15 of 1929 - Amending Section 1510 relating to salaries in Police Department ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, April 27, 192 9 Burton - - 1 - I move that the ordinance be passed. Fehr - - - ' Finch -_ Moran - - - x• Mr,Chairman - pp AN ORDINANCE Result - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1510, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, as amended,by ordinances passed by the Board of Commissioners on March 7, 1921, August 13, 1921, 1 April 27, 1926, July 19, 1926, and April 2, 1929, relating to C� the police department. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That Section 1510, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, as amended by ordinances passed by the Board of Commissioners on March 7, 1921, August 18, 1921, April 27, 1926, July 19, 1926, and April 2, 1929, relating to the police department, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: • SECTION 1510. ORGANIZATIONS AND SALARIES. The Police Department of Salt Lake City shall consist of the following officers, whose annual cud cries shall be as fixed by the Board of Commissioners, within the limits specified: Chief of Police, who shall be head of the police department, not to exceed . . . . $ 600.00 Inspector, not to exceed 2820.00 Chief of detectives, who shall report di— rectly to the chief of police, not to exceed 2820.00 Two detective captains, each not to exceed . 2340.00 1 i ! Three captains, each not to exceed pp2240.00 Seven Sergeants, each not to exceed 1980.00 Superintendent of the identification bureau, not to exceed 2160.00II Secretary to the chief of police, not to exceed x09:0.00 Oecretary to cctective He artsent, not, to excceo I330,9r3 Patrolmen of the first grade, not to exceed . . . 1880.00 „I !' Patrolmen of the second grade, not to exceed . . . 1740.00 - f'atrolmen of the third grade, not to exceed .. . . 1620.00 I 1 Matron . . . . 1010.00 : Police women of the first ,grade, not Ia e tcoed: . 1620.00 Police women of the second grade, not' fto e ceed 1500.00 Police women of the third grade, not Cp exceed . 1380.00 Jailers, patrol drivers, moteTcycleTatrolmen, mounted policemen, members'of the antinice division, pro- perty jl clerk, detectives and detective sergeants shall be graded as patrolmen of the first, second and third grade. SECTION 2. This orainance shall take effect on July 1, 1929. I ( V j Passed by the Board of Commissioners of :salt Lake City, Otah, this 2d day of -----M y-- --_-, t;.D. 1929. i:f-:::.w--..i..---- - Mayor.MI tj' -26 City-B. T. �I 11 I1 I li ,r 1 • , ., „. ss c„ . .„, . • • { 1rnnr of Inbrttrattnn 3 nits i*tufts of.Plmerirs STATE OF UTAH as. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE ":j AN ORDINANCE.• An eidlnance amending Section 160t, lteviesd Ordinances Of PAU Sake OILY, 11teh 1920 ae,amended bY"ordiliences HARRY WOLFF.. fhepee¢by the.Board of,Gomm eeionero �n1„9tarch i 1921 Agtlgtut,�6E'1 1 rl<'�' h`h.ti26r Julyy 19 192e fftl¢apyR `i�2�;' relating to tne'lrolSqcet De$41'tplapt ?m)5el it ordained peke�ji 1°rt dliOO l being first duly sworn,deposes and says,that he is the Principal Clerk Section 1, That Section 1510,Stetised Ordinances of Salt Lake City troll.1;92p, as amended by ordinaneee passed lay tR 'Beard of Commlesloners on.;Mlidn 7. of the SALT LAKE DAILY TRIBUNE, a newspaper published in 19211 August 18,1921;April 21, July 19,1926,and April 2,1929,zeleting to the'.. hpolice ereb y amended t read ae f011owal a fa department, Section 1510. Organizations and sal- Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,State of Utah. aries The police department of Nett. Lake City Shall consist of•the ou ne. officers;whose nnual'eelarim-eha I"be as 11$ed by the Board of Cpmmisileaere That the Notice AN ORDINANCE. within the limits specified: Chief of Pollee,who,nett be head or the police depart- ment, SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION, Ine not t exceed 1123,830,00 Objettf not to ea0wIle 3,620�00 Chief of irectltltt who of Of Police directly to the Ohlef 01 Odet,not to exceed each not 2A29.00 7t'wo exceotfte"oaptatae,scan not OFS�SC.1i_.OF-_THi�.-CLTY--R4,C.ORnEA. to except 2;340.00, TRr0O'c8ptaine,each not to ex-2240,00 Se sergeants,..each not�to exceed '1,9ge,00: Superintendent of the identlft. cation bureau,not to exceed..2,180:00'. of which a copyis S cretaryto eto ed.the Chief of Police,90a0".� hereto attached,was first published in said news- not to,detective depart- 'plant;.not.t exceed 1,860•00 o,patrolmen of the/fret grade, paper in its issue dated the 3rd not'tb exceed 1,800.00 Patrolmen Of the second grade, net'M,exceed 1,7e0.00 Patrolmen.of the third grade, - day not to exceed......, ..: •1.6 of �"`aY 192 9, Matron 1,020.00 Policewomen of the first grade,3e20�, net to exceed and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on Policewomen of the eeeond, grade:not to exceed - 1.500 00 Policewomen of.the third grade, not to exceed 1a30.00" May 3rd, for Jailers, patrol driVere,- motowie patrolmen,mounted policemen m�im- ig oI;the antiylce littl trte�ggrtOpbrts dart•deteod arlddounedofteitfife, thereafter,the full period of Qxie insert i_oxle shall be ggttafled a Datroyneti•o1 the first,second end-tllit'd Bigaddae.,.. 11 Section 2.,'i ordlrianoe shall take effected Jul},1{Oar Pealed Lake the yard'bf tint dtteoi of'Salt Lakp City,vtah,cbu 2nd aey of the last publication thereof Mop,A,S1J 9yy 9 C 0, Whet Maadooeld Oity Reoordet. ".gubilohe MOP 3,.1029,- being in the issue dated the 3r-d day of P°aY A.D. 92 9 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of May ,A.D.192 . 9 Notary Public. Advertising fee,$ IDS . z • E 6- i Ee. leg v) 74, 0 C4 f14 eillikkg%