143 of 1904 - Ordinance 143 of 1904 – Sidewalk Extension No. 74. AN ORDINANCE . An ordinance levying a tax and for the assessment of property en the north side of Second South Street from Ninth Last Street to Tenth past Street in Sidewalk District No. 4, for the construction of a cement sidewalk. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That the City Council does hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of the same upon the property hereinafter described in Lets 1 and 2, Block 56 Plat •B", Salt Lake City Survey, abutting en the north side of Second South Street between Ninth East and Tenth East Streets, in Sidewalk District No. 4, said property haying a frontage of 600 feet along said street. This tax is levied to defray the *sponse of constructing a Nasnt sidewalk six feet wide and fear inches thick upon said por- siosof said street opposite the property hereinafter described to be especially affected and benefited by said improvement, and it is hereby adjudged, determined and established that the same will be especially benefited thereby to the full amount of the tax hereby levied, and said parcels of land are hereby assessed at an equal and uniform rate in accordance with the linear foot frontage upon said portion of said street fronting upon and to a depth of twenty-five (25) feet back therefrom, and the tax hereby levied and to be assessed upon said parcel■ of land 1s six hundred and thirty (4630.00) dollars, or one and 5/100 ($1.05) dellarsiper frost er linear feet, which is the estimated tetal cost and estimated cost per linear foot of said sidewalk, and the Treasurer is hereby au- thorized. :md directed to assess in accordance with the previsions of this ordinance for the purpose herein mentioned, the east 270 feet of Lot land all of Lot 2, Block 56, Plat 'Be, Salt Lake City Survey, as the same are shown upon the official plats of said City to a depth of twenty-five (25) feet back from said street, and to collect said tax. . re 'f * AY I aft © fI .A 'its+uo-;. -to *romooesa.s 0at1. lot bow all! a watreeS sossalays M e1 d:a”R 3aaa mean aei/ Swot' ArMee bmoosri 10 •tali angle sdd wee nataoirdoo#o e€de lee ,l .44 fei'sK 1lwebtI halts *ad Atia, .11amoban tam,* • 1+e ,In *A161 a- la Uwsl00 rtlD •tit koidar4i it ie bna aaI o zt yv.I ydriesf aee t t1aso10 tft is tads' .l M)17002 •zetluot 'sod xOlociaiq oAt new sit sift •I tasioa oses adt lot Wren v evzu? 1rd t D seta.? it a4 ,0410 teeth II Bale ,e hem L SW Si 10*l9sesh 3r ra, nl4! ssepalsd torus 0006 hoeing to abti Mtn WO MO ttelti lalogotq bisu ,* .n$ ?ate ShOuroble Ot r•Ismliti teat teas . fitoolas LLar mass teat 001, to assist a salwpt a nn.WooYt*raa to mow oftlivottelsi lele•sd e# atM Silt! -log btas seem ]Eitrii •adi—* Wait eel 4114.4110 aim tAmmaWis Oalage ecf ©d hedttaawb is taslonsf d'sigr/q ad* ittotgye a Use laid** at'tt 'tt ,trsa.-aart►tsbaX bt00 10 bitl'!s(eed Sew blitelle Ofeii•ges 9d tltW !Maw 4di tad* Mfwtlda#w lees !s*tar1al h 411400011 00110C den • at or::, to *ammo fiat Mia t* Ipleisat batttsaaed t(10*60441 bxa I.kuUa Ka fa ireesseaa Iforvad wag awl to alarms bias held ,bil7al hAai cloth soodnett Solt aaiWl slid £ittw soolobssse• a! atat amotLaps avt1-10nerwa 1e aft& s et laa moss ael#apt2 tsatts bass Ta Iotress ad o. b a batted gdstea set ,AS ha hits i goof teal fag) bna ba'ioasel MS it heal Is i tasiaa Skims mom, iesses•s to Awl/ 16milefreb (as.L#) ooAi bee saps to ,rlaLr•b (00.0404) iaoa beiaattas brae flow Lifts bNeaatoal adt at Asada ,ghat 'ewtt -Us Wenari at 't-etuaare weld boo ,llaaeble bLai t• too/ vsail! twit anotat-o7q 9r. A.ifu aoeab'7o•ei apt MOWS •a beta•tt1 ►isltorit n1'S *aaae tdt ,bonetanaat misled sssrtua ss:d tot sonaatb'I• suit is a gttn d.0 ? ,e¢e tat ,aa Yowl! le test le tta heal toI to test yin hiss 'o sfaiq latettte arif nogg iweria eta aeeuaa MS as •fie n� of rr, . ,deo!Ja 3't e moil Mead So (dS) evil-x*40ld to riigob a ©i (y�Q� .xsd bias* deoiLos \�fl I -2- SECTION 2. Said tax shall beeome and be delinquent as follows: One-third ihareof shall become delinquent in one month after the approval of this levy; ene-third in two months after said approval, and one-third in three months after said approval. Each and every installment of said tax except the first, shall draw interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum from date of levy, and all said installments shall bear interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum from date of delinquency. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. Sidewalk Extension No. 74. 1_ e �"4 C Paised by the.City.Council of Galt Lake City, Utah, 0ctoher Sist, 1904, and referred to the Vavor for his approval _ -1; "--- Cit.y Feoorder. Approved this L. day of Nc�,v//euurher, 1904. Mayer. :.woUUO'i as fneupftar! •d Mi emsed UM* 122 #sue .i MINN au vino !Items irons #ate* asssrd two. # ist-i civ=1g01 I:440 l.1ys art IM2 ,lt -aLdZ 2a laralom lovers Wm :UAW .Lringgx *Am IOU i#hMMt Made #ems Ms ft *a Ss.i 6A,t wail LIMAl set 7.7 4144 l.Ew boa , t airittlrefr, , 211V.lee2 lair 3.q tttNo t.sl gel lo *tot 4a-rteSet OO Iaf.zggr *nutao \ • MD tat 11114ft �` ` gumbo y sl .1411+ 4 1411 WbeestallM .zb7 .+t: ,t,4ssesM t Nit i.! SIM 44I..t -IMMO f I_