15 of 1933 - Amending Section 7 relating to the licensing and governing of the production, handling and distribut VOTING AYE NAY (, '` SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, 193 Finch V r I move that the ordinance be passed. Keyser . L 47 Knight . l/_ MIL LEE Mr.Chairman . --"— AN ORDINANCE Result AN 3111RANCI GidLINDiICC SECTION 7 of an ordinance prised by the .board of Commissioners of r,.l_t Lake City, Utah, on. the f rd_ day of August, 1331,, 6:.__ ,n.ted. as bill N0. 26 of ] .3,:, regulating, 'li- censing and Bove rain , the production, ha.nc li.n=' and distribution of r,.1M-, mi_1's product:., cottage cheese, frozen confections, ice cream - . and butter, by amending the last t'fo :..)aTb.gins of said t'ec t i on 7, and adding in and. to said Lection a new ._'=-rac,ra ,h. Esc it orc.,_Zned- by the Board of Commissioners of . _] c Lake City, Utah: ;;I'CTION I. That Cection 7 of an ordnance pasted by the Hoard of Commissioners of L-adit Lake City, Utah, on pus. 23, 1933, det.ipnated as bill. No. :::6 of 1CC:, regulating, li.censins ,end govern- ing the production, ha,ndlie aria distribution of full',,, milk or-od.ucts, cottage cheese, frozen confections, ice cream and butter, is hereby amended by amending the lazt t a paTavramhs of said ; cct_i.cn 7 to read fol l o e-; CL1DT 5B1, Pis 'i l-UBIZID l.11LK. 'lit. e ":e" Pasteurized. ila is Grade "L" or. Grad: "B" Lalt TTrin rhich bu.s been cbsteurized, • cooled and bottled in a milk ,l_c nt con_"orrlin/ with all the re- quirements for Grade " " 'c::teurize :din, and -die average bacter- ial count of which at no time after pasteurisation and until de- livery cocc,cds 50,000 per cubic centimeter. Grade "B" Pasteurized e -i1L- and its croducts may be dis- tributed. in bulk only to places :-here, itI the o>inion offthe health officer, it will be used only for :r-•nose: of coo _t.v and baking. ULCe'lu 2. That b o i d Leetion 7 is further amendcd by adding in and to said section a ner' para,prsph to read as follow:]: GIc6D.E'C" Pa:M.TbUI,I21 D 'iII Grade "CT, Pasteurized ,11k 15 is m!.steurized milk_ chich ;oes not meet the J-cc,t ireoents of GrLde ''f" Pc t aur:ized Nilk, and which ahall be alpinly label- ed "coot_ie only." ,ICfloid In the opinion of [-Jae Board of Cozffl_se-oners, it it neceap ,ry to brie: health, )c ace an. safety of the i-7 r bit ntc 1 of ti-alt Lake City that this; ordinance take effcct irioediately. ,E1CTION a. This ordinance shall take effect u^on its 1fire.t publication. a.red by the Bo d of Commissioner's of -Salt take City, Uts;h, on the 11141Lsy of D. „. City f..ecordc.r. 1 i 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1. 1 0 •4.1 - ---,,..-- ..., ••,... , -"...4\.'•...,1'''' 'tit, ' ' , i,•,i '114. .., C...i .1',, ,, ii,e,"' C) ':.j g 1,,a• 4k '',\,? *, , ! ...._.. k• . i.., -6,-; t. . . R co -,h-,' c-,.. r ,', r4 ...._ . . 1 [ 1 Proof of Publication innilIlIIn„ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake. AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 7 of an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of I HARRY WOLFF being first duly Sale Lake City,Utah,on the 23rd day of August,1932,designated as Bill No. 26 of 1932,regulating. 1t • - cenahtg and governing the produc- sworn, depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of THE SALT LAKE eion,handling and distribution of Milk,milk products,cottage cheese, frozen oi' amending Ica cream and TELEGRAM, a newspaper ofgeneral circulation, published every butter, 00 ions, i the last sod day paragraphs of said Section 7, and adding 1n and to said section a new paragraph. at Salt Lake City, State of Utah. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 7 of o ordinance Commissioners by the Board AN.O.RDINA.NCE•BILL•NA •18 f codinancugoo of salt Lake city, That the notice • r Utah; on August 23, 1832, desig- nated as Bill No.20 of 1932,regu- lating,Licensing and governing the R m•1 production„handling and distribu- SALT LAKE CITY C QRI'ORAT;ON tlon of'milk., m11k product., cot- tage cheese,frozen confection.,Ice cream and butter; 1a hereby amended by amending the last two paragraphs of said Section 7 to read as follows: GRADE "B" PASTEURIZED MILK. Grade 'B" Pasteurized Milk is Grade "A" or Grade "B" Raw Milk which has been pas- teurized, cooled and bottled in a milk plant conforming with all the requirements for Grade "A" Pasteurized Milk, and the average of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said news- hactrlal count of which at no time after pasteurization and until de- livery exceeds 50,000 per cubic cen- timeter.Grade 'B"Pasteurized Milk and paper in its issue dated the ..a..8ttl day of QCt..ber its products may be distributed in bulk only to places where, in the 0 opinion f the health officer, it will be used only for purposes of and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on • cooking and baiting. SECTION 2. That said Section 7 is further amended by adding in and to said section a new para- graph to read as follows: October.1•Sth. for GRADE "C" PASTEURIZED MILK. Grade"C"Pasteurized Milk is pasteurized milk:which does not mde Beet Pasteuhe rized Milk,Milk,and wts of hich thereafter, the full period of .One.insertion • shalt be pinlniy';labeled "cooking Only."SECTION 3. :tlte,'Opinlen of 18th the Board of Commissioners,it is the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the acessary to the health,peace and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance take effect immediately. day of October A. D. 19 33 SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon It.fires publica- tion. Passed by the Board of Utah,1Commis- sioners Of y o.Lake City,A. .h,on the 1Btlt day of is30,October,A.01 1933. ••,••,• amp M.KNIGHT, Temporary Ctoae,re . Meal/ FTIlEL MAODONAT,D Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19tb... day of October A. D. 1933•• Notary Public. My commission expires /9� Advertising fee, $ • 1 .4t tL) C.) • ' 7.1) co t.1.4 0 , o 1.4 . 4 s • -••, • •