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15 of 1908 - Ordinance 15 of 1908 – Amending & re-enacting Section 666, re: notice of equalization.
t° AN ORDINANCE . AR ordinance amending and re-enacting Section 666 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1903. Be it ordained by the City Counoil of Salt Lake City,o 'tah: SECTION 1. That Section 666 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1903, be. and the same is hereby amended end re-enacted j_.x so as to read as follows: A S$C1I0N466:. NOTICE ©EQUALIZATION. en rt3te assessment list and plat have been comp*etedi and a cop',,thq of filed in the office of the Recorder, .the Board of Eq izet40*b(d Review shall give notice 'of the AO$pletion of such #ste &nd p at. and the ttae.and place of meeting of said Boardy pubkicaion of such notice for one:day in a' me newspaper published in Salt Lake] City. The sessions of the Board shall be held for not less than hour one each day between nine o'clock in the forenoon and five o'clock in the afternoon, and shall continue for a period of not less than five consecutive days. SECTION 2/. All ordinance and parts of ordinances in confliot herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. Passed by the City c,cunui1 of Salt ].uke Cit',Utrh, M,ruh 1908, rind referred to the Mayor for his,- ty,Ix. vnl. (,' y lRe°ci= r A Iroved this /0 day of Marub., ]908. eiTems, `,or. • 15 -. ' ----1-r „ • . , ' . . . ...`,...... 1 zq -.-- ;AG-.‘ 11.,,,,,, . 19 07 f-IfiZ -!-:tbriotr!..; ',1--: f,,-,,''-,,•.: 84. Vi',..) 8.-.i.a.;. ,i.i.,.; "Ic. z.:.)- -- - _'il,c. 1.0 .1..toaitolos x4.i.:. eti4 v‘cf .i,,Jva." .,1-0 1.i ea J noi j v5'6 cLuiT .1 ,. e'.-'L.1 -be:.2'9".0: , ,;0".i.-1 Of ;Ii.'IME-4 (..,41,1 i"..,18 ,od -- '; , : w011.../ airbviit 0.--Y- ;_,14 ,_•• r_, ---,:-,,,;-,,,-:..,, 0 4k- .11-:-' -- 1.4.11 ILOI:i.isii. ,._; . 13 •" 1 . I .1 1 .ril 1-7,• ::! '. . " 1/,-0 t,) 13 (trii.13 b31114101 .7 o aeed , , 14, .-.41ia J'„i....i.. ). • ,, ,,, r C-k) '' ' •,-..;. 1.0'.! b I st sik:E. `..ov,, 71e effro..b•rooe:4,.,:izt L\;) qNic.. ,,,, c., . . , . ' i• Ai'' ' 0 1- iP•_!,.,i .,-,..i3 _ ., :..,,a, E-,d.t - v,' • co % - :,„ :4 •-•kl.13041},thil a o e Elict at loll bras,onkij- -t k ' • [ . ,, ,•. . = 4-- lorkikaw a 8 .. .i .,-'13 44i . . „.= • . • ..,,-.• . • p.,-., ... I, $ I.-!arid bi A oli,.t "...;..; aaoka8;3u 0,-,'T L .1 li 11:010'0 .'7'!',,1171 U0E,ILI.86 14.3U ',t).B.9 •,-,..) , 4:;:" „c.. :, .':.,,•ce 8 .f.,17 b V, ;:1 r.f,f) I r d-ic bctI ,1100 1..,t',3 :-,.-:,!. ., ,, .11 ,' evitirtprioo ,,ri. a.: • --,m,31: -1 2.::',." '..'t. .... J..; ',.:,-,•,1 4;./bl:C 'It,/ '.:!, -611 bc,.;-k omo--15,11.5-Tc, iiA ..\ ..,..,.i.T.::Hi.. I . :',...!'''; •,),. /;-.;...). _3 'it, J:1:3 1,,9 (1 :`' -1i- (p)ap.sitri.o zilaT .;.; } . . . , , • 1i - • .14 4() ,F.-, " , :icyr.T. 7...i'.. -,J ,._ Lt.i...1? 'to Elt.;,::io -;...7tr..! :.Ya 7 -,,r-, .001IL , 1 ..Elvpirl-1,3 a tn To 1 •foTs!T eriJ e4 btrriel-rx La,3 '1 C ,Art .'"! to , I" 1 --Fr — --"- 1' 1! 1! 11, I j li