14 of 1954 - Vacating portions of alleys and streets in Idlewild Addition 21st South Wilmington Avenue, 18th Eas ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, IAriR,..4..1.95M 195
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Burbidge . . .
Christennsen f.
Romney . .
Mr.Chairman .
Result /
AN ORDINANCE VACATING ortions of alleys and streets in Salt
p Lake City, Utah, hereina er d cribed.
+> Be it ordai ed the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That the alley between 21st South and Wilmington
o Avenue and between Hannibal Street and 18th East Street, more particularly
u 4escribed as follows:
Beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 1, Block 3, Idlewild
u.o • Addition, a subdivision of part of Sec. 21, T1S, 131E, SLB&M;
thence north 475 feet; thence west 117.6 feet; thence north
o Grp 18 feet; thence east 253.17 feet; thence south 18 feet; thence
west 117.6 feet; thence south 1+75 feet; thence west 17.97
feet to beginning.
be and the same is, subject to Section Vlhereof, hereby vacated and
declared no longer to be public property for use as a street, avenue, alley
or pedestrian way.
SECTION II. The alley between 18th East and Wellington Street
and between Wilmington Avenue and Parley's Canyon Blvd., more particularly
described as follows:
,;"\ Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 9, Block 6, said
`^ Idlewild Addition; thence north 18 feet, thence east 117.6
feet; thence north 357.31 feet; thence east 17.97 feet; thence
pi south 375.31 feet; thence west 135.57 feet to beginning.
ri be and the same is, subject to Section VI hereof, hereby vacated and
o declared no longer to be public property for use as a street, avenue, alley
a or pedestrian way.
Hm SECTION III. That the alley between Parley's Canyon Blvd. and
w Ashton Avenue and between Hannibal Street and 18th East, more particularly
described as follows:
Beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 1, Block 10,
said Idlewild Addition, thence north 620.76 feet; thence
east 135.57 feet; thence south 18 feet; thence west 117.6
feet; thence south 602.76 feet; thence west 17.97 feet to
- 2 -
be and the same is, subject to Section VI hereof, hereby vacated and de-
clared no longer to be public property for use as a street, avenue, alley
or pedestrian way.
SECTION IV. That portion of the west side of 23rd East Street,
more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 12, Block 15 5
Acre Plat C Big Field Survey; and running thence N. 890
53' 42" E. 6.0 feet; thence S. 00 021 52" E. 574.2 feet;
thence S. 30 321 23" W. 127.85 feet to the east line of
Lot 14, said Block 15; thence N. 00 021 52" W. 701.8 feet
to the point of beginning.
and that portion of the east side of 23rd East Street, more particularly
described as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of the south line of 13th
South Street and the east line of 23rd East Street; and
running thence south along said east line of 23rd East
577,65 feet to the intersection of the north line of
Sheridan Road and the east line of 23rd East; thence west
8.0 feet; thence north 577.65 feet; thence east 8.0 feet
to the point of beginning
be and the same are, subject to Section VI hereof, hereby vacated and
declared no longer to be public property for use as a street, avenue, alley
or pedestrian way.
SECTION V. In the opinion of the :Board of Commissioners, it
is necessary to the peace, health, and safetT.of the inhabitants of Salt
Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION VI. Said vacations are made expressly subject to all
existing rights-of-way and easements of all public utilities of any and
every description, now located in, on, under, or over the said property
and also subject to the rights of entry thereon for the purpose of inspect-
ing, maintaining, repairing, replacing, removing, altering or rerouting
said utilities and all of them.
SECTION VII. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first i
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt LaE8 City, Utah,
this 1;� day of March, 1954.
7e 2 -
CitS A RecLo der.
Published March 9, 1954 1
City and County of Salt Lake,
I Bessie Judges, Deputy City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
"An ordinance vacating portions of alleys and streets in Salt Lake
City; titan, hereinafter described*
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, March 4th, Nxx1954
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal
• of said City,this 16th day of March, 1954 xpm
(SEAL) �}
✓ a L!1Q s tU�� C<i
BILL ItO. 14, DeputI C4 Recorder.
Published 11114x'ch...9th, xs*._1954
, ,
136 d.5�3h% RecordedMAR 1 71954 at 7 379 m. 6
Fee Paid. Hazel Taggart Chase,
Recorder, Salt Lake ounty, Utah
VA/1-4L By alp u-s Deputy
Book/67.2 Page t/2 Ref. •
AN ORDINANCE SECTION IV. That portion of the
AN ORDINANCE VACATING por. west side of 23rd East Street, more -, ,
tions of nlleYs and streets in Salt Lake particularly described as follows:
City,Utah,hereinafter described. ,
rBeginning t the n theast corner
Be it ordained by the Board of Co,, f Lot 12,Block 15,5 Acre Plat C.
m of Salt Lake City,Utah, Big Field Survey: d running thence '
SECTION 1. That the alley between N, 89° 53' 42" E. 8.0 feet: thence
21st South and Wilmington Avenue and S.O°02'52"E.574.2 feet;thence S. '
between Hannibal Street and 18th East 3°32'23" W.127.55 feet to the east
31 Street, more particularly described as line of Lot 14.said Block 15;thence I
follows: N. 0° 02' 52" W. 701.0 feet to the Ail ' '
Beginning at the southeast corner point 0,beginning,
of Lot 1i Blockn3,e rl of e Addition, 23rdthat Streit, of the east side of ^
subdivisionof part n Sec.t 21, et; andciEast Street,mare particularly de• 7,�iA
her west117.6 thence north 47 feet; scribed,Beginning follows:o
thence weta eat;thence et: at the intersection of
th feet thence east thence West then south line of South Street
'�thence1,8et t 18 feet: thence Wet and them ng line of 23rdte East Street;
then feet; thence south 475 Peet;
r tiand r nniof thence s t57 long said O
thence eta 17.97 Peet to beginning, east line ea 23rd East 577.85 feet to
be e e the s me 3,subiect fo Sectf on he intersection of the north line of .
VI hereof. hereby a vacated and de, Sheridan Road and the east line of
'-(7j' dared no longer t b "bite attired' 23rd East: thence west 8.0 feet;
for use as a street, avenue a or thence north 577.85 feet;thence east
SECTION II. The alley between 18th 8.0 feet to the paint f beginning,tSection
Eastand Wellington Street d be. be and the ea r e caroled tandct d.
tweet'Wtlmingteh Avenue and Parley's jaredeTnoflongera to be pubic Property '
Canyon Blvd., more particularly de for u street, avenue, alley or
s ibQd as follows: pedestrian sway.
cl.Beginning at the northwest corner SECTION V. In the opinion of the
f Lot 9,Block e,said Idlewild Ad. Board of Commissioners, it ne
J dition; thence north 18 feet,thence to the peace, health, and safety
/` east 117.13 feet; thence north 357.31 eery
the inhabitants of Salt Lake City
feet; thenceeast 17.97 feet; thence {hat this ordinance become effective
oath 375.31 feet;thence I 135..57 dtately.
feet to beginning, tmSECTION VI. Said ac Mans are
a be and the sames bract to Section made expressly subiect to all a istare
}�j VI hereof,hereby vacated and declared, ights.nf wav nd a ants of ix,/
1 pub
,�I o longer to be public properly for lie utilities of any and every descrier n get. avenue, alley or pn tion,now locate in, under,or over
deSECTIONa III. That the alley between the said property eeerty d also subject to
Parley's Canyon Blvd.and Ashton Ave. chore°r ohts f try tneareon for the pm:.
andnue between Hannibal Street and f oriof,line, Lai nine,rear pull:
Z. 18th East, more particularly described res• iof geld Quinn, pring or.
tTI V Hlipes a d 11 of the.
J l F as.Beg nning at the southeast r SECTION Von This pnhuoee shall
of Lot 1,Block 10, id Idlewild Ad- take effect the its first fuCommisst
dition, thence north 620.78 feet; s Passed Salt the Board f Camthissfonr
thence east 135.57 feet;thence south as of hake City, Utah, this 4th
18 feet; thence west 117.8 feet; day of March, L959.
thence south 802.78 feet:thence west EARL J.GLADE.
17.97 feet to beginning, Mayor.
' be d the am is,s bract to Section IRMA F.BITNER,
VI thereof,hereby vacated and declared (SEAL) City Recorder.
o longer to be public property for use Bill No. 14
� a street,avenue,alley or pedestrian Published March 9th, 1954
way. (A•34)
0, `' 8 39-7.49-3;.
‘' 839-/63.A
.Bra ./DO-3
.4.e, ale (y
ro RM NO.ADM 35A
Proof of 1ubtiraIirnt
3 nited 3'tuI49 of Anuritu
tions N ORDINANCE and streetsin Salt Lake
Be it ordained by the Board nf Cmn-
ml°sioners of Salt Lake City,Utah.
SECTION I.That the alley between
215t South and Wilmington Avenue'nd . cerr
between Hannibal Street and 18th East.
Street,mote particularly described as
of Lot 1,Blocing k t eIdlewiid Addition,` being first duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is the Principal Clerk of
subdivision of part of Sec.21,TIS,
RhE,SLB&M;thence north 475 feel:
thence west 117.6 feet:thence north
in feet: thence east 253.17 feet: the DESERET NEWS SALT LAKE TELEGRAM, a newspaper published in
117.6 hence south
eheice feel;
e south 475
thence west 17.07 feet to beginning,
bead the same .s sublect to Section
VI hereof, hereby vacated and de- Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,State of Utah.
dared no longer to be public ertyr
for use a a street, avenue, alley o
pedestrian w SEastt and ,Wellington The alley between 18th
aWi ingonv Street and be. That the Notice o."c__Fn-_Lh c3.:ri<-tneu_Var::a'L9.ne•.._?'arLis�nti._.o£..
tweenCanyo Wilmington Avenue and parley's'
Camel Blvd., more particularly de-
scribed as follows:r
Beginning at the northwest 1 eye o _.n Salt Lake City.
f Lot 9,Block 6,said Idlewillhe ��.. :tad Stir C.L
dition: thence north he 18 feet,thence
east 117.6 feet; thence north 357,31
.feet: thence east 17.97*feet; thence
south 375.31 feel;;thence west 135.57 Pi 11 No 14 •
feet to beginning,
be and the same in,sullied to Section
VI hereof,hereby vacated and declared
no longer to be public property for'
Ise as 'sett'avenue, alley or pe-
SECTION III:' ind,he alley between •
ey Parl 's Canyon Blvd,and Ashton Ave-:
nue and between Hapnibal Street and
18th ollo`t,mod particularly described of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said newspaper in its
as fs:
Beginning at the southeast corner
of Lot 1,Black If,sald'Idlewild Ad.
dithence thence
east135.57 feet;theth nce south issue dated the 6 feet; 9'h'
18 feet; thence west 117.6 feet;
thence south 602.76 feet;thence west
17.97 feet to beginning, day of Cla.rch 19 54
be thereond f,hereby vacated and0declared y
no longer to be public property for use
as a street,avenue,alley or pedestrian
SECTION IV. That portion of the and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper,on
west side of lard East Street, more
particularly described as follows:
Beginning at the northeast ce
of Lot 12,Block 15,5 Acre Plat C, for
Big Field Survey;and running thence
N. 89° 53' 42" E. 8.0 feet; thence
S.O°02'52"E.574.2 feet;thence S.'
f2Lot 14,1s7
5Block t15;t hthence thereafter,the full period of
N. 0° 02' 52" W. 701.8 feet to he p f31,�P.-"117:11t8
point of beginning,
and that portion of the east side of
23rd East Street,more particularly de-
scribed as follows: _ the last publication thereof
Beginning at the 'terseetion of
' and the east line f
the-theta stn a of 23r Sousa East Street
and running th ncou e stthalongtlsaid
east line of 23rd East 577,65 feet to being in the issue dated the.. day of
- the intersection of the north Itne of
Sheridan Road and the east line of 1'"_c.Y'f.}1 23rd East; thence west 8.0 feet:
thence north.577.65 feet;thence east
8.0 feel to he point of
hereof, ,A.D.19...511....
VI and
sahereby vacated and de.
dared no longer to be public property !/
for v street, avenue, alley or y'// GC��_bn )))
SECTION wV. in the opinion of the -- /
Board of Commissioners, It Is neces-
aary to the peace,health, and Safely
of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City
that this ordinance become effective 10th
aiately. to before me this day of u S e expressly
Said ac existing
x ,ng
mach oLway a easemctents
nito all all pub.
lii utilities and y ¢meets of de Dub-
wel of anya and under do anise
thetioh said property and and also subieety to f
the rights of entry thereon for hen A.D.19—.._J.�.
poses of inspecting,maintaining,repair- '
log, replacing, ovine, altering or
rerouting said utilities and all of them. i
• SECTION VII. This ordinance shall
take effect upon its first publication. - -'
Passed by the Board of Commission•
rs of Salt Lake City,Utah, this 4th I Notary Public.
day of March,1954. f,
EARL.7.GLADE,nDEor. ;'if. 25 3.957
(SEAL) City Recorder.
Bill No.14
Published March nth,1954
Advertising fee $