Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
VON VON 98 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt a City. fla"• 1939, a a°1e°d vertising clerk of THE'DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
ed by ordinances passed by the Doard
1 Commierioners on Sept, 8, 193'1:
1841 5, 1939: March Sept. 16, March12: d published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in,the State
1941:Feb. 11, 19 Se . 18,Lake
Sept. 29, 1912: relating in the Board
°f Health.
of Utah.
Be ea rdained by the Board of fom-
taiseione.,'s of Salt Sabre City, [Hall:
SECTION I. That Section 98 of the l
Revised Ordinances of'Salt Libre City,,
Utah, 1939, etdcod by ordinance=
Passed by8the
Boar t f5C1MIMF937;SsDfarch That the advertisement
on Sept.29,Sept.9]15, March93; 6d1 Sept F 9 199 19 re-
and A... t.,. ..1. .�
C to the Beardhereby
of n toe read
a l0000le:is
� and o 98. APPOINTMENTS N'13.i The -.. .
Hoard of Commissioners mar ap reed the
following officers, assistants H h,
shall of the annual
Health, able
e cexceeding
onthly.not"es eeding the a
Health Commissioner $3,300.00
First o t t Health Commie 3,000.00
Second A t t Health nmlein'20909I was published in,said newspaper,in its issue dated, the
Tit Health Commissioner d first v
anI second t ealth Commis- slag o f A. D. Y 9 -
shall receive the s of 636.00 d
Der month for transportation and -
Dhiee.Snnitarian,who shall have '
charChief and was published
meet t division f milld
eat and food inspection and
division of sanitary rnspee'$3,300,00
11011the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
Bacteane Chief Sanitarian ...2,820.00
Bacteriologist .1,920.00
Chief of Nursing Division
Donuts, Registrar ofChief of Vital
Vital pSta.1,920.00 day of A. D. 19
belies o each 1,980.00
First h Grade Inspectors.ncludes the
610.00 sap amount
ided ill Bin No,
9,published April 23, 1943) h880.00
9 S.ec Fourth
Grade Inspectors, e Advertising Clerk.
/1( Third Grade Inspectors, each.1,i60.00
' Fourth Grade Inspectors,each.,1,440.00,
Chief Milk Insnector 2,100.00
Chief Marc, Inspector Z100.00
Chief Sanitation Inspector 2,100.00
Chief Ice cream Inspector 2,100.000I i
Chief Restaurant Inspcclor . . f
:Personnel Director and Office 1,890.00
Manager 1,200.00
Chief Medical fInspecto al Clinic 900.00 be lo.�"e.me this - '-
1st Grade Nurse 1,'140.00 / day of
Second Grade Nurse 1,629.00
Third Grade NUT. 1,500.00 -1 nn
Fourth Grade Norse 1,380.00 A. D. 1 J
First Grade Vatua+y Insnector 2,460.00
Second Grade Veterinary loaners
Third Grade Veterinary Inepec-2,220.00.
ter .... .. .
',Wont,.Grade Veterinary malice-2,100.00 `p_t. ^ J r/
torEt a or the f �L
Either the. Chief Sanitarian -.._-)a.f,..--.--'1._-_
;Assistant Chief Sanitarian shall be aveterinarian. Notai y Public
Veterinaryan Inspectors veterinary
be srclzu'.1,, /
isles of pe env¢ veter'-
snd c mpetent d Ru alifiedaa
biaxial.. of the
SECTION 2. In the n,
Hoard of Com issio s's.,d it ais yeefethe
to in the peace, Salt a lake City that
h abirainan of
this ordinance shall talcs effect imme-
SECTION 3, This iit'ationg .all take
„Ihet upon its B Pnb
et ,'r
Paesetl It the Board of Co thisssmo-
Ana of Apr.,A. lifts, Utah,
day e2 April,A.D..19 3.B JENNIN�9,
%T'xEL M.u.DONAL➢,
City Reno.".
Chief Deputy City Recorder.
',Published May let, 1943.