146 of 1920 - Providing for Smoke Inspection and Abatement ROLL CALL 1
Salt Lake City, Utah, October 30, 19D.....
IRam>,.....�. ._. _ _-
Crabbe 1 I move that the ordinance be passed.
Green _
Mr. Chairman
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah.
SECTION I. There is hereby created in the Department of
Parks and Public Property a department of Smoke Inspection and
Abatement, the Chief of which shall be known as the Chief Smoke
SECTION 2. The Board of Commissioners shall appoint a
Chief Smoke Inspector whose salary shall be not to exceed Three
Thousand (43,000.00) Dollars par annum. The person so appointed
shall be an ergineer qualified by training and experience in the
theory and practice of the construction and op erat ion of steam
boilers and furnaces and also in the theory and practice of smoke
abatement and prevention.
SECTION 3. The Board of Commissioners may, upon the
r recommendation of the Chief Smoke Inspector, appoint four Deputy
Smoke Inspectors, two of whom shall be engineers qualified by
training and experience in the theory and practice of the con-
struction and operation of steam boilers and furnaces at a salary
of not to exceed Twenty-four Hundred ($2400.00) Dollars per annum,
and two of Thom shall be competent to perform the worck of smoke ob-
servation and inspection at a salary not to exceed Eighteen Hundred
I(41800.00) Dollars per annum. ,
The Board of Commissioners may appoint such other in-
spectors and employees in the Department of Smoke Inspection and
Abatement as may be necessary for the proper performance of the
work of said department at such salaries as may be fixed by the
Board of Opmmissioners.
SECTION 4. The Board. of Commissioners may appoint an
Advisory Committee of seven members who shall be reiresentative
citizens interested in the subject of smoke abatement. Four mem
hers may be appointed for a term ending January 1, 1922, and thr e
members for a term ending January 1, 1923. At the expiration of
such terms the appointments shall be made for a term of two year .
The members of the Advisory Committee shall serve without pay.
It shall be the duty of the Advisory Board to advise and assist
the department in the enforcement of all city ordinances relat . .
Ito smoke abatement and in securing proper publicity and coopera-
tion on the part of the public in the work of the smoke departme ,t.
SECTION 6. The Board of Commissioners may appoint a
Board of Appeals to be c unposed of three members, two of whom
shall be competent and qualified engineers; all of whom shall
serve without pay; one member to be appointed for the term endin_
January 1, 1922, and two members to serve for the term ending
January 1, 1923. At the expiration of said terms the appthintmen s
shall be made for a term of two years. It shall be the duty of
the Board of Appeals to listen to and c,r i4 iJ.11 appals made fr•m
decisione by the Chief Smoke Inspector relating to the construc-
tion, alteration and installation of heating and power plantts
and the granting or refusing of permits provided for in this
chapter, and to c onaider and rec onxnend. to the Cit y Commignin al
necessary revisions and changed in this ord inane e.
SECTION 6. (a) No new plant or chimney or any recon-
struction of any old plant or chimney for producing power and heat,
or either of them, shall be o onstructed, enlarged, altered, ope t-
ad or maintained in the City until plans and specifications of
the same have been filed by the owner, agent or contractor in
the office of and approved by the Chief Smoke Inspector and a
permit issued by him for such construction, reconstruction or
maintenance. The plans and specifications to be filed with the
Chief Smoke Inspector shall show the connected load and the
amount of work and heating to be dace by such plant and all ap-
purtenances thereto, and all other information required by the
Chief Smoke Inspector, including all provisions made far the
purpose of securing complete combustion of the fuel to be used,
for the purpose of preventing smoke; said plans and specifications
shall also contain a statement of the kind of fuel pr op osed to
be used, including the commercial size of coal when such fuel is
specified., and said plans and specifications shall also show that
the room, apartment or basement in which such plant shall be
located is provided with doors, windows, air shafts, or other
means of ventilation sufficient to prevent the temperature of
such roam, apartment or other portion of such building wherein
such plant or apparatus is to be used, from rising to a point
higher than 120 Deg. F. measured at a point fi' feet above the
floor; and sufficient also to provide tkat the atmosphere of any
such room, apartment or basement wherein such apparatus may be
located, may be entirely renewed every ten minutes.
(b) Upon the approval of such plaid and specifica-
tions, a duplicate set of which shall be left on file in said
office, and upon the payment of the fees hereinafter provided,
the Chief Smoke Inspector shall issue a permit for the construc-
tion, erection or ma4ntensnoe of such plant. As soon as the
Chief Smoke Inspector has issued a permit as above provided., it
shall then be his duty to see that the execution of the work per
mitted is carried out in conformity with the plans and speciEL-
dat iona.
(c) In the event that any application for permit or
issuance of final certificate is refused by the Chief Smoke In-
{specter the applicant has the right to appeal from his decision
[to the Board of Appeals. Such appeal shall be made in writing
1elivered to the Chief Smoke Inspector who shall receipt for si
.d shall notify the Board of Appeals immediately that such ap-
pi•eal has been filed. Written deals ion on all appeals shall be
filed with Chief Smoke Inspector within ten days after such,no-
tice to the Board of Appeals, or action of the Chief Smoke In-
!specter shall be o onsidered confirmed, by the Board of Appeals.
Minutes of each meeting of the Board of Appaals and re
cord of the vote of each member on each appeal shall be kept at
the office of Chief Smoke Inspector as a public record.
SECTION 7. Each horizontal return tubular boiler with
+lore than Sixteen hundred square feet of heating surface using
coal for fuel shall be provided with a mechanical stoker, gravit•
feed furnace or other similar construction of approved design.
I eating surfaoe shall be construed to mean all boiler surfaces
ith water on one side and hot gases on the other side, not ex-
.epting surfaces as covered with arches or tiles used in the
furnace constructs on.
Horizontal return tubular boilers with less than six-
teen hundred square feet of heating surface may be fitted with
end-fired furnaces in connection with such arches, baffles,,
;piers, wingwalls or other gas mixing devices as shall be accept-
able to the smoke inspector.
All hand-fired return tubular boilers carrying more
than twenty pounds steam pressure shall be provided with steam
air jets. There shall be one steam air jet for each two hundred
and fifty square feet of heating surface or fraction thereof,
and the number of steam air jets shall never be less than three.
Each hand-fired furnace shall be supplied with dampered panel
doors having a free air opening of four square inches for each
square foot of grate surface.
Each horizontal return tubular boiler shall be set wit,
' .
I . , ......
! .
la distance between load rlates and sle7.1 not less than '':,Tle J7,-.1_
lowinrs accordingr to di.... ter (:"-f beil,,r:
43 inches diameter 20 inches aoaa fi. .e 1",,-, 2:72-1.1
5,1 TV TV ,--,,, 71 11 71II VT
60 " TT 3/1 - " VT
66 " 17
72 " " '3G " .. ., 71 71
78 11 Tr 73 77 11 1
04 " " 00 "
No return tubular 1- 1.1.?::"2 of aizea or l 1 co than those
sr6cifiet shall be set wi_t7-1 leoE than thir%. 1..o.clia.2, -72",:-!-I dead
elate to shell.
)7-here it is rrcposed to use L302, oil, rov,-;lere coal, o+
other smokeless, fuel not in.J.,o..i:71!-LL: a -.;:o'...to for ho.7,..1:;entc.1 return!
tubular boilers, the bel.:;1'.-1; rrrf tile 1:,oilor shell t,bove the floor 1
line shall not be less than t.'1.1,_ lianeter of the 1..),,,i1E.:r ai.; to
including boilers GO inchez in l::.a,Lieter ::,..nd. -'Ghree-fanr!;',-,52 of thei
.iiiaineter for boilers over GO inche 1::. f,..1,- ,-,:t,.17,.
Where 1.1echani?..a, toke.rs a..-.•c. in.,:talled 1.,-.... c.- 1.•ly•oct'L on v4th
orizontal return tubular 1.011.01'2 fail ,i:,:teilsiola fc;rnaces s'..]all
be use4 and the hol7ht of :.lei-,t,L.ig anal.1 be such an i.2
to install the pTtie.ular *;.."1:e of ..:toker i:217:11 7C a wi..t.2 ouch full
o7tonsion furnace, or s.Lch boiler Ha;',, bo ..et with flash fronts i
i;rovided en ignition arclr 1::i L.1,.tall...1. ..te-s.d.ing from r,r7r of frOit
• uall to a point at least five feet bacl,,: of front face of bridge
wall, and vertical distance bet,.:ee.I.. 7grates .ad ignition arch be
not less than forty-two inch,,,•s on center line of boiler.
' The grate are..,, of nay return tubular Toile:' setting
using coal as fuel shall not be lean thah. 1/60. of the '(1,f,',17,ing 2,1,14-
face where stokers '.1-'0 used a;:,.0. 1/1.5 )..f t7t-,o .1-1' ..1:lr..3. 200f:-,:,30 in
hand-fired furnaces.
The unrestric- el 0000. 1,hr,:n.i.:Lfc the ,da).q:L)or on ..:,..,... , llori-
.on.ta.a. return tubular 7.):)ii CT ZTh.q.1 at„ b e 1 ::..,,:-., tl:,:,il 25 p el coot
in excess of the combined internal crosse,ctional :.,.-cc:a al tu..1)e s.1
Each water tube boiler wl.th, ..!ore thai... 1600 .(.1..!.La.e feet'
cy.r.• heating surface using. 3,.73.2, ,.:1,. fuel L-2.h.a7.1 be i_ .dc-.q vil.th mm
1!'l echo.ni cal stoker, 'rant r7oc.:: ThriL!,, ,,?, or otle-f s';,-11.1:Ar con-
I ..
I ' !
i' , .•
I. .
straetion of approved desi.,g,n.
Each hand-fired hori::Io.ntal -cinter ";7foe boiler shall he -
'oorizontally baffled and set w.7,t1•1 a mintalm distance of :.:1 17 feeti
Six inches from floor line to botto : c.f front ...-ef2,3.er.
Each hand-fired horiz,,.ontal •W::.'.t,01' tube boiler furnace 1
A..l have dampered I',a-nel doers TIL-,-,rinr, ..L free air o,2ening of
.snare inches for za...74.eh !-:,2?..L,..1.c e -Z,.)at, of .-'rate 12117'7:2,0e.
Each hand.-fired watc:::••• tube iloiler shall be frovided 1
...fith one steam r2,ir j Ot.If 07" (-ii-7,Ci. 2 7,'.', .•.riz.i..-:.-f,: feet o 2 1.-Tf:: .:,-ar-
face or fraction thereof, ' I t7E., nm.:-Ier if _--t,e‘.., ..i. -1.-•
never be less -1,17LT,. three.
Each hand-fire3, water tube 1-•...-:11c.:' in -:-.7.''ti o,.: tn nt f.,!.T.I.
,•:.1.:7_-2 jets axil air parel doors 1-.:1-1,.1. 5.o,-,:, suc7a. ,,,lor:.:, aro'-.os, ,,in7
walls or other gas mixing 1e;vio,-2 ...:,'. -.rill. he ;-...D..!-.."1_.,-::-=.7ai.t.)r...- to
crooks ins,pecter. , 1
All horizontol water tuIe 1)oiler: hori-.:c.2.1:o,1ly T)affledl
: a-balled with ri eel-,Ly,I c al stokers, shall be 2 et will'. :.- !-5.r.:1. 1.Lit i
• distance of seven feet ...1.7...,:. inches fr(xL•i floor line to i•-,,I,ttom of I
:front header. 7,'uch stoker :a-/ 1. .-3 set ol. .-ter :77,..-i.. an :!7.72,7‘nt or e:::- 1
tension furnace f•i;6 t t in.;4 i,"C 0 171 a:::1 1;11 at V.,.e fl n•-lz:: t7!7,7-ca from 2 o in!t
of introduction of green cod l into rt,',:,,rni.e.., to. -, E, -f -t; 1- •:*cl-,,; of
passage of gases between tubes -1)o ntt less thon seven. feet. -3*Br.
inches. In no case shall the klistance from the grate:,‘ to the
lower side of the bottom wei.l of 17,1J)e:3 5o 1,.7:: t.,7,--!s five feet.
Each horin:ontL1 viatem tl,f..i e 'boil 075 TVI't iCz:.1%, li af-T.el.
1,-,.itallod wlth mechaniel :-to3.7:ers ecall he set with o m.:1..nimuu
Thistance of teven foot ...-2-1.7 7 I•ache fro'l floor 1.1 ,e ';-) 'oottor•I o.:7
-front, header. Each st o'-7.r . ,-,;-,; In ._,-.,t ,,I'ha ' flw.:h :Iront or ay:-
tension furnace cettin7 ..::,-o 7.,rT,.,a -t-J1 ; "'re :71,:•.T.:! tI.i-,.i.tol from .oirt
of introduction of .7reen so .1 into 7717.rnocc to noorest 1:oir:It of
•;,L,..ssage of gases botwee:i tobes in oot 1-7s..:. -.67 :.:-. !..:(1,h7fil 77 ,ot•
or 7 t eriLag %To
, All verticallwot or tur',)c, bc'llor,,,, si,T1 1 be ::.ot. .,viti:. full
eLtension TurT.- ces, or .....-,-,- 'or, ._:,....!.; :7.1...711:1-1 front 17,rovi..:1.&d fl ome.
. .- .,.. .
. ..,
.. ,:
of 7 feet 6 .7..nche5
travel/enuivalent to of fll.r:a7.-.co
The Tate cc_ of :,ny
fuel shall he not 1 1,17:0 7,:7
...:.toltors are used of'1‘;',..e 1-2c,i
The .7 .'• 7t;
boiler :131rall a,ot be les,: than t"'e .
.31.1 be 1.1'Gt 3,1
The afrr :,t, iete,T, 0:2 •";:.7. C11
0tinont.,...1. .aot 1 un 25 per
cont in excess cy7 the C1'..Q.1,1 072:7)
All .11
• lye -fitted. with down 7rrift, 777 '7-1-•7131. aC 301:43-1
L.Thle mokel:eso type .,7r.r7,-L.,ce.
ooS holler: hot ..,..er.1; nTh.c.).=„7-(-;
to over GOO 13c-iu...:re .7cet (.-`flC
water radiation ;271'217_
71..12e arch or oi'ler
All hot air
4 square feet 21:,[0..1 d.raft,
arch' or other ac3eptab7.o
L0.2.T./LBI,E BOIL .
All portable -0.2e1 or
purposes such as
and. ,all permanently installef.,. vertical fire tube boilers, - •.
(• ,,
shall use smokeleso furl.
Unless the rot Tht of '., .71.ae -,-,7 st,9.•:7.: i::, .:fri...1...tk..,:..'
150 feet the breecha.,, ..r,:l.:::1-, n'Lt 3-,o.ii -;.t al....y f....)11". 2:,--.12. 7-10i1..,1' to
stack. Where the brr.!.:07....:7. .1.....: 70:::c•L2,L•7u7 aa- T" 2.-l'et Ion t't•:, ratio
i.,... of the di-mension,o shall T:.0 t 7:',C, 7,e 2,15 02 than 7 ..i; 2„ The -1-',..- 117,,,r,d 1
:radius of the central line of :.171. TJunds C.,:',a17 la7.)t " : less thn-a I
the width or diameter of t7-!e 1);2oe7••-•1.11 .. The area ,7,7 the breech-
Tiag- in plants not exceedin:,; 10.:0C 7.2. Ziall he 1/5 •':.‘.2 tin total
connected ;,...;rate area- ^.11 .:017e7,7 L-1-..d hoPtilz plants :re:.' 25 7....i2. 1
capactty shall be equ.ipped ulth stack of sli.ffic:Lealt 7,.eil-j!t to Are
a minim= of 0.215 inches draft over the. •2.1,re in the .7nra,f-,oes 1
frTo stack or chl:'mo.y either 2,-2 7.7.eatins or -ro..V,7..7.:' shall 1
lave any ventilatin3. sh...ft, ,:-.1.72 ,Thts e , 7.- .1,, -7:2.ter ha:.tor oa"rec-
. 1
tions or other eimilar or enin,”E. 1 !
:-.11ECTIOr 8. It :,ro..7.1 h7... ,.-In7. .,../-7_,..", 7or ••.'lly :.•er.:an IA) i-L;Je I
aly new or reconstructed pl':•nt .7: ‘ tl..,.: ;:ro duct iom .,:•.nd L;,,,a oration
of power and heat, or either of thee, 1-intil he fr.,.a.:1 7. ?L.,:ot 1:,tve I
procured a final certificate 2y0::: tl-!(, C,hlef 7;n:ohs T.inpeator that
the plant in.constructed in L,;c07,az::1(.3e with 1:,7,.c i27,..7-..::,:.. not ',. e,-.15.-
.... .
fications filed 'oil,th the •Ti.li•.:,f '',..e'..,: , Insi.s.,e!,:or,at t•Le tie the
rormit was issu.ed. i
SECT ION 9. re --,..7a.or, 7..o; :J e o, rr..7 OfV:Tator of -.:.:,.zr eIst-1
in plant shall alter or rel.-,air au. ?Th.imney or r...ny -7,ronace 011
device, which alteration, chans,e a•,.? Lista:nation : .7.-.:•.1..-1 :: foot thEl
UTs;thod or efficiency of 1,reven0i.n smoke, ,,vitl-out first subLlittina
. plans and specifications to the Chief -121-_ol.,.:e Ins2oetbr and securirEr
k permit therefor; however, that nine:- it..!.e0 'a57.; ar eler2Tenc:`,7 re-
, t airs which do not eha,:l.,,,,.... the .:.,,......pacity of s.1.071 plant or 113.*ch do I
Let involve any substantial :.'lteration Li structure ond whieh do
1 i
1 i
lot involve any alteration in tho 1.1ethoa of efficiency of smoke 1 .
I i
_,revention may be nude17,y or and el. t'a_s _a..1...jinef...,r in eharc;e of rail
!plant without a permit. Each da7Ts violation sell constitute a
• I
I. e.parate offense.
-8— ,
. ....,,
SECTION 10. The emission of ,:tese clhoke wi. bin. the
City from the smokestaci: of 1.ny le(3cy,.otiv,, fteam boiler, rte= 1
lerrick, steam pile drive, or other portable or leper any smoke 1
m2hing devise or appTratuz, f:v.c a 12,:,rloa o.7 •.1,) ,T, tTp.:n or:o ilinuto
except for a period or 1--:Tioc7L:. 'Y-7regating not to ..._Jr,... sir: m.7n.-
utes in any ono hoar, dilTin;:f WAlch periOd. or Periods tic fire-LoT
or boxes aro being cleared or a , ,:17 fire or fires are being Tirilt
therein, is hereby declared a .isance.
The ordoolon of dom;c. .,.-.,oe withLn -n..J, City fr(m the
smokestack of any tar kettle o:: oner :31..milar r.7.-fitriwnce, or frilm
the smokestack or cbi-.-cley of any lyo:i.ls or I)TOnli::A?2, or from 1
. any open bonfire, open MA, tank, .at, basin oy yner loseptaelel
except for periods aregating not to c-nceed sir imites in any
one hour during which periods tho firebox is beinL; a7ca'flel or a
row fire is being built nerein I- hereby lecbsroP Licence,
. i
Any nuisance 2,:tah aa 'ne fj)ove specified ia-J he 2u1=r1-
t y abated by The Chief ".'.;mehe Inspector, or by anyone 1-'son he nj ,
(9.,.1'.1:1 authorize. for the 1=1:0 (3, 2.1.1d each abatement rosy be in
ion to the penalty here.lrafter provide-,1. 1
Any person, Tim or -c-2or,,t1..m cr,:i1211 4or',-JtiA:; or id
aharge or control of '21,-v lc?.ofloti-ve, 2te2fli -2:7)17.e-2, ion dorrickj
steam pile driver, tar kottle, or other similar ::Ir. o or con-
O•ivance, or any anon bonfi1'e,op8a.. ' in, tank, vat, ba2in or other
oceptacle, or of any bnilling er rromisee, vino 2711:111 crane or
1,-)ercai.t the emission of 10.112e L!-..loh w:_thin the. City, In contraveri-
ion of the provision3of this section. froln the '2.1.:loket-21:: of any
• locomotive, steam roller, ates.m derric , steam pile driver, tar 1
settle, or other similar 1,o.chlie or c9atrivanco, or Pro l] Lilly opel
11)onfire, open bin, tank, vat, basin or other roroits or fror.1 i
he smokestack or chinmey of a(1.7 b-,.1j1diy,.:: or lymAE(12, or enact,
ontrolled or in charge af 111]n or it nail be docix-A. 3-iJlty of
.riolation of this ordice, and ul.on 7,cnviotion there,If aall be
fined as hereinafter provlaea ' oh Pa:: of iueh ion of dense
Mmake shall conatitute a f:.f.D.: to offon .
II i
! .
. ,.
For the purpose of grading the density of smoke, the
Ringelmann Smoke Chart, as published and used by the United Sta s
!Geological Survey, shall be the standard of comparison, a copy
of which is hereto attached and made a part of this ordinance an
is hereby approved and ordained to be the official standard for
Salt Lake City. Smoke shall be considered "dense" when it is
of equal, or greater density than No. 3 of the chart, or smoke to
dense to be seen through when viewed directly over the top of
the stack.
SECTION il. A fee shall be charged for the inspection
of plans and specifications for the construction, reconstruction
or alteration of any plant, which fee shall include the issuing
of permit and certificate in case such are granted, as follows:
For plants in residences, $2.00
For all plants except in residences, p5.00.
SECTION 12. The issuance and delivery by the Depart-
ment of Smoke Inspection and Abatement of any permits for the
construction or reconstruction, or any permit for the alteratio.
or repair of any plant or chimney connected with a plant shall
not be held to exempt any person, firm or corporation to whom an+
such permit has been issued or delivered from prosecution on ao-
o ount of the emission or issuance of dense smoke paused or per-
mitted by any such person, firm or corporation.
SECTION 13. The Chief Smoke Inspector, Deputy Smoke
Inspectors and the Smoke Inspectors shall have the right to en _
all premises in the performance of their duties at all reasonab e
hours. Any person, who shall, after proper identification, de k
admittance to such person or persons or interfere with him or
them in the performance of his or their duties shall be punishe,
as hereinafter provided.
SECTION 14. Any person who shall violate any of the
provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not ]ass than Ten
( 10.00) Dollars nor mace than Two Hundred Ninety-nine 4299.00
Dollars for each offense.
SECTION 15. The Chief Smoke Inspector shall cause to
be kept in his office complete record of all permits issued and
lof all examinations of plants made by members of the Department
land also of all final certificates issued.
SECTION 16. The Chief Smoke Inspector shall make a re-
port of the work of his department to the Board of Commissioners
SECTION 17. All ordinances, and parts of ordinances,
inconsistent with, or contrary to, the provisions of this ordi-
nance, are hereby repealed.
SECTION 18. In the opinion of the Board of Commission-
ers it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the in-
habitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective
SECTION 19. This ordinance shall take effect on and
after its passage and publication.
� r i
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, the \ day of \ir%-a A. D. 1920. /,
logird„&/:/ .,-z-V
�%� / ayor.
ei-- ,
City Recorder.
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c,ill .5, I
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