149 of 1915 - Ordinance 149 of 1915; Sewer Extension No. 328 - twenty-fourth partial ROLL CALL
Salt Lake City, Utah, October 19, __1915.
Morris I move that the ordinance he passed.
Mr.Chairman . 3 .___ _-- _-_ 6
An ordinance confirming the assessment upon the property
hereinafter described within the following described district:
Beginning at the Jordan River and Tenth South Street; thence east
along the north property line of Tenth South Street to West Temple
Street; thence north to Ninth South Street; thence east to Thirteenth
East Street; thence south to Tenth South Street; thence east to
Fifteenth East Street; thence south to Thirteenth South Street;
thence west to Highland Park Drive; thence northerly along the west
property line of Highland Park Drive to Denver & Rio Grande Rail-
road tracks, Park City Branch; thenoe westerly along said tracks to
Sixth East Street; thence north to Twelfth South Street; thence west
to Third East Street; thenoe north to Eleventh South Street; thence
west to Main Street; thence north to Tenth South Street; thence
west along the south property line of Tenth South Street to the
Jordan River, the same being the boundary of the district to be
improved, in Sewer Districts Nos. 1 and 2, for the oohstruotion of
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That the assessment list made by the City Treasurer
as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of Commissioners
of Salt Lake City, sitting es a board of equalization and review,
of the property in Lots 21 to 40, inclusive, Block 5, Paradise
Addition, Block 2; 1 to 5, inclusive, Block 1; 1 to 11, inclusive,
Block 2, East Side Addition; 14 to 24, inclusive, Block 4; 14 to
26, inclusive, Block 1; 1 to 11, inclusive, Block 3; 1 to 13, in-
clusive, Block 2, Alte Place Subdivision; 1 and 2, Block 2; 1 end
2, Block 1, East Boulevard Subdivision; 1, 8 to 26, inclusive, and
33 to 41, inclusive, Block 1; 1, 10 to 28, inclusive, and 37 to 54,
inclusive, Block 2; 1, and 37 to 54, inclusive, Block 3, Hackett's
Addition; 1 and 42, Block 1; 1 to 3, inclusive, Block 2, Fisher &
!; Snowden's Addition; 11, all in Block 3; 1, and 11 to 33, inclusive
Avondale Perk Subdivision; 10 to 28, inclusive, Block 5; 1, 10 to
28, inclusive, and 37 to 54, inclusive, Block 6; 1, and 37 to 54,
inclusive, Block 7, East Waterloo Subdivision, all in Block 4; 1,
and. 7 to 10, inclusive, Block 2; 2 to 6, inclusive, Block 1,
Gabbott's Addition; 1, 2, and 12 to 20, inclusive, Block 2; 2 to
11, inclusive, Block 1, Dieter & Johnson Main Street Addition; 11
to 21, inclusive, Block 2; 11 to 21, inclusive, Block 1, Main Stre=t
and State Road Subdivision; 1, and 12 to 20, inclusive, Block 1; 2
to 11, inclusive, Block 2, Biggs' First Addition; 1, 15, 4 to 12,
inclusive, and 18 to 26, inclusive, Steel Chamberlain Subdivision;
1, all in Block 11; 1 to 21, inclusive, Block 4; 22 to 42, inclu-
sive, Block 1, Villa Perk Addition; 12 to 19, inclusive, Block 9;
4 to 11, inclusive, Block 10; 1, and 14 to 20, inclusive, Block 2;
2 to 9, inclusive, Block 1, Capitol Avenue Addition, all in Block
12; 1 to 12, inclusive, Block 1, Kenwood Addition; 1, all in Block
13; 1 and 2, Block 1; 1 and 2, Block 2, part of Park Boulevard
Addition, Block 14; 1, and 24 to 44, inclusive, Block 2, La Vets
'lace Subdivision; 1, and 12 to 20, inclusive, Block 1, L. H.
Rockwell's First Addition; 1 to 4, inclusive, Block 2, Thomas Sub-
division; 15 end 16, all in Block 16; 52 to 59, inclusive, Felt's
Subdivision; 47 to 56, inclusive, Block 4; 21 to 30, inclusive,
Block 3; 47 to 56, inclusive, Block 2, Lincoln Perk Subdivision;
11, all in Block 16-A, all in Five Acre Plat "A"; 11 to 38, inclu-
sive, Block 3; 1, and 11 to 43, inclusive, and 53 to 82, inclusiva,
( Block 4; 1, and 59 to 94, inclusive, Block 5; 5 to 54, inclusive,
Block 7; 7 to 44, inclusive, Block 8; 1, and 18 to 23, inclusive,
Block 9, Union Heights Subdivision, Block 46, Ten Acre Plat "A",
and all in Big Field Survey, abutting on both sides of Major Stree,
between Cleveland. Avenue and Eleventh South Street; on both sides
of Seventh Fast Street between Wilson end Downington Avenues; on
, both sides of Eleventh East Street between Tenth SouK'Str@8j„e.nd
Emerson Avenue; on both sides of Roberta Street betweli Browning
}frvenue and Eleventh South Street; on both sides of Breaa*or A..venu:
between Fourth East and S{ gth East Streets; on both 6004 di. Bedon.o
Avenue between Fourth East and Sixth East Streets; on;'$oth sides o
Ramona Avenue between Fifth Fast end Sixth East Str ; on both
Xa �'osides of Kensington Avenue between Main and State Striate; on both
D� sides of Bryan Avenue between Main and State Streets; on both side-
of Downington Avenue between Fifth East and Sixth East Streets; on
both sides of Eleventh South Street between fourth East and Sixth
East Streets; on both sides of Stringha.m Avenue between Highland
Park Drive and Thirteenth East Street; on both sides of Wilmington
Avenue between Highland Park Drive and Thirteenth East Street; and
on both sides of Ashton Avenue between Highland Park Drive and
Thirteenth East Street, in Sewer Districts Nos. 1 and 2, of Salt
Lake City, for the purpose of constructing sewers upon said portio s
of said streets, is hereby confirmed, and the assessments made and
returned in said completed lists are hereby confirmed.
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect one day after
its first publication.
Sewer Extension No. 328. , -rak
Twenty-fourth Partial Estimate.
Passed by the Board of Comm loners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
October 19th , 1915.
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