140 of 1980 - Amending sections 42-3-1, 42-4-1, 42-5-2, and 42-6-1 establishing a 6-month moratorium on developmen SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 140 of 1980 (Site Development Moratorium) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 42-3-1, 42-4-1, 42-5-2 AND 42-6-1 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, 1965, RELATING TO APPLICATION, REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF SUBDIVISIONS IN "P-1" OR "F-1" ZONE PENDING REVIEW AND ADOPTION TO SITE DEVELOPMENT STANDARD AMENDMENTS. WHEREAS, the City Council of Salt Lake City has been dissatisfied with the standards of the Site Development provisions of Title 47 of these ordinances, finding them inadequate to successfully guide the sensitive development of subdivisions located within the Foothill Overlay Zone and Preservation Districts of Salt Lake City, Utah; and WHEREAS, the Council's dissatisfaction has led to the review of said Title and the generation of proposed amendments that will provide better standards and criteria to guide future development; and WHEREAS, said proposed amendments have been in the review process for months before the Planning Commission, interested parties, and have recently been submitted for the Council's review and public hearing; and WHEREAS, it is the Council's desire that the status quo be preserved until said proposed amendments can be reviewed, scheduled for hearing, adopted and implemented so that any amended standards therein will apply to all new development in the Preservation "P-1" and Foothill "F-1" Overlay Zone, particularly subdivisions, and multi-family unit projects, including apartments, condominiums or planned unit developments; and WHEREAS, to preserve such desired status quo, pending the legislative process, it appears necessary that a temporary regulation or moratorium be adopted prohibiting the Planning Department, the Planning Commission, other city staff and the 110 Mayor from accepting, reviewing, acting upon or approving applications for such development; THEREFORE, Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 42-3-1 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to preliminary conferences, be, and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: Sec. 42-3-1. Preliminary conference. Prior to the filing of a preliminary plat, the subdivider shall meet with and submit to the planning director three (3) copies of a preliminary design map at a scale and in detail sufficient to indicate the essential characteristics of the subdivision, including the number, size and design of lots; the location and width of streets; the location of any important reservations or easements; the general nature and extent of grading; the relation of the subdivision to all surrounding lands; and any other data necessary to enable the subdivision committee to review the proposed subdivision. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no application for a preliminary subdivision conference, preliminary subdivision plat approval, minor subdivision approval or final approval of any subdivision or multi-family unit project such as an apartment, condominium or planned unit development located within the Preservation "P-1" or Foothill Overlay "F-1" districts of this City, shall be accepted, reviewed, acted upon or approved by the Planning Director, Planning Commission, Mayor or other City staff. Said temporary regulation shall not apply to individual building permits in existing approved subdivisions. SECTION 2. That Section 42-4-1 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to filing of preliminary subdivision plat conferences, be, and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: Sec. 42-4-1. Filing preliminary plat. The subdivider shall file with the planning director ten (10) white copies and one (1) duplicate tracing and such other copies and data as may be -2- 11O required of the preliminary plat of each proposed subdivision. The planning director shall indicate upon all copies of the preliminary plat and accompanying data the date of filing, which shall be the date on which all required maps, tracings and accompanying data are deposited in the office of the planning director. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no application for a preliminary subdivision conference, preliminary subdivision plat approval, minor subdivision approval or final approval of any subdivision or multi-family unit project such as an apartment, condominium or planned unit development located within the Preservation "P-1" or Foothill Overlay "F-1" districts of this City, shall be accepted, reviewed, acted upon or approved by the Planning Director, Planning Commission, Mayor or other City staff. Said temporary regulation shall not apply to individual building permits in existing approved subdivisions. SECTION 3. That Section 42-5-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to filing of minor subdivison plats, be, and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: Sec. 42-5-2. Filing minor subdivision plat. The subdivider of a minor subdivision shall file an application with the planning director on a form prescribed by the city, together with six (6) copies of a plat showing the land to be subdivided, properly and accurately drawn to scale, and with sufficient additional information to determine the boundaries of the proposed subdivision. Such plat shall be certified as to the accuracy by a registered civil engineer or licensed surveyor. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no application for a preliminary subdivision conference, preliminary subdivision plat approval, minor subdivision approval or final approval of any subdivision or multi-family unit project such as an apartment, condominium or planned unit development located within the Preservation "P-1" or Foothill Overlay "F-1" districts of this -3- 140 City, shall be accepted, reviewed, acted upon or approved by the Planning Director, Planning Commission, Mayor or other City staff. Said temporary regulation shall not apply to individual building permits in existing approved subdivisions. SECTION 4. That Section 42-6-1 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to filing final plat, be, and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: Sec. 42-6-1. Filing final plat. Within eighteen (18) months after approval or conditional approval of the preliminary plat, a subdivider shall cause his subdivision, or any part thereof, to be surveyed and a final plat thereof prepared in conformance with the preliminary plat as approved, including conformance with any conditions attached to such approval. The tracing and paper prints of the final plat may be approved by the mayor upon recommendation by the planning commission; provided that written application is filed by the subdivider not less than thirty (30) days in advance of the expiration of the preliminary plat. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no application for a preliminary subdivision conference, preliminary subdivision plat approval, minor subdivision approval or final approval of any subdivision or multi-family unit project such as an apartment, condominium or planned unit development located within the Preservation "P-1" or Foothill Overlay "F-1" districts of this City, shall be accepted, reviewed, acted upon or approved by the Planning Director, Planning Commission, Mayor or other City staff. Said temporary regulation shall not apply to individual building permits in existing approved subdivisions. SECTION 5. The City Council determines that it is impera- tive to the welfare and best interests of the City, that said ordinance become effective immediately upon publication. SECTION 6. This temporary regulation ordinance shall become effective immediately upon the date of its first publication and shall continue for six months or such sooner date as the City -4- 1i(' Council Is action upon the proposed amendments to the Site Development ordinance become effective. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 30th day of December , 1980. jy)„,-,13 liAIRMAN ATTEST: *2i t-u,ate. CITY RECORDEjY Transmitted to Mayor on December 30. 1980 Mayor's Action: 60� MAYOR ATTEST: CITY RECORDER/ (SEAL) BILL NO. 140 of 1980 Published January 6, 1981 -5- 110 ADM-35A Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake -- - _-- Shana D. Conaty SALT LANE CITY Y ORDINANCE No(Site Development Moratorium) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS A-31,42-h-I, 42-5-2 AND 43-A-1 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH,1965,RELATING TO APPLICATION, Beingfirst di sworn,deposes and that he is legal REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF SUBDIVISIONS IN"P-1"OR dulyysays g F-1"ZONE PENDING REVIEW AND ADOPTION TO SITE DEVELOPMENT STANDARD AMENDMENTS. advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily WHEREAS,The City Council f Salt Lake City has been dissatisfied with the standards of the Site Development pray, .in (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the English s i Title a)of these ordinances,finding}hem inadequate -to suceessfullV guide the sensitive development at subdivisions language with general circulation m Utah, and located within the Foothill Overlpy Zone and Preservation Districts Of San Lake City,Utah;and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the WHEREAS,the Council's dissatisfaction has led to the y y review of said Title and the generation of proposed amend- State of Utah. (elute developmonivand better standards and criteria to guide WHEREAS;ocess for monthssbbeefore0themPlanning Commiss o the n, review rsted parties.and haver recently been submitted for the That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto interested review and CObllc hearing;and WHEREAS,it is.the Council's hearing; that the status quo be scr ed'until said proposedammendments canbe reviewed, heduled for hearing,adopted and Implemented ea that any Pub notice of Ordinance #140 lo 1980 nm nded standards therein will apply to all no development the Preservation P-1"and Foothill F-t"Overlay Zone, c particularly mentssions,and multi-family unit protects,in- cluding partments,condominiums or planned unit develop • - me es;and WWHEREAS,to preserve such desired status quo,pending. the legislative process,it rs necessary that a temporary regulation or moratorium Blot adopted prohibiting the Planning •in9 Planning emmi� the other city staff the Mayor from accepting,rnrng,acting upon or 00rOV 3ToeEcREORfEr,sDehIdeloiPnata ty;the City Council of Sall Lake City,Utah: SECTION 1 That Section 82-3a1 of the Revised Ordinances of Sall Lake Cite.Utah.1965,relating c topreliminary confer- ences, and the same hereby is amendeded toreador follows: Sec.A20-I,Preliminary i Conference.shake.Prior to the filing of a eliminaec pear,the subdivider shall meet with and submit to the planning director these(3)copies of a preliminary oeston p at a scale and In detail sufficlent to Indicate the essential map eFfete subdivision,Including the number,size and ddouse f any m s,amefe location and tions width of streets;ts;the lts;the a- was published in said newspaper on Jan. 6, 1981 nature and extent of grading;the relation of the subdivision to tII surrounding lands;and any other data necessary to enable he subdivision committee to review the proposed subdivision. Notwithstanding the foregoing, application for a pre- liminary subdlvl510g1.conference,preliminary subdivision plat --_ royal,minor suladivlsion approval or final aPa royal of any a-rRtellyi flfJtra.14c"p,° ,n t such es ap tmen/. , f . i.�V\ , le coinMayor o olr,e- C , �. +tr tart,.$aid temporary egalar;pn shall n t % f0 Indl- Legal Advertising C erk vI0 1 bulltlln9 'Is in axisnng apProvetl suMivlsons.ualt Lake City, Ut Section abd l f the Revised Ordinances of Sale Lake CIIV,Utah,end o lend to filing final plat,be,and the same hereby is amended to read as col tews:Sec.rove r ind final plan.oval eighteen(18J maths t ,j after approval al conditional approval or err prel lminary plat,to subdivider span cease his suedivisian,or any part rhersor, ire me this 23rd day of surveyed th pr�eli ninarry nllai as a proved,nincluoi g coo /ormance with env condltbns attached to such approval.The the ma and paper prints or the final plat may be a rem I tl by A T��r the mayor upon r«Ommplication Is}he pianning commission; - 'Al' 19"$ "' providedthanthat thirty 1Nan ays In ion Is e o b }tie subdi V+der not less m e ta I301 days In advance of ibe exnlretlon St the prClNotwith Plat Notwithstanding the foregoing,no application for a apprnaryoval subdivision conference, valor nary subdivlalon olar proval,minor suMlvision approval or Una/approval of any subdivision or multi-lamtly unit protect such as an apartment, I cresery Preservation ip planned unit eevclepmenl I«atad within the a J )RA --._ City,shalt b•acce to,reviewed, l Overlay"bon disfrlcls of Is ;. J" the yPlahnn Planning accepted, Planning Comlmissions Mayor or oPher Notary Public City stall.Sale temtrora ry egulation shag n 1 ly ro roar vidual building permits In existing approved suWlvlslons. Live to me welfare one ilW interesstts of the City.that said o al-non Dec00me 6'f These fempotlaattIV venlalonlle Alance shall bet nEo n shall Immedlafely upon tie date ofrirs nrst%le cation a hall stints fors' months s itch sooner dale Ira and Coundl's action uponsix proposer)amendments to the'Pasedv by Ptr Ortlhence became effective.• Passed by fan C,ly Join day of December,1988.Council of Salt Lake City,Utah,this RONALD J.WHITEHEAD ATTEST: CHAIRMAN MILDREDAM TransmEM to SiV HIGM Rot on December 30,1980 Mayor's action: ATTEST- TEO L.WMAYORILSON MCITYILDREDORDERV HIGHAM REC (SEAL! BILL NO.Mot Published J nuary86 l ,1981 A-99