141 of 1904 - Ordinance 141 of 1904 – Regulating advertising wagons and vehicles, advertising clowns and like ma - WEP•Ne* — I
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An ordin..nce regulutloe advert3..in -
vertising, clowns m,,tters,
Be it ordained by the, ,7ity Concil of 2ult Ln .e ,
•- nr7,--ntnsztopwk,ja.r—a,4Arel-rvstnr
mAttar -org_any-4dvortising-V0hiele or device of a strange or unusual
aposarance. or likely tolrighten horses, along or over any (..f the
Paved streets of Salt Lako !"!itY;w9t ohall also be und,uotiful for- any 1
person to drive or conduct, or cause to ho driven or conducted, any
horse, mule, donkoy or other dnimul .-overed. or dra, cd or clad with
vAth any advertising po.:ters or advertising m:.tter, over or alooP7
j any of the paved strces of Suit T, . e (lity; it 314,01 also be unlaw-
ful for any person dressed or clad in any clownish, outluo(..ish or !
unusual manner, or hearing any uAvertising hanywr, sign hourds, sites
or poster, to h'tw;,.-. goods, or to sno,,t, hawk or in any mannor to ad-
vertise any be none, place, entertainment, article, or person I
along or on any of the pdvod streets of S',1t raty; pooldcd, ' !
that nothin,7 in this o,iiirs!nce. shall he hcld to pf'ohi; .1% tho uriving
on a• ih streuta of v:).ns dnd wagons used by any i.crson, firm or cor-
porution strictly for traffic transfer purpo3es in
course of his or its bun are; and 2spvided further, that it 3nall
he lowfnl for any elrcue, hics.odrone or ohor to hold or h.
ado upon said, streets upon oht-ining a permit from the (Thief of
1 Police no to do.
S-1,CTION 2. Any p-.:rson violatin- any
ordinunec kfoutl bc guilty of a misdemeanor.
f7,711CTIm'. This ordiou,loe t - n
% t
74/VI 4'
7R —C.—,«
f ,
-esented To The City +i Welk
end retried to the Committee ( -"'
OAT 171904
ii Returned to City Recorder
For Filing,
00717 1904
C w�' Gi,,i;c..ORDEP,.