141 of 1978 - Vacting all lots, streets and alleys within the Williamsburgh Subdivision located near 1600 North an ROLL CALL
VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, September 13 ,19 78
Agraz I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Hall ` " i
AN ORDINANCE VACATING all lots, streets and alleys within the
Williamsburgh Subdivision located near 1600 North and Redwood Road
in Salt Lake City, Utah.
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners find that the City's fee
simple interest in the streets and alleys dedicated within the
Williamsburgh Subdivision have never been improved nor been used by
the public as a thoroughfare and the vacation of all lots, streets
and alleys within said subdivision will not be adverse to the
general public's interest in light of a new proposed subdivision
development for said property which would result in the rededication
of a different public street system.
Therefore, be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That the Williamsburgh Subdivision located in the
general area of 1600 North and Redwood Road in Salt Lake City, Utah,
placed of record on or about April 21, 1894, in the Salt Lake County
Recorder's office together with all lots, streets and alleys located
therein more particularly described as follows, be, and the same
hereby are vacated and declared no longer to be dedicateea subdivision
and the streets and alley are no longer public property for the use
as streets, avenues, alleys or pedestrian ways subject to the con-
ditions set forth below:
Said Williamsburgh Subdivision is bounded and
described as follows, to-wit:
Beginning at a point 684.75 feet South and 74.50
feet West of the N.E. Corner of the Southwest
Quarter of Section 22, T.1N., R.1W. , Salt Lake Base (-
and Meridian, and running thence West 574.20 feet; ;
thence S.0°l0'00"W. 310.20 feet; thence East 574.20
feet; thence N.0°10'00"E. 310.20 feet to the point /
of beginning.
Said vacation is made expressly SUBJECT to all existing right-
of-ways and easements of all public utilities of any and every
9 a.m
description located on, in, under or over the confines of the above-
described property and also subject to the rights of entry thereon
for the purpose of maintaining, altering, repairing, replacing,
removing or rerouting said utilities and all of them.
Said vacation is also expressly made SUBJECT to all existing
rights-of-ways and easements of any third parties.
Said vacation is also expressly made SUBJECT to the condition
precedent of the prior recording in the Salt Lake County Recorder's
Office of a fully approved final subdivision plat for the Westpointe
Subdivision, or its successor which includes the property within
the Williamsburgh Subdivision to be vacated.
SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall take effect upon the record-
ation of a final approved subdivision plat that includes the property
included within said Williamsburgh Subdivision. In the event an
approved and final subdivision plat containing the land located
within the Williamsburgh Subdivision is not filed of record with
the Salt Lake County Recorder's Office within twelve months from
the date hereof, this ordinance shall be null and of no legal force
or effect and shall not be recorded in the office of the Salt Lake
County Recorder's Office.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners on the 13th day of
September , 1978.
(SEAL) //!/
BILL NO.141 of 1978
Published September 20, 1978
.1` .1
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
AN ORDINANCE VACATING aCEdis.streets and alleys Shana D. Conaty
within the Williamshuroh Subdivision located near 1600 North
and Redwood Road In Salt Lake City,Utah.
fee dimple interesHEREAS, t intherd f streets and alleys Commissioners
dedicated within t Ma tfhe
Williamsburgh Subdivision have never been Improved nor been
streets and alleys withnhsalo'subdvia7m,p5l notheadverse'to Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal
the general public's interest in light of a onew proposed
ro d
m+y+siandevelopment for ateprdperiy which would reaui in advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily
hefoe`t i y street system.rededication
biodab the Commissioners of (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the English
Sall Lake City,Utah:SECTI rr with �T
the generallarea of 1600 North and Redwood Road In Salt La in ke language general circulation in Utah, and
Lakecun'ty'Reecorder office or about
with alll'lots,streets and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the
and theosarnnee hereby revvapcated particularly
declared described
longer vto e' State of Utah.
dedicated as a subdivision and the streets and alley are no longer
public property for me use a streets. Avenues,alleys or
edeaidWwayssburectlotbeen;ontlobs6tfdan described
That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
follows,to Iwlitamsburgh subdivision is bounded and ecscribad as
Beginning at a point 684.75 feet South and 1650 feet West of
the N.C.Corner of the Southwest Quarter of Suction 22,T 1N,
R.1W.,Salt Lake Base and Meridian,and running thence West Pub notice of an ordinance vacating all lots,
514.20 feet;thence S.O't0100"W.310.20 feel;thence East S74.20
feet SaidnveN ion0Is0"E.trade'expressly SUt to BJECT tint ofo existing
right description
and easements of an public utilitiestco al any e streets & alleys within the Williamsbur h Sub-
v.d scrii egn toned oh a solar or or le confines of a tt, Y g
then on for
the property and also subject to the rights of entry
thereon for the purpose re of rerouting
said uingt altering,all them.
replacing,removing oralso
sale utilities and all C them.
Said vacation is also asements de SUBJECT all division
existing rights-of-ways isss also easements of ad,SUBJECT to
Saido vacation also expressly mane SUBJECT to they
Recorder precedent of
a the fuly prior approved final the
bdivisioneplat ion
property the witth n the Willie msbur Subdivision,or lts oh S bdivision tocessor ch be'vacateesd the
SECTION 2.This Ordinance shall take effect upon the
recordation of a final approved subdivision Plat that Includes the
property included within said Williasburgh Subdivision.In the
ent m an approved and final subdivision plat containing the land
located within the Williamsburgh Subdivision is not filed of
r e.record with the Salt Lake County Recorders Office within twelve.
the from the date hereof,this ordinance shall be null and of Sept. 20, 1978
force or effect and shall not be recorded n the office of was published in said newspaper on
the Salt Lake County Recorder's Office.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners on the 13fh day of
City Recorder \ --� ----
(SEAL) , "k. '7l__.. l\1 X f/F, �� r>.. .ti
HILL NO 141 el 1978
llbbl p _shedeftenyberm t919__. (A-I3' Legal Adverbs g Clerk
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 29th day of
Sept. A.D.19..78...
Notary Public
My Commission Expires
Feb. 11, 1982