14 of 1945 - Amending Section 1606 and 1609 relating to City Cemetery sale of lots-Certificate-Price ROLL CALL t ' VOTING Aye Nay Salt'Lake City, Utah, , 194 AEfleck �J I move that the ordinance be passed. Matheson . . . �~ Romney ®� Tedesco Mr. Chairman . . AN 0 I ANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 1606 AND 1609 o. Ltle Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating tc the city cemetery. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Sala Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That Sections 1606 and 1609 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating to the city cemetery, be and the same are hereby amended to read as follows: ""SEC. 1606. SALE OF LOTS. CERTIFICATE. PRICE. Tne sea.- 1 ton is hereby empowered to sell lots in the city cemetery and to collect all dues arising from such sales, and al.,. monies so collected by him shall be covered into the cif, treasury daily. The board of commissioners is hereby em- powered to regulate, according to location,the selling price of said lots. The sale price of lots shall be as follows: For a lot located in - West Plat - containing 10 graves, with perpetual care $400.00 Each grave with perpetual care may be sold separately for its proportionate share. For a lot located in - X Plat - containing 10 graves, with perpetual care $350.00. Each grave with perpetual care may be sold separately for its proportionate share. Except as otherwise herein provided, all lots heretofore 1i sold with perpetual care and paid for and all lots hereafter sold and paid for shall be perpetually maintained by Salt Lake City. The sexton is hereby authorized to charge and collect a sum equal to one hundred dollars ($100.00) per lot from owhers or persons interested in lots heretofore sold without petpetual 't -2- care and in consideration of the payment of said sum as afore said Salt Lake City agrees to perpetually care for and main- tain such lot or portion of lot. The sexton may sell lots ans contract for perpetual care or he may enter into contracts to be approved by the board of commissioners of Salt Lake City for the sale of lots and perpetual care on the installment plan, agreeing to execute a deed to said lot and to perpetual ly care for and maintain said lot; provided, however, that when and if the purchaser fails to make the payments stipulat ed in said contract Salt Lake City shall be relieved from all obligations in law or equity to perform said agreement or dee. " to the purchaser said lot or to perpetually care for and main tain the same. The sexton shall give to each purchaser upon full paymenu of the purchase price a certificate of burial rights for each lot or part of lot, showing the description thereof, and stat ing the price the purchaser paid. He shall also give to each person making the payment for perpetual maintenance a certifi cate showing the fact. He shall keep duplicates of all certi ficates issued by him as part of the records of his office. All lots and parts of lots, together with all improvements thereon conveyed as provided in this section, shall be exempt from execution and from taxation, except for water. The pay- ment mentioned in this sextion shall not be construed to be in payment of any of the services described in Section 1609. SEC. 1609. FEES. The sexton is hereby authorized to col- lect from those requiring his services the following fees, which shall be by him covered into the city treasuty daily: Regular Openings,32 in.x 7 ft. 6 in. (1 in.box)including device *20.00 2 in. Box Opening, 33 in. x 8 ft. (includ- ing use of device) 20.00 Steel Vault Openings, 36 in. x 9 ft. (includ- ing use of device) 30.00 Cement Vault Openings, 36 in. x 9 ft. (includ- ing use of device) 20.00 Wet Cement Vault Opening when used with regu- lar size (We do not pour cement) 20.00 Openings for Infants on privately owned lots - up to 3 ft 5.00 Openings from 3 ft. to 5 ft. for children on privately owned lots 7.50 : :x tE Li_ ,.i:.f ...-, .. _ _.mot •U'1ii � JOB .lc," ._, _ ..__ :+: iil,; 1..-l:ifr e, ..'ti; T,1:'C . !, V 'Cc.: ; _•._.i 11 �...��,-: h ].:J'1. ! -„)A: CU;..ft�VU :✓:_r,'J. .<3 :Y_ J:. Ji a :A .t _7:. .3I • ... .. . . • J071J:9;i t 1 Cii_ ..1 1. .r. `` . . . . . -3- Baby singles up to 3 ft. unimproved with opening and ground $10.00 Adult Singles unimproved with opening and ground 25.00 Baby Singles improved with opening 20 00 Adult Singles improved in X Plat 35.00 Adult Singles I' II West Plat . . 40.00 County Burials 10.00 If certificates of purchase and care for Single improved graves are requested, an extra charge will be made of 1.00 Opening up to 4 ft. in Church Plat 7 50 z Openings for Adults II n �� 10 00 Pry Removal of ' fants f one grave to another in emeter .. 15.00 `: ',-f,e., M1 Removal of i 'ants fo interment`, u ,x •� City cemete . . . A --24: .) 7.50 i 7 Removal of akt;ts,,iro •ne graven at ther E within cemet03r Z. . . .7* 5j.., 0.00 Removal of 241101.. N7415 cement vt Ar' hi`r cemetery . grs ►o `� .{ ., . , 0.00 °,s ri (Extra chat, f L. vault } t Removal of a s. ox) out &¢E - d cemetery . , a . .' . . . 0 a" 60.00 Removal of ad lts (r openln £ r in, s' terment out ide cem . . . 20.00 After 5 o'clo p.m. extra charge (for service) per man 1.00 ' "' }" After 6 o'clock p.m. an extra charge (for gG service) per man 2 00 The above charges refer to the making of openings only. The city does not furnish vaults or other equipment, nor assum- resppnsibility for the care of headstones. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become 1 tive immediately. iii SECTION 3. This ordinance shall . fr ort ect upon its firs ublication. —4141116 passed by the Board of Cormni: one; ,fSalt Lake City, tah, this (i aay of __ D. //��� [ 11,,,05 cP. ,/ - '00 Ma o r. City rlecorder. .. ri;.1•r,7,- .. .7:-C-...71-1)7177.....7 . 1. .:, 0..r 7.1J s2,...). 1717...: 77.;,:t..S...! ',.),,,.,.'.:7,:; . , „ . , , , , , 1•41...!;•js,.,. 111',..s. ,:_.,...::;7.,JU,.2 ;,"•,,I.f-f2,--....,,:. 11.1_1:j 0.-)•,,J.7.7:7.Jilai.Uf 7i..7•9!..s-11.'" . .1 LI. , . — , , , • . . . . . ...C.,-..-I.,.. --7.-j :12 .i.s-•-• — . . 2,..n..1.21,-Jr..J., 11.7"-.1... O:2010',.,,,,....Z„ ".; Ji.. ,,.c.7.,.. n .7.1'..a .,, ‘...(J.1..'it,.., . 3.,1,, ,:i z:,-: , r .-..)iil;:..': '202.'.'J . . . . . . . . . . , , . :J.LS.1.—to." 7•(.-.77.'ilti: t). 71.••. 2,•..;7.3 i)f3:1-3 9;1'-:.21:-.rliei.i,j IC, .t i),., 1 . . . ../ 71,.! .L 7..',. •.! '-.13,I..s.'',,, .,•2,-. 1,:s...:4 ;i.i .:.'.'i :.. 0,i -,,, i,1 i: j.Lfg-J),A 'i_fil :I'3i1-/ :'..iii) :1) , in 0.1 ,"'1..s,..T. ', "'Ili", .J1.1 ••:107.....J. i .',.., '..}''•"•.-'.' :',4 .- , 421. . .. ., - /:i.l..J'YOr) : .. 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"J7.,•:, t•.., 'O.. .f....,,,::, ..:.,171 ..-.,, 1 i .ii;..Ii.C.) ...7.0.1 .J2 .1. cs,-., s.'''i )'• .., . "..., K..S '-. *•-•1-' 7:- - :' --,---- ---- , 77 -... •-- ',. x \-, -,-- - ' ' ""''',•17' : ‘....)‘S\.,.7:-..C'7•4'i:N.'t.+4....\ NI (Is2.7",-.1.:',!'•• •1,. -......_ . '. ''-`4 ;.;,...1,vi Ni • ' `414...N.‘,N"•.;.!..., , '... . it Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, .n.—'mr2 ytr srATct Lake Legal:Not) e AN ORDINANCE `', • AN 'ORNANCE 1A ENDING -_....._- r l''..C' D clfey SECTION 1606 AND 16 of the Revised Ordinances f'Sal Lake Orly.Utah 1044,relating t the city Being first duly soy i ri,deposes and says that he is the ad- ernetery. 1 ' Be t ordained by the era f ',Commissioners of salt Pe Dtiy.l vertising clerk of THE DESERE7 NEWS,a newspaper .Utah: SECTION I. That Seel "' i ma a,and 1606 f the Revised es published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State 1 Salt Lake City, Utah.le, be, re- lating s tom the oily henhereby to, abe and Utah. 'the dam re hereby�} mad to o f Utah. Am] C follows; 4 / "RTC. 1AT. SALES 0 LOTS. CERTIFICATE.empowered er se ots tnfl ,city cemetery t dell Iota Uh fettg meters and soused That the.a.drertisetnent • all al 'vine from i h dales, and all coulee so i olthe by him nau be cotter.] oo the c treas- . Ordinance Bill 4o goners is ereb empo of commie. No 14• Slate, a hereby a pp d to r a- mate,ceeoe eol to N,boar: on tee 0100 Ina price of'said]pole. a ale DrlcP• Fo°aeiti be tl.'s ,t Relating to the City Cemetery Plat—eontaming 10 gra s with perpetual re. . .'$400.00 Each m'g9eb8elo�aaa°rstlr Salt Lake City Corporation for its proportionate eh For a lot locate,d in—%Plot q—°ontainlOr 10 graves,w th „parpatnat care .. 66eo:oo was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the :,,Each grave with.y en�b I61 MO' [' ` 000llt a sold separately Tde its pro- I eiratonae snare. I 6th April 45 Except otherwise herein pro. ' day of A. D. 19 - vided,all as heretoforeIld with Perpetual c and paid Iand all m'¢ lit.„lots hereafter sold aka id for 1 t me shall be perpetually Main by and was published_____ __ __._..-_.-.-_____ Salt Lake City.Th;.se%tle hest - - - by author's.]to charge collect mum 00. eq a ual to one hund dollars pee.;na°'interested loom 1narne or the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the • lnfore sold without perilial Par' a d onsideeatifoor of tlipayment i gladesum ea f aidIt Lake6th day o7 April A D 1945 City agrees to Cerpetuall,ycare for d totem such lot or¢rtton of • lot. The sexton may eel] lot:a d contract for o connal a lot: t --�-( may to into Oonual be ell" G --"L,< .roved by the board f commis. Inners f Salt Lake'Cit r the Advertising er ' sale of of end perpetual P on the installment i and Aar sing to execute deeded to saidA 1 td to perpetually care for end maintain said lot; provided, her. that when,end if the pure to fella t0 make the payments eta.died t said contract Salt Lake its shah be relieved from all bli ations in la nr sanity tP perform aid agige- 1d sworn to before me this 2th day of o aced to all emir a c Id lot r to perpetually bar for and m lntam the same 45 -rite sexton hall riv•to I a d,p ,it A.D.19 chaser upon full peva nil of the Purchase price a rtilicallibbb of bnry al rights for each lot o petit of lot, pod stating the dale tat On give tthere- heaerd paid. thbapatte''the-Dux= t ///A„y Poch perpetual making the payment -- )Or D¢Cpetnel maintenance certi ficate showing the f t.I Re shell keen uplicates of all ertifieatea Notary I'ubli •is led by him part the P orda of his ffice.. 'All lots and - 'netts of lots,together with all im. provemente thereon coat/eyed as provided o this lnedel exemfrnifecuionIftm taxation,'except water.,The pay- '_ n4 ntiened in this section shall not be bconstrued Ito be in Payment Section Of any nf 1606.eN'vieee de` ee I t. .0 SEC. 1600. FEES. The sexton Is hereby authorized to coiled. from those requiring his services the 101. lowing fees,which shall be by him covered into the city treasury daily: - Regular Openings.32 in.x 7 ft.6 in.(1 In.box)iclud. 2 ing device . 5 20.00 .Box(leonine,33.in x 8 it. (including use of de- vice) 28,00 Steel Vault Openings.36 in. 9 P. (including use of de. Ceme t Vault Openings.36 in 30.00 d9 ft. (including use of evice) 20.00 Wet Cement Vault Opening when,used with regular else (We do not➢our cement) . 90.00 Openings Sor Infante on pri- vately Owned lots—up t0 3 ft. 5.00 Openings from 3 ft.to 6 ft. for children on privately owned lots 7.50 I. B- y singles up to 3 ft.un- improved with opening and 2. Ault ground10.00 1 Singles uniMproved with opening and ground 25.00 Baby Singles improved with opening ... . ............ 20.00 - Aduit Singles improved in X Plat 35.00 Q Singles improved i Adult n West Plat 40.00 County Burials 10.00 1 If certificates of purchase and - care for Single improved graven a requested.n Len charge 4 made ex. 1.00 Opening ne l0 4 It.In Church Plat ... ..... 7.60 Openingshunch for Adults in Church Pint 10.00 Removal of infants from o grave to Mother to femee taro 15.00 • Removal of infants for inter- , enE outside em e City cep t v 7.50 • Removal of adults from h grave y0 another within Reemetery 40.00 moval 2 in.hex or co t(Exdot vault within come . 40.00 (Extra charge for moving vault) Removal of adults f' in. boot outside metres, 20.00 a Removal of adults In optning) for interment outside cemetery 20.00 After 5 eloek der a era ex- charge(tor service)per I.00 Altearn 6 o'clock er, an ex- tra charge(}or service)per The . .. ... te 1 above ar refer s only to the making openings of only. The City does not r aisume res o other Op One the, n ova,.ibili- Ly for the C of headstones.opinio. SECTION f�In miu opinion of the Board of Ca peace, heal It i necessary to the p health and Lake t the in his odi of Salt Lade City that th ordinance be effectivecome 3. immediately. ieordinance SECTION 3.This or first p lire take effect'upon its firer publica- tion: Passed by the it Comm , Monthis a of Salt Lake A.D.Utah,945 this 5th day of thApril.J A 1845. EARL J.GLADE Mayor. (SEAL) LAMA RITNER City Recorder. BILL NO,14. Published April 6f h, 1945. '.`.f / fi Proof of'Publication OF 1• A tt of ney.