14 of 1962 - Fixing the denominations of General Obligation Bonds for Major Capital Improvements issused Under Bi ROLL CALL Salt Lake City, Utah, February1
9 196._2
I move that the Ordinancebe)passed.
Christensen . .
j ,
Harrison . . . �7 /
Smart, ,
Romney . . .
Mr. Chairman . AN ORDINANCE
Result . . . .
d V
The Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah,
met in regular session at its regular meeting place in the City
Hall in Salt Lake City at SrO(R o&clock P.m. on February 19t, 1962, with the
following members present:
J. Bracken Lee, Mayor
L. C. Romney , Commissioner
Joe L. Christensen , Commissioner
Conrad B. Harrison , Commissioner
Herbert F. Smart , Commissioner
There was absent:
There were also present Herman J. Hogensen, City Recorder, Homer
Holmgren, City Attorney, and Louis E. Holley, City Auditor.
After the meeting had been duly called to order and the roll called
with the above results, the following Ordinance was introduced in writing, was
read in full and discussed and pursuant to a motion made by L. C. Romney
and seconded by Commissioner Herbert F.Smar.,was adopted by the following vote:
Aye: J. Bracken Lee, Mayor
L. C. Romney. Commissioner
Joe L. Christensen. Commissioner
Conrad B. Harrison. Commissioner
Herbert F. Smart. Commissioner
Nay: None
The Ordinance was then signed by the Mayor in open meeting, recorded
by the City Recorder, and ordered published one time in the Deseret News-Telegram,
a daily newspaper published in said City. The Ordinance is as follows:
AN ORDINANCE with respect to
the denominations of certain bonds
to be issued by Salt Lake City.
WHEREAS on February 15, 1962, Ordinance Number 13 . was adopted
authorizing the issuance of certain bonds of the City and confirming the sale
thereof to Halsey, Stuart & Co., Inc. and Associates; and
WHEREAS although it was provided in said Ordinance that said bonds
are to he in the denomination of $1,000 each, the City has advised said pur-
chasers that in order to reduce the cost of printing and in order to simplify
the signing of said bonds, the City would like to issue them in the denomination
of $5,000, and said purchasers have agreed;
N , THEREFORE, Be It and It Is Hereby Ordained by the Board of
Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, as follows:
Section 1. That the bonds of each of the bond issues authorized to
be issued by the Ordinance described in the preamble hereto shall be in the
denomination of $5,000 and shall be numbered from 1 upwards consecutively.
Section 2. That immediately after its adoption this Ordinance
shall be signed by the Mayor and City Recorder, shall be recorded in a book
kept for that purpose and shall be published one time in the Deseret News-
Telegram, a newspaper published in said City.
- 2 -
Section 2. That it being necessary for the immediate preservation
of the peace, health and safety of Salt Lake City and the inhabitants thereof
that the proceeds of the bonds which are the subject of this Ordinance he
available immediately for the purpose therein set forth, an emergency is
hereby declared, and this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately
upon its adoption and publication.
Passed and approved by the Board of Commissioner of Salt Lake City,
Salt Lake County, Utah, this 19th day of Feb/7ary,%-21962.
% j /
(Other business not pertinent tc the above appears in the minutes
of the meeting.)
Upon motion duly made and carried, Ahe meet-5'ng was adjourned..
City Recor e
(S E A L)
BILL NO. 14 of 1962
Published February 24, 1962
- 3 -
I, Herman J. Hogensen, hereby certify that I am the duly qualified;
and acting City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah.
I further certify, according to the records of said City in my official
possession, that the above and foregoing constitutes a true and correct copy of
excerpts from the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah, held on February 19th, 1962, including an Ordinance adopted
at said meeting, as said minutes and Ordinance are officially of record in my
I further certify that the aforesaid Ordinance has been duly signed
by the Mayor and City Recorder and was deposited in my office and recorded on
February 19th , 1962, together with an affidavit evidencing the
publication thereof in the Deseret News—Telegram on February 24th , 1962,
and that my endorsement to such effect appears on such Ordinance as it is of
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my ofa1 signature
and impressed hereon the corporate seal of said City this day of
February , 1962.
I Cit y e o
— 4 —
Affidavit of Publication
1t se.
County of Salt Lake
The BA A-aRtllyANceioners °/ I 1
Sal} Lake ens? Salr Late C°vniv, tJ a nna.'h.abi"S
Ufa,,mar In'rAgular'_seas'°n at It,Ys
Helil non elgew oir i15:pqUn o'clolck
thefollowingrpmb9snprasenr:with Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising
J.Bracken,Lee,Mayor clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE-
Joe L,Cnr IVI'en,fommiss goer
Conrad B.Harrlsan,Commissioner GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng-
Herberr Fa Smd N,eomm�>sl9ner
There wes b am:re9ne. lisp language with general circulation in Utah, and published in
There to �o enr Herman
J.HD9enean Cuy' =°ra9r,H°merI Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah.
H°I He5en, Ity Auditor. end LWis Y
E fter Y m t,,ota I
tilled order bed oleo mono
called t to over and the e II wing d hereto
nh the art results;theI'm following That the legal notice of which a copy is attache with,
was Inirpdueedm Wrila^9,
was read in toll and aiscusswa dl
pursuant fD a'h1°flon made by'
f condedio er L. Ci Romnov,�and'
seconded 6v ,adopted by Herbed lyo tin e Of u...or..da. .ands.-_v:tth..r .s;aee:�._ o..
"Ins°`}te w°'ed9pled by the fob -
w yD
J.Bracken Lee,Mayor the der.i)11 _'' +. t,
L.C.Romney,�Commisaioner A�,LaS.I"y_]-�J],e..�h..e_..C.P.�'.1a_41TJ.._V.QZI,.CL S.
Jae fhrlsle»sen, Cemm astoner
Herber S ,n,mmjoai nee
Herbertlayt F.Smart,C9mmisslaner
NaY:Hope. _ to be issued b i belt....l,ijke_..CL .y_
Th .O aver in wen 'hen signed
boy the Mabfi In'Cigna I
wed by me trio gecore'i e
tNeubhtheera mime del'
Tow Pepe/ blI;hetl In said C11Y"
e-Ortllne c e Is as idllpws:
ORbINANC Va%1 3eFc i962
ANORDINANCE wllh re9pec+io
the den be t elons oi. -e lain
bends ro he Issued by Salt Lake
Ortli °n Febru'arY I5, 19a2.
hence Number 13 was atl°nfetli
aDlh°r',Vh Iseuan=n Df cerlan was published in said newspaper on_...Fehr."24-r._,7.962
!ste t r of Halsey,
nd= uir foe
Iale�tnereor rD Stuartr&co.,l
INnc tl A}spda}es1 nd
, in AS AOrdi a n a p
Acted i weld Ordinance that 'ICI
bonds a t°be n tit tlenominallrm
of ei,i3a each,,the Cl1y a as advised'
a1d purrn's1Ti mar m ear}o rc
tluce iM1e cost vt printing orM in ardor
to slmptltyw}he signing of sold bong
the cur oultl nka of Hsue them ����`Z
in the aenomin rpn of zs,aoo, and /
Bald r nasero have e9rwea; ` i�;���—?,
1a Hereby Ordained by e Beard of Legal Advertising Clerk
Commissioners of Salt take city, /�
Salt Lake 'Mt'
111eh, s follows
if the bond Issues authorised author ed'tow bet
Issued yr the Ordinance desalbetl%n
r enomina tone hferl M..,elldbc gall 2irJ
numbered barn 1 upwalUs c
Its adoption this Ordinance shalt'bet
Honed by the Mayor and City,Er.i
corder,shall be recorded In book'
ept for that purpose a d snail be ?ath day of
gbdshed °na time In ;M1e Dnenrer!n to before me this ?oath News-telegram, a newspaper pub.'
IlsSection sJ. That If being necessary
for the Immediate preservation of A.D. 1 9 62 .the peace,health and safety of Salt
fake City end the Inhabitants Ihw
that the proceeds or the bonds hickich
are the sublect of this Ordinance be
a'able ImToerrelr tot the pprppse T'
there n e} teeth, me gene'
hereby llerlared,antl Ins Grderg
shall bw In loll force a d ofnd uh /�
edla}ely Pon its adontl Dn and nub.� -(l>v,� c'� '?/L�'�E-'�1�=��
li cation.
I Rasaeh and eeproveo by me Board Notary Public
Salt Commissioner
dynbrb unty,f Utah,L this 119th
Idar or February,196L.
City Recorder
(Olney business not perflnenf to
tthe he abo'inappears in the minutes of Dire,
Upon emotion duly made and car-j 965
'fled,the meeting was aalournetl.
Attest: a� ��
CIER kaLorder tIONSENr_..
IBILL NO.11 rusts I
pub''snag'Fe4Na 5,td 19,_ 6,T 'uj