15 of 1903 - Ordinance 15 of 1903 – Amending Section 1 of ordinance entitled “An ordinance creating and organ AN ORDINANCE .
An ordinance amending Section 1 of an orai-nance entitled "An
ordinance creating E.nd organizing the Fire Department of Salt Lake
City, Utah, prescribing the number of officers and firemen connected
therewith, and regulating the same; and repealing all conflicting
ordinances and resolutions of the City Council."
Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 1 of an ordinance entitled "An ordi-
nance creating and organizing the Fire Department of Salt Lake City,
Utah, prescribing the number of officers and firemen connected there-
with, and regulating the same; and repealing all conflicting ordi-
nances and resolutions of the City Council" approved March 22nd,1899,
be, and the same is hereby amended to read as follows:
SECTION 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt
Lake City, Utah: That the Fire Department of Salt Lake City is
hereby created and organized, which shall consist of the
following officers and firemen, each of whom shall receive the
monthly compensation as provided by this ordinance, which shall
be in full payment for all services rendered by them to the
One head or chief of department,
One assistant head or chief of department,
Six captains,
Three lieutenants,
Three engineers,
One oity electrician,
One secretary and operator,
Twenty-two firemen.
SECTION 2. All ordinances and parts of ordinances inconsist-
ent herewith, and especially an ordinance prescribing the number of
officers and firemen in the Fire Department, approved May 31st 1900,
are hereby repealed.
SECTION M. ThiR nrr]inanne sxh a'1l take effent upon apuroval.
Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City ih, Febru ,, 16th, 1903,
and referred to the Mayor for his approval.
Approved this 1-1 day of Fehruary, 1903.
City Recorder.
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