15 of 1930 - Amending Section 70 and 71, also Sections 1493 and 1167 relating to official bonds ROLL CALL
Salt Lake City Utah 193
I move that the ordinance be passed
Fehr " ;7-Z—
Lake f
AN ORDINANCE AMENDL'IG SECTIONS 70, 71, the last paragraph
of ` ection 1493, and Section 1167 as amended Cpril 2, 1929, Revised
Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, as they relate to official
Be it ordaineu by the Board of Commissioners of ealt Lake
City, Utah
SECTION I That Section 70, Revised Ordinances of Salt
Take City, Utah, 1920, be and the same is hereby amended to read
as follows
SECTION 70 OATHS BONDS The Health Commissioner
shall, before enterinn upon the duties of his office, take and
subscribe the constitutional oath of office and execute a bond
with good and sufficient sureties, to be approved by the Board
of Commissioners, payable to the city in the penal sum of one
thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful performance of
the duties of his office and the payment of all moneys received
by such officer according to law and the ordinances of the said
SECTION 2 That Section 71, Revised Ordinances of SaTt Lake
City,Otah, 1920, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows
assistant health commissioner shall, before entering upon the
duties of their respective offices, take and subscrioe the
constitutional oath of office and execute a bond with good
and sufficient sureties, to be approved by the Board of Com-
missioners, payable to the city in the penal sum of one
thousand do22ars, conditioned for the faithful performance
of the duties of his office and the payment of all moneys
received by such officer according to law and the ordinances
of the said city
SECTION 3 That the last paragraph of Section 1493, Re-
vised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1M, be and the same is
hereby amended to read as follows
ihat the persons named as custodians and assistant
custodian shall, before entering upon the discharge of their +�
duties, take the constitutional oath of office, and execute td
Salt Lake City a bond, with good and sufficient sureties, to
be approved by the board of commissioners, payable to Salt
Lake City, in the sum of $5,000, the conditions of said bond
being that they will faithfully perform the duties of their
office as prescribed by the board of commissioners and the
commissioner of public affairs and finance, and ooserve and
obey all laws, and ordinances of the city, and pay to the cit
treasurer all moneys received by them as such custodian and
assistant custodian, according to law and the ordinances of
the city
SECTION 4 ihat Section 1167, Revised Ordinances of Salti
Lake City, Utah, 1920, as amended by and ordinance passed by the
board of commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on April 2, 1929,
be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows
SECTION 1167 CHIEF OATH BOND The chief of the
fire department shall, oefore entering upon the duties of his
office, take and subscribe the constitutional oath of office
and furnish a bond to the city in the sum of one thousand
II dollars, and the assistant chief a bond to the city in the/
sum of one thousand dollars, conditioned as provided by law
SECTION 5 In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners
it is necessary to the health, peace and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance take effect immediately
SECTION 6 This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this day of _ , A
D l9'0
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City Recorder
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Proof of Publication
County of Salt Lake.
I pfi �o civeleigh being first duly
sworn, depose and say that 1 am the Chief Clerk of THE SALT LAKE
TELEGRAM, a newspaper of general circulation, published every day
''""��ttoi NAI�CE
' r1oNS 70 7iSS• the last paragraph of at Salt I ak' city State of Utah.
SCCti,ll 149.1 and Scctloi I1G�..H
ended April 7929,Revised OrQi- before entering upon the discharge or
t�tIones of Salt Lake City,Utah,1920, their-duties, take the constitutional,
Ms they relate to official bondse oath of o(IIce, and execute to Salt', '�
B9 it ordained by the Board ofn Ordinance Bill 15.
C(T���p! mis'sloners of Salt Lake City, Lake City a bond,with good and euf.;
1 V t811; Relent sureties,to be approved by the
SECTION 1. That Section 70, Re- board of commissioners, payable to
vlsed Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Salt'Lake City,in the of$5,000,
Utah,1920, be and the tune 1s here- the conditions of said bonded being than
by amended to read ax follows: they will faithfully perform the du.i
SECTION 70. OATHS. BOLTS. ties of their office as prescribed by
The Health Commissioner shall„his the board of publisianers and the
fore entering upon the dutles, ^hie commissioner of public,affairs and fi-
office, take and subscribe the con- nonce,and observe and obey all laws,
stltutional oath of office and execute and'ordinances of the eity, and pay
bond will,good and sufficient sure- to the city treasurer all moneys re-
ties to bo approved by the Beard of eelved by them as such custodian and
Corthynissioners,payable to the city In assistant custodian, according'to tact'
the penal sum of-rine thettaand der and the ordinances of the city.
lass,conditioned,for the faithful per- SECTION 4. That Section 1167,its.
fece of the duties of his office cinch Ordinances of Balt Lake City,
the payment of all motleys ro- Utah, 1920, as amended by an midi. .o attached, was first published in said neWs-
'.leleed by such officer according to nee passed by the beard of commis-
aw and the ordinances of the raid A s of Salt Lake City. Utah, on
'city. April 2,1929,be and the same Is here.
SECTION 2. That Section 71, Re- by amended to read as follows:
ised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, SECTION 1787. CHIEF. OATH. e .3T.Qe day of April 19 30 •
Utah,1920,be and the Santa is hereby BOND. The chief of the fire depart-
'amended to read as follows: merit shall, before entering upon the
t SECTION 71. Ill. ASSISTANT duties of his office, take and sob,.
'HEALTH COMMISSIONER.Each as- scribe the constitutional oath of office each dailyissue of said newspaper, on
foresistant health commissioner shall,be- and furnish a botid to the City In'the
fore entering upon the duties of their sum of one thousand dollars,and the
respective offices, take and assistant chief a bond to the.city 1n
the constitutional oath of officece nod nd the sum of ono thousand dollars,con- **it;*„,**
execute a bond with good and suffl- ditioned as provided by law, for
dent sureties, to be approved by the SECTION 6, in the opinion of the
Board of Commissioners, payable to Board of Commissioners, it is neoea-
the city in thehopenal sum of ono thou- sary to the health,peace and safety
sand dollars,conditioned for the faith- of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City T s e t i on
ful performance of-the duties of his that this ordinance take effect lmme. Of Qne-}�,
office anti the payment of all moneys diately.
received by such officer according to SECTION 6. This ordinance shall
'law and the ordinances Of the said take effect upon its first publication.
l city, Passed by the Board of Commission. If being in the issue dated the .3Tcl r.
`graph ofON 3. That Section 1493,the Reviised t Ord'- dray of Salt April,A.Dake it1930.
rah,this 1sE
minces of halt Lake City, Utah,1920, ofJOHN F.BOWMAN, r�
be and the name Is hereby amended Mayor. A. D. 19.3
to read an follows: • Ethel'Macdonald,City Recorder, i ' '
That the persons named as caste- Bill No.15.
di ha and assistant custodian shall, Published April Id,1830.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10th. day of
Notary- Public.
My commission expires .Lvov....<5.t..1933
Advertising fee, $
66 4. ey pl C~
Proof of Publication
The Salt Lake Telegram
/ L-1-1*4 alit
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Entry No.