15 of 1907 - Ordinance 15 of 1907 – Sidewalk Extension No. 124. i • AP 0 I'. D 1 iT ii IT ..;) E . i 1 .4..n ordinance levyin0 a tao..; anl fir tie t.oeeaunucrnt of ,•,r,-.).-)erty on the east side of foot Street bet --eon iour l:1 South and iiit'th South Streets, in Side....,alk District ho. 21, for the construction of a eeniel side'ea.11,.... , Be it ordained b-,./t'e..0 C'dty C;ouncil of Salt Lake City, SECTIad 1. Th,t the City Council toes hereby levy the ten f'no provide for the es-snort u 7 1:;;•:': ;:.;.;' .r--; upon. Ye pro,;;.erdp or- in described in Sot e 2 .i.) 19, ircin-,.., •,,e, Talock 10, City 2aori. Lubdi,,;_sie,, of Block 28, .::'1!,t "C", Snit Lake City '..iurii,..,,,, .2.1:•, .ttir.L., On di ,., o..,-,,rt :f •,., . !;.1..., of ?oat Street oeta:reen Fourth Soath and El•f',.:11 South 24ir.,•,ets, in 1 Lide,-,-ali. District iio. 21, so it property ii:r.vir,r a f'ro-flt,::<.e :.,,7 712 feet eloni; ...L.3 Thl tax do ion lot ..,,..; lsfray .!..7.,Le exi:er,e,.1 of jonatrr otiat a cement icl.E.u.v,,e,.1k four (4) feet .......ile .....v,,i, four (<1 inche Vol ek, lifer crib,30, to be especially. affected ;and beue.fitr.d. .f.i'y E. 11 iia....o.ver..ent, ,.ad it is hereby a..d.:,..13.ce,l, .i.,,i:7:1,:Lc—a red e,..,,t,„-,-,1 :1--,a 1:7L ', -Thi will be especially be ' flied thoreLy to tOe full amount of the tax i hereby levied, and said i.,arcel, of laa,C, ..,,,re hereby F.,s,sea:sed at an equad nail unifor.,•,1 rate in acco-rdar,ce ..ith the linear foot fnonY'o'e upon said portion of said strea,t frontinL upon coot to a do.pth, of ' tvv-enty•-five (25) feet beck -' 1....,,--afre.;,,, and 1.i,o tax. hrareLy :Levied and to be assessed upon said ,L.) reels of lteil IL,. four hundred ni,nety-eiLht i and 40/itt C.A98.i,...:.; doll:, as, or. 70/lut: t0.70) Joil• -•,..a i:;,...r ..Lvon.l. or lineer foot, v.0iich. is no esti: :.Le;7, Yodel coat, ..1“.1 estluated coot per linear foot of ua•il si.i.e.,..C.b., ant the liceoint..,.., -c do .;lOn:J.L,. ;:.:.,1C.11,F1'toed • Lod. .'j iructed to assess in 0-330 ca,,1,,00 'i•nt •',, .e .prov0,;1,-,(P, if r,..,.i,•.-: . ord.ina-,nce for' the ,deri-JoSe hefein menY.-a:led, a,11 of Leta: I to ',2;::, iu- elu,alt e, hlo,..'s. I'd, ..:1,,. Iran ..6,,!,,i1... ;_: 1,-..„,]: c;.7 ,310„,=,,,,: 2,3, Plot t IT(,.!vl, :,it : 1.,:.71.e ,:.;1';::, 6I-,,,•E.,:/, f.,=,,!..,; 3,-: (.i ,r,-,._-:-. ,::.71.,....E, u),-,-2-L L' •:: ,1; 7 - f• ,.., .t, ).. :ok fro )1,7 ,;.••),:-elt.f., , 'f,..: 15 7.. -2- and to collect said tax. SECTION 2. Sabd tcx shell. becor,_ J3i'' be del.i-cque-it in „ix equal instullr ents, as follov.s, to-.;it: One-sixt tf ereof shall become and b8, delinquent one month after the approval of this ordinance; one- silctic t';.aareof in once yersr after such approval; one-sixth thereof in twa :pars after dud apt&ovai,; ono-sixth e7eoP"in thr^a yoars after sUichaapprov.l; o`.i0 ;xt r i®reo.£ in four year:: aster such ftprovo.l; aid one-:sixth tr reof 1n e yea-fa after sbtch approval. Each and evIry in9tal. it on s id fir.,t, shall d/raW intere: t ate t e ate 61'<0 ix per cent. per anIIVsk from date of levy 14itir1 delinquent„ and aneacIVan4 eves,, in :tellr,erto° sr id te.ti .,hall bed# i.nterect at•:the rota ,of ei='rt per. cent per a.onum from end after i`ts`date of deli nqt ency. SECTION 3. This ordinice .ti=.1i +,:eke of ct Sidewalk Extcns ion i:o. 124. / :/i7(� Passed by the City Connell of Salt Lake Clty,lltah; Mareh 11th, 1907, and referred to the l;aarcr for hi.s n.r rov .l115 ifec-67aer• Approxerl this / - day of iiarob,190f�. J ria,yor. � 1! -74 +i' ;J I; d` - dt, k nn_ ..J' � - � a..�� ,yf18 tiL. :ti IJ3 I. �._'..ti ' -0 -,f " \ ;l- a� f` j -)3e . 141 -- . • _.. ] i" { }. L \ 1