148 of 1914 - Sidewalk Extension No 168, First Partial ROLL CALL
Salt Lake City,Utah September f , 191A
Morris I move that the ordinance be passed.
Shearman _
v; •
Wells W� ç, . _ ...
Mr.Chairman --
An ordinance confirming the assessment upon the property
hereinafter described on the east side of StFte Street between
Ninth South and Tenth South Streets, and on the west side of
State Street and the east side of Main Street between Tenth
South and Eleventh South Streets; and on all streets not other-
wise provided for between Tenth South and Eleventh South Streets,
and State and Main Streets, in Sidewalk District No. 44, for
the construction of cement sidewalks.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That the assessment list made by the City
Treasurer, as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of
Commissioners of Salt Lake City, sitting as a board of equali-
zation end review, of the property in Lots 1, 12, 13 and 19; 1
to 50, inclusive, Montana Subdivision; 1 to 54, inclusive,
Block 1; 1 to 54, inclusive, Block 2, South Main Street Addition
Plat "A"; 1 to 10, inclusive, Block 1; 1 to 10, inclusive,
Block 2, Cabbott's Addition; 1 to 20, inclusive, Block 1; 1 to
20, inclusive, Block 2, Dieter & Johnson Main Street Addition;
1 to 21, inclusive, Block 1; 1, and 11 to 21, inclusive, Block
2, Main Street and State Road Subdivision; 1, and 6 to 20,
inclusive, Block 1; 2 to 15, inclusive, Block 2, Biggs' First
Addition, all in Block 11, rive Acre Plat "A"; 1 to 11, inclu-
give, Block 1, Linden Perk Subdivision; 1 to 10, inclusive,
Block 1, Linden Park No. 2 Subdivision; 2 to 9, inclusive,
all in Block 21, Five Acre Plat "Any all in Big Field Survey,
abutting on the east side of Main Street between Tenth South
and Eleventh South Streets; on the west side of State Street
between Tenth South and Eleventh South Streets; on the east
side of State Street between Ninth South and Tenth South
Streets; on the south side.,-of Tenth South Street between Main
and State Streets: ph.both Sides of Major Street petween
t-}; tenth South and E3;eVenth South Streets; on both sides of
`Cleveland Avenue be`twcen Main and State Streets;Liand`on both
;ides of Len ingt0n Avenue between Main and Stat# Streets, in
a 'Sidewalk District` No. 44, of Salt Lake City, for the purpose
'of constructing cement sidewalks upon said portions of said
streets, is hereby confirmed, and the assessments made and me us
returned in said completed lists are hereby confirmed.
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect one day
after its first publication.
Sidewalk Extension No. 168. kuji,\tr\I__JOAAJW-A----t- --)
First Partial Estimate.
Passed by the Board of Cosu.iiesioner of Salt Lake
City,•titah, September 8th ' 914
L I ( o 77
City Recorder. Iaater
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