143 of 1972 - Amending Section 51-24-1, by adding Subsection 74, to correct an error appearing in said section, pr ROLL CALL
,!V/OTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, December 12 ,19 72
I move that,, •
• nance be passed.
Hammen. / A411!L. 46a111`,
Mir 111,
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 51-24-1 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, as amended, to add Subsection 74 re-
lating to prohibiting the location of stores catering exclusively to
adults within a three block radius of schools or churches.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That Section 51-24-1 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, as amended, be amended to add a new Sub-
section relating to prohibiting the location of stores catering
exclusively to adults within a three block radius of schools or
"Sec. 51-24-1.
* * *
" (74) No shop or retail business, store, drugstore or other
premise licensed or permitted to do business within this dis-
trict may be located within a three block radius of any school
or church, if said business establishment caters exclusively
to adult persons to the advertised exclusion of minors under
the age of eighteen years; provided, however, that said prohi-
bition shall not apply to premises licensed to sell beer pursu-
ant to the provisions of Title 20 of these revised ordinances
and, further, provided that said prohibition shall not apply
to properly licensed theatres under Title 20 of these revised
yory ordinances. For the purpose of this Subsection, a block shall
, � �v mean a standard 660 lineal foot Salt Lake City Block.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is
necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt
Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 12th day of December, 1972.
(SEAL) -- Cit Re der
BILL NCI, 143 of 1972
Published December 15, 1972
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt lake
AN ORDINANCE dOttY_.t1halp..y_"
tion 51-24-1 ofth Revised Ordinances --�-----
of Salt Lake City, Utah,1965,as
amended,to add Subsection 74 relat-
ing io prohibiting the mcanoh f Being first duly sworn,deposes,and says that he is legal adver-
tising stores v three
radius to adults
stores athree block radus schools rasing clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday)
Dr scrapes. newspaper printed in the English language with general cir-
culation oraalned by the Board of
cO�ieirj)tssl°ners or Sec Lak¢ clrv, culation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
SECTION 1,That cps of 5I-24-1 of Salt Lake County,in the State of Utah.
Revised Ordinances of amended, be
Utah, odd,as w Subsection
to add laing to ring exclusively
the location of
stores catering esalasl'ely m adults That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
within o three,block radius of schools
or churches.
sea.51-21.I: An Ordinance relating,to_prohibiting; -the location of
"(74)No shop or retail business,'
store,drugstore or other oremise li-
censed or permitted to do business
within this district may be located stores catering_exclusively to adults within a three
within a three block radius of any
drool or chit oche rs said vastness eto 1�1
tabllshm in undo the
ofe to 13i11 No., .3
I adult persons to the advertised exclu-. b19ck..- ai.t1S__Of-SS,]'LQ-Q-)-,S-_Qx_Cht13�Ck1�&.
i slop 0f minors under the age at elaht-
Iese 'pros;provided)however,that'..
sto s t aopu pursu-tot licensed provisions self beer Durso O} 1972.
ant the rdi0 of and,Ti,1f 20 of -ptheserovided
revised ordinances further,
that said prohibitionpeymeld
not applyto Title 24 la license _.
vised under F20 of these re-
tieS ordinances.For the purpose of
standard 660 s lineal foot Salt Lake City
In,a block shall:neon a
Blocawas published in said newspaper on
1 SECTION 2.In the opinion at the
Board of Commissioners,It is penes- L, 1.5., �/
s ry a the peace,health and welfare i)�C.eraller- -1`9[-2
f the the of Salt Lake City _-
that this ordinance become effective
I take
eTIONu This ordinance shall — -
1 k s upont its first inance i _._._
p eat by the Board pt Co rots- \
i I Salt Lake CIt',Utah this. ".
12th ape 1 December,1972. --
E.J.GARN _ --
MOYOC ----
NERM GENSEN legal Al leattsang ,ierk
City Recordercorder
BILL NO.143 Of 1972
Published December 15,197X (e-6011
hth day of
Sub.Scrt7$( athl sworn to before me this --
1> 5-,embor A D. 19 72•
4-k1'La.,--t_ -
Notary Public
My Commission Expires
F ebruary_;1-_:.__-97q,__.-----.------