144 of 1976 - Adding sections 42-7-15 and 47-3-3(3) placing a 6-month moratorium on subdivision developments and s MULL UPLI.
/VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, August 31 ,1976
I move that t Ordin• e be passed
:.ensen1��, /
Phillips .\ 4,
Result / A ORDI - CE
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Chapter 7 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to subdivisions, by adding thereto a new
section to be known as 42-7-15, relating to subdivision moritorium; and
amending Section 47-3-3 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah,
relating to site development, by adding thereto a new subsection (3) .
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Chapter 7 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake
City, Utah, 1965, relating to subdivisions, be, and the same hereby is,
amended by adding thereto a new section 42-7-15, relating to subdivision
moritorium, to read as follows: o�
�1 v 7-
Sec. 42-7-15. Subdivision moratorium. No final plat shall be
approved by the City Commission prior to six (6) months from the
effective date of this ordinance for a subdivision proposed to be
located to the north or east of a line commencing at the point
where the North Boundary of Salt Lake City is intersected by the
West section line of Section 13 (T1N R1W, SLB and M) ; thence
South along that Section line and that Section line extended due
South to its intersection with the 4400 foot contour line; thence
South along that contour line to its intersection with the North
side of Victory Road; thence southeasterly along the North side of
Victory Road to its intersection with the South section line of
Section 25 (T1N R1W SLB and M); thence East along that section line
to its intersection with the Salt Lake Meridian; thence North along
the Meridian to the Northwest corner of the Southwest quarter of
Section 30 (T1N R1E SLB and M); thence East along the quarter section
line to the Northeast corner of the Southwest quarter of Section 30
(T1N R1E SLB and M) ; thence South along the quarter section line
to a point which may be intersected by a line running due East to
intersect the North side of 18th Avenue; thence easterly along that
line and the North side of 18th Avenue to its intersection with the
East side of Terrace Hills Drive; thence southerly along the East
side of Terrace Hills Drive to its intersection with the North side
of llth Avenue; thence easterly along the North side of llth
Avenue to the East section line of Section 32 (T1N RlE SLB and M) ;
thence North along the section line and that section line extended
due North to its intersection with the 5200 foot contour line;
thence easterly along the contour line to its intersection with
the North boundary of the proposed Tomahawk Drive; thence easterly
along that boundary to its intersection with the East quarter section
line of the Northwest quarter of Section 33 (T1N R1E SLB and M) ;
thence South along that quarter section line to its intersection
with the 5040 foot contour line; thence along that contour line to
its intersection with the East boundary of Salt Lake City in
Emigration Canyon.
Thence South along the East City boundary to its intersection
with the 5200 foot contour line; thence southerly along that con-
tour line to its intersection with the South boundary of the pro-
posed Spyglass Hill Subdivision; thence West along its South
boundary to the East City boundary; thence southerly along the City
boundary to the Southeast corner of Arcadia Heights Plat "F";
thence along the southern boundary of Arcadia Heights Plats "F",
"E", and "G" to the intersection of the "R-7" zone; thence southerly
along the South and East boundary of the "R-7" zone to its inter-
section with Foothill Drive; thence South tb the South City Limit.
SECTION 2. That Section 47-3-3 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to site development, be, and the
same hereby is, amended by adding thereto a new subsection (3) to
read as follows:
(3) No site development permit shall be issued for an
unapproved subdivision during the period of time and at the
location specified in Section 42-7-15 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah.
SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is
necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt
Lake City that this ordinance become effectively immediately.
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first pub-
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 31st day of August, 1976.
BILL NO. 144 of 1976
Published September 3, 1976
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
AN ORDINANCE AMENDINGNCe Chapter 1 of tIre Revised
Ordinances of Salt Lake City,Utoh,l9as.related to subdivisions. Shana D. Palmer
Revised by adding
belt Lake Clrv,Utah,relatlno to site
Beit by eddlrg atIvretoBoar a now subsection(3).
development.Be it Ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Sail Lake
Utah:ONr Tnofchamerlauw•Revi eordlnanr�wsli Being first duly.sworn,deposes and says that he is lerral adver-
Lnkaclty,Uesen1n 5.rpianngmhere ieions,be andnmsmm' rising cleris of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday)
relating to by moratorium
thereto a
Se,4-7-15.Ysbimoraranu tonne.No finatol a-en'spaper printed in. the English language with general cir-
Sec,dby th FCity Commission moratorium.Ni heal Liar shah be
edby d Cifyi.ordmre dolor to six I6 monmsham
b dtoMe orthloroo5t f necominenclnatotwodnl culation is Utah, and published in Salt Lake City. Salt Lance
be West
eathee No m north
M Solt Lake city Issointersected bvothe
west section Intro of SectiOn 13(TIN R1w:s``8 and te):thence Lut al.Ly, in the State of Utah.
South along that Section limn and that 5ectleh line extended doe
•South to Its interse;itar with the 4400 loot contour line:thence
side of.and that contour nee to Itshe mar coon with the North That the legal notice ofwhich a copyis attached hereto
de Victory
Floo Rood;booteeot;oe with
et abed the North clad 1,
r Vio2S Road tws role tarn),with e E stale section Ilse of
Section s IteNcti S LB and Saltl thence Eastlan;jIence North
neeo et Intersection t with the thLake Meer of thence North
uart ro Section
n to the Northwest dot r of the Southwestal
ly _Pub notice to amend an ordinance re lst SnC.( to
La sadder section
30(TIN hIE h end oMM thence East along
thetesection line tothe 1NortheastSLItt 804 Ml In of Ste Southwest
ntacaaonta s°aciwyesatokc rooetLVN evoeSnt 3,--ceno site development
line runhhp due East to intersect the North sltk of lerh Avenue: —-—- - ---
t echenceieastelitolt along Mh the as 'ee of Mat
the North
side ollerh Avenue
ace•H111 ,Drive;
iterthence tion w southerly th eN the Last side of TerrAvenue,
venue Hillshethence
ae too its
aloethe,N t the North 1St oe lie Avon ea:tnenceeasnerly
Mc.North aide Clf teen Avenue to the east non line pi
Iron en.32 that
Se eotnI thenceaceNorth
talong 15intersection
line end.5200 toot of line extended due Norm to its ithe contour
unt ur
with the 5]utersn contour with
thence th easterly aloft the contour
lot a 0540 Drive;Seance
the North boundary of the ey oned ------------' ----
Tomshawk Drive;ri oa quartery along that f t719 Nor to its
quarter of Section
rho Coat RIFSsection line of thence
that Cu�tt.50n37(TIN In ISLB,rsetioti ithteSOSal ale
section along
foils co,tlooctlin with the 5 too!
wur line;bounce aloft that ke Cite Inee to its intersectionCoy -
lfF the East South
slow at Solt t City
Cloy Emigration Cseco
Thence Scum along tote eastC hvboundary heilY along
with the net root contour lick,Meese. merry lore that 'Utrts 3ublished in said news a ar on Sept, 3, 1976
beopOso nnc tot ifs ill Sobdlgonl.wim the south boundary 1 Inc t p p
to tic.(l intersection
Syl boundary thence West alarm Its of
othe eau Sltvou east boundary;thence soutICbdia rlyHe ulDf001,,art
City bthence Co the Southeast corner of y of Ar Heights Plat
PF";thence alone a the:"tot he boundary of Arerdia"R.H.zne,
Plats so "rlo and"O"South Ind ostl00 n o the Ot the zone:
zoo: southerly along tiro South and Lost:1.11ry also to th,
got to It;Lilerxtttlon with Pcvmlll Drlvn:acne^5ovfh to the
sa,mcT LNmf
SECTION 2 T 1. n Rov' oat es 1
Solt Cty.Utah.t fin r -t development,0.and
same 1 eb amended
dc by adding thereto b' real
(3)(3l N st ltA.,volognont II n he I b for on �,- --'.�1�-�_`�c ,.i G'\i._ iVv-Ng-
nonwoven bdlvrslon during the period of and at i«atlarr specified in Section<P-I-IS of the Revised ordinancs or Legal Advertising Clerk
1 Salt SECT ON 3ake City.U In the oalnlon of Me Board of Comtnlsslolturs It
15 necessary to the peace,health and welfare of the inhabitants of
Salt Lake City that this ordinance become,toctive immediately.
SECTION 1.This ondinunce.Snail take effect Loon its first
Poswd by the board t Commis,ent-rs of Sall Lake City,
Utah,min 3131 day of August,I9%6.
rtDt-Dons oNe me ibis-__.. Sth _.----__ day of
City Recorder ..
(5L.AL) 76
BICI_NO.144 of 1976 A.D, ll
Pubiish..1 September 3,1976 1A-553
Notary Public
My Commission Expires