142 of 1976 - Adding chapter 20 creating Salt Lake Council for the Arts. NULL I:HLL ) ✓ VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, August 24 ,1976 Mr.Chairm n Agraz I move at the•rdinance be pas..d. Gre er / �{ Ho ensen • / ���:!"/ i c 4 '�+ Phillips ) Result AN ORDINANC' AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Title 25 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, 1965, by adding thereto a new Chapter 20 relating to a Salt Lake Council for the Arts. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Title 25 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to a Salt Lake Council for the Arts, be, and the same hereby is amended by adding a new Chapter 20 as follows: CHAPTER 20 SALT LAKE COUNCIL FOR THE ARTS SECTIONS: 25-20-1. Purpose. 25-20-2. Creation and composition. 25-20-3. Organization. 25-20-4. Staff. 25-20-5. Term and compensation, vacancies. 25-20-6. Jurisdiction. 25-20-7. Meetings. 25-20-8. Funding. Sec. 25-20-1. Purpose. This chapter is enacted and intended for the purpose of establishing the Salt Lake Council for the Arts, whose primary objectives shall include, but not be limited to, the following: (a) to promote and encourage public artistic programs; (b) to further the development and public awareness of and interest in the fine and performing arts; (c) to provide for the assessment of the artistic needs of the community; (d) to provide the means for the development of a comprehensive city-wide plan to encourage and strengthen artistic and cultural resources; (e) to develop programs in the arts which shall seek to introduce the visual and performing arts to city residents who have previously not participated in such activities and encourage existing organizations to develop new ways of reaching the community; (f) to provide a forum of communication between repre- sentatives of the community and the city commission; (g) to act as an advisory body to the city in all matters pertaining to the arts and the cultural development of the city. 12 Sec. 25-20-2. Creation and composition. The city commission may establish and/or terminate a council for the arts, herein- after council, which shall advise and counsel the city commission in matters pertaining to the arts within the boundaries of Salt Lake City. Said council shall consist of not less than fifteen nor more than twenty-five members, to be appointed by the mayor with the approval of the board of city commissioners. In making such appointments, the mayor may request and consider recommenda- tions submitted by the council's executive director. The council shall include, but need not be limited to, representatives from the three following broad categories: (a) community organiza- tions such as ethnic groups, business organizations, labor unions, neighborhood councils, volunteer groups and churches; (b) the arts which shall include the professional field of the arts as well as amateur art organizations, artists and art administrators; (c) the community at large. Sec. 25-20-3. Organization. The council shall consist of the following: (a) an executive committee comprised of a chairman, appointed by the mayor, one vice-chairman and three additional members who shall be appointed by the executive director and council chairman. The executive committee shall have repre- sentation from the categories listed above and shall serve for one year. The executive committee may carry out council business between regular council meetings, with their action subject to ratification or rejection by the council. (b) more than 50% of said council present shall constitute a quorum for conducting business of the council and action can be had upon the vote of a majority present. (c) the council may organize committees, adopt administra- tive rules and by-laws and procedures necessary to accomplish it purposes. Sec. 25-20-4. Staff. (1) The council shall have an executive director, who shall be appointed by the mayor, upon consultation with the council and with approval of the board of city commission- ers, and shall be a paid city employee receiving the same fringe benefits as other city employees. The director's responsibilities shall include, but not be limited to, the following: (a) to act as liaison between the mayor, the city commis- sion and the council; (b) to act as a resource to the council in all matters within its jurisdiction; (c) to be a non-voting member of the council executive committee; (d) to plan and coordinate council meetings, with the council chairman, and to perform such duties relating to those meetings; (e) to conduct business and carry out all action approved by the council and its executive committee; (f) to represent the mayor and city commission and the council, upon request, at city, business, community or art functions; (g) to undertake any project assigned by the mayor or city commission; (h) to maintain an office, files, correspondence, records, etc. for the council. 111,2 -3- (2) The director shall be assisted, upon commission approval, by such staff as may be necessary. (3) The director and the staff may be terminated by the mayor upon failure to responsibly perform established duties or by a decision of the board of city commissioners to discontinue funding for the positions. Sec. 25-20-5. Term and compensation, vajcancies. All members of the council shall serve for a period of one year, after which at least one third may be appointed for a period of one year, the second one-third for a period of two years and the third one- third for a period of three years; thereafter, all appointments shall be for a term of three years. Vacancies may be filled by the mayor with the approval of the board of city commissioners by appointment to any unexpired term or for the full term as the case may be, however, it is understood that the membership of the council may fluctuate anywhere between a minimum of fifteen and a maximum of twenty-five members. Council members shall serve without compensation. Sec. 25-20-6. Jurisdiction. The council's jurisdiction shall be limited to: (a) the purposes set forth above and it shall only make recommendations to the board of city commissioners, with the final decision concerning such recommendations and disburse- ment of all funds resting with the board of city commissioners. (b) making operating expenditure subject to prior approval by the board of city commissioners. (c) recommending that the city contract, as needed, with individuals, businesses, agencies, organizations or other groups, to render services to the council or city relating to the council's purposes. Sec. 25-20-7. Meetings. The council shall hold regular meet- ings, at least one monthly, to review the business of the council and said meeting shall be held at a time and place to be estab- lished. The council meetings shall be open to the public. Sec. 25-20-8. Funding. The council's activities shall be funded for the first year (April 1976-March 1977) by a city spirit grant in the amount of $25,000 from the National Endowment for the Arts, and a $25,000 matching city fund. Subsequent funding shall be determined by the board of city commissioners. This ordinance shall take effect 30 days after its first publica- tion. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake • Utah, this 24th day of August, 1976. ( u z AWR )hPONRARY CHAIRMA. CITY R RDER (SEAL) BILL NO. 142 of 1976 Published August 31, 1976 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAFI,L_� AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Title 25 of the Revi,d Ordinances of If Lake City,1965,be adding thereto n Chapter 20 1 toe Salt Lake Council for the Arts. Be{{it��ord i by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake _ Shaba D. Palmer Cif SECZ10N r tie 25 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt --- - ---- - -- -"-_" -------Lake Cty;Ur h 1 r, _,tom fo a Sall Lake Council for theArts,I be and thhee my poY Is, tided by adding a new Chapter 20 f 11 Ws. P,K,�"s!' CHAPTER 20 l Beingfirst dulysworn,deposes and says that he is legal adrer- SA'ZEMC rCIL FOR THE ARTS / p �a ,Y �, SECTIONS risingclerk of the DESERET NEWS. a daily (except Sunday) 250r,P ¢sp a.ore 'Ratitt oa.`am"°'"1nn. n.c a+paper printed in the English language with general cir- a. 5.Tearn and compensation,vacancies. culntiun. in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake 2.5.20-6.Jurisdiction. 2�5�0-7.Feedings. Cannily,in the State of Utah. fortlin uurnosse aesstablisni g the chapter lake Council and intended he Arrtss.. whose primary ablenuve55nau Include,but not be atoned to,Me That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto lolloi ai to s. (nl to furtherr the romote and vent and public iawarreness of and interest the ide ardt fortph,a ssessrnarto Pub notice to amend an ordinance relating to (mu community; provide for tits a55pssm¢n10f the artistic neetlS OltW _-, c nIN; - -_ - -Om(d) to provide the mans for the development 1 of n ¢hnalve city-wide planto encourage lilt strengthen a Salt Lake Council for the Arts artisticle)and develop Programs erograms; which shall seek to introduce the visual and performing arts to city residents whohave previously not participated in such activities and encourage existing organizations to develop new ways of reaching the community: (f)to provide a forum of communication between represen- tatives of the community and the city commission; (al to act as an advisory body to the city In all seaters pertaining to the arts and the cultural development of the city. Sec.2520-2.Creation and composition.The city commission ---_-'- --- - - -------- ma establish and/or terminate a council for the arts, hereinafter council,which shall advise and counsel'the Illy commission in matters pertaining to the art, within the I boundaries of Salt lakb City.Said council shall consist of not le!: than fifteen nor more than twenty-five members,to be appointed I by the. mayor with the at/Prove' f the board of cite commissioners.In making such appointments,the mayor may ,requeste Sandexecutiveconsider recommendations ector.mmeThe w acu s suall i°rg eedblheneth, was published in said newspaper on Aug. 31, 1976 ed not be limited to,representatives from the three following broad categories(a)ao unity organizations such as ethnic groups, business organizations,labor unions,neighborhood councils, volunteer groups and diurchea;lb)tneartswnicn shalt nclud¢ ----- -----.-_..----------- tte professional field of the arts as wellamateur art organizations,artists and art administrators,(c)ashe community• at large. Sec.25.2R3.Organization-The council shall consist of the y (a)vian executivecommittee - r ised of a chairman, p 1 d by the mayor.one vice-chairman and three additional. appointed by the executive director and N �1�_ __ I _ ( ''���A council chairman.The executive committee shall have mares.. - ----- ----- ---�._=_ tali.'from the...ries listed-above and shall serve far one year.the executive committee may y out council business Legal Advertising Clerk behvren regular council meetings,with their action subiccl to ratification or on by the council (b)morn than So 50'.6 of said council present shall constitute a quorum for conducting business of the council and action can Ya,. • had the vote of a maisrily present. (c)the Igond!may urgent,committees,adopt adminisira• five ruins and by-lays and procedures necessary to accomplish Ifs purposes. Sec.2520-,Staff.(I)The council shalt have an executive e me this___-... 7th day o f director,who shall he anointed by the mayor,ur consultation - with the council and with approval of toe upon of city meloners,and shall he a paid cityleusemployee receiving the fringe benefits a tier city limited The directors A.D, 19_76-- r responsibilities shah Include,but not be limited to,the following: • es 1 to ace as liaison between the mayor,the city commission and the council; (b)to act as a resource to the(ounce l May matterswithIn its luresdichon, / f/ / (c)to be a non voting member of the '1 executive committee; (d)to pion and coordinate council meets ih the council /±,1_ chairman, to conduct buusie ssuanduties ca ry out all act o;approved tl by -- ' ° - the counci and its executive committee of to r ent the mayor and city c n and the Notary Public funccouncil,upon request,at city, business,cunnnvnite or art tions: (g)to undertake any protect assigned by the mayor or City commission; (h1 to maintain an office,tiles,correspondence,records,etc. for the council, (2) The director snail W assisted, upon commission apnr vat,by such staff as may be ntcessa+v. (3)The director and the staff m y be terminated by the mayor upon failure to responsibly perform established duties or by a decision of the board ut city commissioners to discontinue funding for the positions. embers of theS. Term council shall and toes period of one years alter which at least one-third may be appointed for a period of one year,the second ono-third fora period of two year,.and the third_- one-third for a period of three years;thereafter,ad appointments shad be toy a term of three ye s Vacancies may be filled by the -mayor with the apnrovel of the board of city commissioners hY deovinhnenl to any unexpired term or for the full term ac the case may he,however,it Is understood that the membership of thecouncil may fluctuate anywhere between a minimum of litteen and a maximum of twenty-five members. Council members shell serve without compensation. Sec.25.20.6.Jurisdiction.Thy council's Jurisdiction shall he limiled to: (a)the t set forth above and it shall only snake esion purposes iosihe board of city commissioners,with the final decision co Yonne such recommendations and disburse- ment of all funds resting with theboard of city commissioners. by the boardi0fcitpv rcafting expenditure subleci to prior approval city contract,as needed.with Individuals,busis. nesses,agencnding that ies,organizations or Other groups, to render services to to council or city relating to the council's con Sec525-200. Meetings- The council shall hold regular meetings,of least onemonthly,to prview the business of the council and said metng shah be held eta lime and place to be established.The council meetings shall be open to the public. Sec.2S-2n-a.Funding.The council's activltns shah he funded for the first year(April 1916-March 19221 by a city spirit grant in the amount of$25,000 from the National Endowment for the Arts, end a S25,000 matching city fund.Suhseduent funding shall be determined by the Ward of city commissioners. This ordinance shall take effect 3 days after its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake Cila, Utah,this 24th day of August,1926. JENNINGS PHILLIPS,JR. Temporary Chairman MILORED V.hIGNAM ' GIN Re) corder 1 ,5 ,F;�BILLNO.142 o1 PML Published Auncs131,1926— ----(D-AS)I