14 of 1951 - Franchise to operate electric street railway lines electric trolley coach lines, motor coach buses, _ vv ROLL CALL 1; ?7RI' Salt Lake City,Utah, ,195 VOTING I Aye Nay Affleck I move that the ordinance be passed. Christensen . . . . Lingenfelter . . . //r�. Romney . Mr. Chairman . . N RDINANCE Result t - AN ORDI IAN43 E GRAN NG TO SALT LAKE CITY LINES, A CORPORATION, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, A FRANCHISE TO OPERATE ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAY LINES, ELECTRIC TROLLEY COACH LINES, MOTOR COACH BUSES, OR SUCH OTHER DEANS OF MASS TRANSPORTATION AS MAY IN THE FUTURE BE NECESSARY OR CONVENIENT FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OF THE PUBLIC, AND RE- PEALING CERTAIN FRANCHISE ORDINANCES HERETOFORE GRANTED TO SAID COMPANY, OR ITS PREDECESSORS IN INTEREST. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City: Section 1. That there is hereby granted to Salt Lake City Lines, a corporation, its successors and assigns, herein sometimes called the Company, the right, privilege or franchise for a period of fifty years from and after the first day of January, 1951, to construct, maintain and operate, upon, along and over such of the present and future streets of Salt Lake City as the Company from time to time shall deem in the best interests of the public of Salt Lake City: (a) double or single track lines of electric street railway; (b) such double or single trolley coach lines as the Company from time to time shall deem to be in the best interest of the 2ublic of Salt Lake City; (c) such motor buses or coaches as the Company shall deem to be in the best interest of the public of Salt Lake City; (d) any other system of mass transportation which the Company shall, from time to time, deem to be in the interests of the public of Salt Lake City. Section 2. All electric street railway lines, poles, conduits, and other structures which may be condrtructed under this grant shall be constructed and maintained in accordance 14 -2- with accepted practices with respect to such construction, and shall be located so as to cause minimum interference with the proper use of such streets. Section 2. Salt Lake City shall have the right, without cost, to make attachments to poles or other structures owned or used by the Company within Salt Lake City for the maintenance of wires or other overhead structures so long as such use by the City does not interfere with the reasonable use thereof by the Company. Section 4. The Company likewise shall have the right and privilege, during the life of this franchise, to install or cause to be installed for its use necessary "Coach Stop" signs upon poles or structures maintained by the City along streets of the city traversed by street railway lines, trolley coach lines, or coach lines of the Company. The location, size and type of such signs to be so located upon the property of the City shall be subject to the approval of the City as to location, type and construction. The City agrees that its approval will not be unreasonably withheld. Section 1. The City agrees that it will furnish, and at all times make available at such places as may be designated by the Company, sand, or cinders, or similar material, sufficient in amount and quality to be used by the Company upon streets of the City for the pu.'pose of improving traction at times when water, snow, ice, or other material impairing normal traction, is upon the streets. The City will furnish such material at its own cost, and the same will be distributed upon the streets by the Company at such places, at such times, and in such amounts as the ComPany may deem necessary to maintain the operation of its passenger carrying equipment. Section 6. In consideration for the rights hereby granted the Company shall be under no obligation to furnish to the City, or any of its employees, any free transortation. Section 2. The City shall in no way be liable or re- sponsible for any accident or damage that may occur in the exercise -3- by the Company of the rights hereby granted, and the acceptance of this franchise shall be deemed an agreement on the part of the Company, its successors and assigns, to indemnify the City and hold it harmless against all liability, cost or expense which may accrue to the City by reason of the neglect, default or mis- conduct of the Company in the exercise of the rights hereby grantee. Section d. As a further consideration for this franchise, and in lieu of all taxes and levies which might or could be levied by the City, including but not limited to all municipal, occupa- tion or license taxes upon the Company, its property or business, within the City, or upon anything done by the Company in the exer- cise of the rights hereby granted, the Company agreed to pay a sum equal to two per centum of the gross revenue derived by the Company in the exercise of the rights hereby granted within the limits of Salt Lake City, commencing January 1, 1951. The term "gross revenue" as used here shall be construed to mean any revenue of the Company derived from the transportation furnished within Salt Lake City. Within forty-five days after the close of each calendar quarter the Company shall file with the City Treasurer of Salt Lake City a report of such gross revenue for such quarter. Such report shall contain a statement of gross revenue, together with a computation of the tax to be paid. Coincidental with the filing of such report the Company shall pay to the City Treasurer the amount of tax thus computed. Within thirty days after the filing of such report, or within such reasonable time as the City Treasure may designate, the Treasurer shall examine such report, determine the accuracy thereof, and if he finds any error report the same to the Company for correction. The records of the Company per- taining to such report shall be open for inspection by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, or its duly authorized rep- resentative, at all reasonable hours for the purpose of verifying the correctness of such reports. Section 9. This Ordinance shall be deposited in the office of the City Recorder of Salt Lake City and Published at -4- least once in a newspaper published within the City, and shall go into effect on the twentieth day after publication, or the thirtieth day after its final passage, whichever of said dates is most remote from the final passage of said Ordinance. Section 10. Salt Lake City Lines shall, within thirty days after the effective date of this Ordinance, file its accept- ance thereof in writing with the City Recorder of Salt Lake City, otherwise the same shall be null and void. ' Section 11. Upon the filing with the City Recorder of such written acceptan4 that certain,.Ordinance entitled ---- An I'rdiaian e«aooroving, ratifying and confirming the tr4nsfer- to Salt Lake City,Iines, its successors and asgic ns, iof. Certain rights, 'o`'r vileges and fran- chises' hereto€gi•@,granted to, held, possessed, and exerc$.eed by Utah �"pght and Traction Company, 0 dated the twenty-fift�Y day of Anril,; 1944, shall be repealed and all the benefits to, d4 'obligations of the Comp any `thereunder, ( shall cease and terminate. / i Passed by the Board of .rYssi ers of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 27th day of Fet y, 195 . 1 ice' l� or 1 �/ r City Recorder Zr J E PL• T C , IA PL °: 4 ' 'it • i'''''.( //50626.CAA TAk./,92.4 A 22 .8 a. 3 tair, - - , 2 I . . ,, ci,, lt ti,-. Icn . ,. cn4q,'it !ii;O'•,1 P, c ik; • . cr-8 .'! ,cilo I 0 .. ,. , . t4(3.', -...4 f— 2 , *, ,i 35 .1 36 iFs' . .............1 — +.......... 470' E i926,53 t 4,99,.'2",------ __. __ —CI r I' - , - OY.926,73 V/6'3'1 Cros,,n9 SOUTH TEMIK.E ' .__ ,___att.___L _I- ,_...._ S. L.G. Ed W. RY. ...._._...........„...19;‘?A s.,..r 5.4.O.6 tv,..rriC.,,,s I /12,'.92, r.• ‘ .. _ DS RaW ArreV6V LI. 63,0' • /317 t i8 q-''"-'e-"r'-i- • i ' 19277'40 24/6zifessA-79 11 „1: !IL 6-7J--17,4'ne ZISA•6•W • /927,,59 U.P&L,Woi- Xthcl ,-1:___ --"-Yoc r- 7,— - rA U.3 ../....- or ' E.., . 1:1!, , 1--, --,7-_, -165' . •DI 1 LE ' it... .., - ?sc. , ,..,. A82.8 : PK ' ,t),' . •. ' Mil rn p ,*,/,is ,,,er V•,,,,. .";" I,-, .,,--- .1§`:.., Th ..., , Ei.BENNETT GAS IN OiL CO. Zg t. _,. F _ ' N 'c,, , , .a''' • a „. //,- . • ii i . •., • / 1,1 /)I,• 6 ,51,, ,( tv. I 1930 I j.. /„., /510 I 1 ! ii: •-... ,53 w.EXImi). . to 1 , . . AtAot I, WESTER- . PACIFIC \R. 4 —50 , C-, ,,, I 41-4 1'7.----'•.7.' ----7 •--- -''•,. 4 PLAT C .„- k Proposed Track construction Jhown. Yellow. .. • 1 Tracks to be removed shown. - - --- Red. The Denver & Rio Grande Ilestern IL R. Co. Z , . ' • Salt Lake City, Utah. I, Proposed, franchise; to D&RGIIIIR & 0.S.L.ER I : * • , from Salt Lake City Corporation • 4 =I I I - for cOnstructicti of track 3 '1.• ' "." I in Satin"TC/1•010. and Sixth We3t Stre.cts. O') L. s.L.City. 3c43e 1 .. 100* -9 -1950. ') I • I 1 I II '• i I iNt-=."- Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, 1 Ias County of Salt Lake l'i'S FPNCE YCZVETINO TO EAL L'ON,CITY INE9 A COR- .). . ° I,lair. AND AABBIGNO AB FR NCHIeE 1'O OPERATE ELECTELC STREET RAILWAY LINES, ELECTRIC Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- vertising COACH C bR SULINESCH OTH- MOTOR TATI0NNA8'MAY IN clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper 'I•UR➢BE C1ER TKO TRaLPOR- VENIENT FFV published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State TATIOIi O THE PUBLIC, AND REPEALING War FRAN- CHISE ORDjNANCES HERETO-. of Utah. ORE pNAI(„t'ED TO SAID COM- PANY, OR B PREAECE680R8 iN INTER it'IF IT,OR 7FS D py t1t B atd f Commllip ,y0 fiat` Ic ke. ..OILY: 4�,th�r< is Ittk byl. That the advertisement ■E adore�,J1aYE.Oity Lfn s,. s▪slen.°hest at "w-cpg aiitd the- t_ _ C Pb1ee't th 4f, a 0f.,(f tr year. ' ..and QelteS'f the f`attl�yy:t11y iV 'anunrv, oPe e, Upell,dGt.Mande Rain a such A thte, anent.•Ja�nd'suture --- over v h of thepars streets yI m time to th° Company them time to time eh all deem, of the best Lake City a ts of(a)double 1.°1 track lines of electcle street I(way: (b) such double c single trolley wash lines as the was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the Company from time to time shall deem to he In the beet Interest of the public of Balt Lake City: (c) such motors buses or coaches s the day of Company hall deem to be 1n the A.D.19 best interest f they public of Salt of m Clt/: od Po transporer tation stein the Company ass shall, from time to time, and was published - '�r-') ,.hII'-,r 2r, 19'C1 deem to be to the Interests-of the - Nublie of B01t Lake Clty• BectfOn 2.All<le6talr street rail- way lines,pelts, conduits, and°th- the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the structures which y be con- structed der this grant shall be eructed d maintained In constructed respect with accepted u construction,ionn, day of � A.D.19 with shall be shinlinum t:steed's COs to c /4K/' -_0 emma with the , proper use . such treats. Section 9. Salt Lake City , t, have the right, without et, to Wyk atEaownenta r Pelee by OM i Advertising Clerk Com any. Wto used b the', Comp, n mans Salt Lake r o her the overhead S 00nee•,of w es or other' vecliea th Cltuaes so along a ouch e by they Cl`Iy does not interior with the able use thereof by .the Coltman),i 4.9O shall Section °rightmanti pr1vilegt u to before me this 1st day of during the life of this franchise,to Install oI came to be Installed Mr r aeon puloaao q:truntUre m°Duta.Ined A.D.19 >,. I by the C1ty by street Streets a(she m to iief6edoath st eet railway tires coach Eras f vt mach The location, d try p[ u It ten m b 10- t d up d tR qst Party f ro l of y shall t b1 ct L theapproval of ` >1 to cmy a v'Idp tf n tap an Q I n pkuotl n 1hnatr'ag t . u v01t ,l eB t be Notary Publ...-- - --. 1!1 ichheld. QEIo a (1' ndty 6 that u xw fd fen a At u u make Mamil 8bpl t e !n PC•1 mpnny? may be'du,lelanten b0 nthp stinS !minors, P"Me1linilar m 'gray fytol::?e In.Ah Udht and upos to a wen C i She.'Cpthe puny Don streets Of the CIW'forTha pu}- nom of lmproviA teaotoi rt''at Simla hen water .o Jgnal Other traction, Is upon)lme,grants,fn 1 Ciywill furnishtlnt-ihtr matey al at Its in cost, and uthe same ill be distrib- uted upon the streets bye the CBm- aaayfntsaa hn➢mace;;eta Oh tCom- Uin'tn�'apere ion o[IC?pea anger carrying souipment. Section 6.In consideration for the rights hereby granted the Company shall be der no obligation to furnish to the City, or ny of Its employes.eccio 1.any e City transportation. inla no y. way be liable no reaponelble for any accident o they exercisee by the Compt may any of the rights herebyp an I granted, end the acceptance o1 this menth onI 'shell abe deemed agreement o the apart of the Company, de ni cessy rs end olI assigns, m indemnify against thelCity and hest!t harmless against is liability, tost a City by which map accrue toc the default by reason of the`rof neglect, tlompamil eopdpat the is h hereby orn the exercise of the rights ther considera- tion r9ectlrn g.As x furtnhloe r t Ileu for n never hie in might of all tears and ld ys he h In- or could be levied by the City,all nin In- Chiding but not limited license all tntee uponcipal, ec nation yy r yrop ly or bdslness� ithina two 1Cityrodertupts anything dope Oh the Company in the raise of the rights hereby emoted, the Company p agreed to oof the sum equal to two derived bntthe Company ins the exerciseof the rights Salt Lake granted oolmhmencte ngiJants of uary 1 1951. The perm"gross reyepused ,here revenueallof the coast, Compan mean derivedl from the transportation furnished within Salt Lake City. Within forty-five days after the close of each calendar quarter the!i TreaDure sfalSaltfile Lakewith City thea Chy ch quartert rsuch Such reportoss s shall for ocontain l statement of tiosa revenue, to- gether with a computation of the tax to be raid Coincidental with tile filing c1 stab report the Com- the any shall lamot pay t0 00fft tax us m City Treas- urer the f111ng of such reputed.Within ort toda totihinrsuch reasonable time as the City Treas- urer may designate, the Treasurer shall mine such report, de- termine the accuracy thereof, and if he finds ally error report the same to the Company for eerie, tlon. The records of the Company pertaining to such report shall be open ler inspection by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, or Its duly authorized representative, at all reason.,hours for the pur- 'pose of verifyhm the cerreetnecs of we ll reports. Section 9, Tc Ordinance shalt be deposited 'on the office of the City abed at of Salt Lake City and published at least o e In a news- paper published within the City,`and shall go Into effect on the twen- tieth day after publication, or the thirtieth day after IP final passage, whichever of said dates is most samete from.the final passage of id Ordinance. Section 10. Salt Lake City Lines after the effective)dhate of in i this Ordinance,file iw)thathepCity Recorded oft OglerLalke City, otherwieI the same shall be null a v ld. Section II. Upon the filing with I the City Recorder of such written jacceptame that eertalr Ordinance entitled.— ante I and f rminge the trannger ratifying Sialt a Kn l Lek•Choy Lrnes, its sae.s antl aa�gnfi, r rtaln rranisee primlegea 1,a franchises hrecolnre granted' helh. pod nd axe Ised Ina Utah L1ghssteeen d Trac{(on Com- dated the twenty-fifth sty of April,'' 1949, hall he repealed and all the benefits to, or bliga dons of the term Company thereunder, hall cease and I here of sed by he Lake City,Ut of ah,this 29th day of February 1951. EARL J.OLADE IRMA F.EITNER Mayor City Recorder (SEAL) RILL NO.19 Published February 28. 1951. /