145 of 1912 - Sidewalk Extension No. 146, Second Partial Estimate. ROLL CALL Salt Lake City, Utah,.______ sept,_._2:5, __ .1912... vo'I'ING I Yee No I move that the ordinance be passed. KeyserOLAAAATMI--1—U.' •' Korns - - i Commissioner of Streets %. 2ubiic raproverneuts. Lawrence •-i Morris ..... Mr.Ch.innan .i L...._. .� ._....... RESULT -�� . . .1.. 11 Ok BIBAB OE . L.7.7. orC,inonoo coJfimin: tho chsetecot mom the proorty here Liaftor ao2cribeE S. 1:-IC aistriet bonnC.,..ed on the nortit by 11 11 • 0out Btreet, o. io- erht b:7 the center lino of Eoltrteeil.th Eaet - Btteet, on MC 2011M -,:):: ..-11C city Ili:h.', ekd on '.1J.o oeat By t:no center lilac of Bt,-,e Stroet, he. BiC.et,ell Diotrietc FaB. 2.9, 20 and, 40, or the conet,:.tetioll of comellt :;i0e-./clha. '• ' • Be it orCritaed by ;;he Board of Commtseichtero or ..;alt 11,:40 , . _ . ,.. . .,. ,..IECTI„B[ 1. `fhot the cecesstiont lict hado -5:,; the Ci..,," ',Ureezur,,r, aceorrocoCI., 0-io.roved.h.n0 coml)leted. by. t.he jodeof Commiscr,oners );.C.Belt LeFe Citp, oitti-,yij ek a. Boar . of eirdalizetion a]tc.". of 5: 0 e.ca:pertty in Lo.',q 11 rio 12, iloch 17-A; 20, Block 1.8:2:-., • Bloch 17; 1 to 20, ihelncive, Block 5, Faradic() -.;-o_baivieien of Slot. 2, all in Five here Slot "k", hi,:: 11.010 Bhrvey, o.botc.inz, on tho oohtl ai(To of Uinhh Oonth Jtrent bothee.t Alcych.h i'..-,;.t ..-aa Thirtoenth Eat Strects; on the oaet : ido of hih,hth 0;ttt Otreet botheen Fziecton vettuo clia 2(ucch. ,301 :. :.,-(:.rno-cr; cw ..! (-., ,;c: :A_cio of r2cntil 0 : t Btl'oet 'Oethoon L,,.ira Avenue ,end. '...kelii.h BoiGh ../..root; catC., on the 'oet ciao of loke Btroct Soh:eon Wil:.nn refe .do.inin,L;ton AVCAlloS, in ii(10', 50 01:'.t-2i0t:-; ICK:',. 21j, :JO .-11c1 40 of 'Ohl* L. ko Sip, for the me.,:-,:oco• of cootetinL; ech-ie-.11... ee.,',aho 17oh. oa,i6. : t 201t1c130 of LIL:„a ctrceto, ia hereby JI: o. o. '..be accomento mode aha returkod in caia coTtploted lieto aro hereb::- confirleed. BECIOh 5. ',:he orC,i-cianco 7,.all thho effect oyi.c... a,.•-,,,, after ' it. fil•et ::ec.blicet-ion. ,. ..L.;i c„e:7,:lk E135chr•: on Bo. 14O. .. SoconC iat..-tial Ectimatc. Passed y the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,Septe 23rd, 1912. 1 // 1 , _ ' / , • Af . • , Y..a or. Ci y -!ecorde -- 5._ ,. .� �rri , w , t. . fv„.: 7.5 tD p • ill I VI