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145 of 1908 - Ordinance 145 of 1908 – Sewer Extension No. 186, Third Partial Estimate.
AN ORDINANCE . An ordinonce confirming the assessment upon the property herein- 'Lifter described within the district bounded on the south by the north line of Third Avenue, on the west by the west line of A Street, on the north by the north line of Sixth Avenue, and on the east by the II center line• of Virg:idia..Street, in Sewer District No. 1, for the eon- ! 9 st-_action of sewers , Be it or wined: by the City Council. of nit Lake City, Ltr:h: 8EC'TIO . 1. That- the assessment list msd© by Frrie City Treasurer • fi as Corrected, approved, and completes by the Doard "&f E urlization and ievien heretofore duly ap.'Jointed by t 1 City Aou4ci1 Lon t-,at pur- 'pose of the ,property in' Lots 1 and 4, 71.oek 78; S paid 4, Block 791; 1 and 4, Block 61 ` ., , _ :-i3 9., i.o k 52; 1, 25and 3, Block 80; { 2, 3 rind 4, Block 53; 1;, 2 and. 3, .5look 6u; 1, 2, i; and 4, Block 61; , 1 and 2, Block 90, all,, 1n Plat "D", abutting on both sides of II Street ; between Fifth snd Sixth Avenues, on both „ides or I Street between ! Third and Fifth Avenues, on both sides sr J Street between Third and Fifth Avenues, on both sides of Fourth Avenue between I and 1' Streets, on both sides of Fifth Avenue between I and J Streets, and on both sides of Sixth Avenue between II and I Streets, in Sewer District No. 1, of halt Lake City, for the purpose of constructing sewers upon said H portions of said streets, is hereby confirmed, snd the assessments nude and returned in said completed lists are hereby confirmed. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. 'ISewer Extension No. 186. - Third Partial Estimate. Passed by the City Council of halt Laic City, Utah, November i 5th, 1908, and referred to the tiayor or his approval. Cify Recorder. Approved this CO do of November, 1908. nayor. 1_ J. t l '