15 of 1936 - Amending Section 651, relating to licenses for the handling of meat food products, and repealing Sec ROLL CALL 'i Salt Lake City, Utah, Apr. 7 , 193___ 6 VOTING AYE ` Gogginl F—III In the matter of Bill #15 for an ordinance amending See. #651 R.O. 1934, Salt Lake City, Keyser relating to licenses and repealing Section 185X, `Murdoch Chapter 7, passed by the Board of Commissioners on Aug.27, 1934, and known as Bill #39, relating to L� meat inspection, presented to the Board of Commis- sioners April 2d, 1936, and referred to the Committee. Mr.Chairman - - - of the Whole, I move that the ordinance be taken from the Committee of the Whole, for action by the Board of Commissioners and that a hearing in this Result matter be set for 10:30 o'clock A. M. on Thursday, Apr. 16, 1936. Chairman Committee of the '/hole Passed by th o rd of Commissioners of Sa lfake City,Utah, -H 1936 7- ' �� City ecor er Mayor L Rec. 108 ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City, Utah, 193 Goggin, I move that the ordinance be passed. • Keyser Murdoch r-I Lee Mr. Chairman - - Result AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 651, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to licenses, and repealing Section 105X of Chapter 7, passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on August 27, 1.935, and known as bill No. 39, relating to meat inspection. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That Section c51, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to licenses, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: SEC. 651. (a) It shall be unl .wful for any person to engage in, conduct or carry on the business of slaughtering, slaughtering and selling, or selling fresh :neat or meat food products at wholesale or retail, or selling fish or sea foods, or manufacturing, or selling sausage or dressing or selling poultry or game, or selling prepared, smoked, salted or pre- served meats, or jobbing fresh meat or meat products, sausage, fish, sea foods, poultry or game, within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City, Utah, or to bring into or receive into the City of Salt Lake or to offer for sale therein or to have on hand any fresh meat or meat food products or poultry or game which has been slaughtered outside of the corporate limits of Salt Lake City, without first making application for and pro- curing a permit and license so to do, as herein provided. (b) The Board of Health shall designate a suitable place for meat inspection in Salt Lake City where the carcasses of all sheep, lambs, goats or calves brought into or slaughter- ed within said city for sale and which have not been otherwise inspected and approved — b , . -2- (c) Any person dusirinp to eng ;u in the business of slauhterinL;, slaughtering and sellin , or selling fresh meat, or selling fish or sea foods, or manufacuring or cell- ing sausage, poultry or game, cithin the corporate limits of Salt Lake City or desiis!ni-; to gage in the business of slaughter J ing outside the corporate limits of Salt Lake City, ' liere. said • 0 j1 slaughtered animals or poultry are intended foi- sulo -..ithin the corporate limits of Calt Lake City, shall make vaitton application to the liconse assessor and col:Lector; such.cation shall contain the 1-14mic of' toe applicant, his residence address and the address of his proposed )1ace of business, designated by street and number; snch application. shall stt the time of its presentation Cu acromp•:.nind by a feu of one dollar, which shall be covered into the city treasury. When such s.p- plication shall be made, the license a. .(77,f..Or cud collector and Dairy. Inspector, shaal at once notify- the chief -vuterinayA wha nall inspect the premises where the said applicant proposed to carry on business, and upon su,n1 inspection if he shc7.1. find the pre- . discs to be in a.. sanitary condition and L.o meet all require- ments of blue ordinances at' ;::alt Lake City and the rules and rhaula LionS of the board of hu!2th of halt lake Cit,y, de shall issue a pcTmit 'atth a different permit number to each appli- cant meuLinL; said requirements, 7hich, upon presentation to . .. the license assessor and ollector, shall be author_Ity on his , part to issue n. license to said applicant for said cicce of business. (d) Every purson so licensed shall have psinted in a ronsolcuous place on all vehicles used. in the condoet of his business the nermit number issued to him by the board of health in lottor2 not less than three inches in heizht and no less than 13/13thst inch stroke. Said permit nawber shall also be printed on all invoices and sales slips used in said business.. (e) No license herein provided for dial It be issued For a L,reuter period than the calendar year in rhich it is,:.F -1__ 3- issued. The board of health shall liare,e and uo11.7ct according to the following schedule, which shall bc payable monthly and cover into the general fund: For slauOitoring, a charge shell be collected of nine cents per head for every aniaial slaughtered, provided that every parson engaged in the businese of slawp;htering shall pay not less than $200.00 per year and no more than $1200.00 per year. Payment of / foe shall entitle licensee to manufacture or sell at "drain or retail meat or meat food products, fish, poul'6ry or sea food cc .tciiO Pelt Lakc City. The following licenses charged under the provisions of this ordinance shall be payable to the license assessor and collector in advance cc For wholesaling or ,tholecaling and rutailinz, or manufacturing and viholesaling ,neat, neat food products, fish or see food, per alinr,ja, or nny part thereof . . . For jobbing, manufacturing or peddling at wholesale meet, meat food products, suusa.00, fish, or sea food ,u.oducts to retail stores, restL.wcants or similar places of business, per annum, or any p:rt thereof The payment of said fcc shall entitle ':,ar license, to operate one truck or vehicle uitnout the avment of the license fee required by ',MIL Take City therefor., ' beL;alling fresh meat, neat food products, prepur(,d, smoked, salted or preserved leatJ, poultry, fish or dea food products, nor whium, or any part thereof . . . I . 02b.au. Po H' No person shell sell or 1cen for sale, nor shall the Board of fle-lth issue q permit to any 2L7L,h to Len or for calc ' ushi meets, arct Poll products, poultry, fish or sea food products wiless such parson bee first isi.A'lled in such pL-,ce of business but and cold running water, a vvr.11.-in ice box or other adequate T'efrigeration su2ficient to beep ench meat fresh and vhich refrigerLtion has been approved by the floard of health of c r2.-lt Lake City. nil such places of business shall be hept closed beL7leen the hoUra of .6 QtQlock P.M. and -4- 6 otclock A. M. Nothing in this ordinance shall be construed to 1111 allow peddling or selling meat, meat food products, poultry, 11 fish or sea food products at retail from house to house by it carrying the shine in a vehicle or carriage of any kind or otherwise offering said meat for sale by peddling. SECTION 2. That Section 165X of Chapter 7, Revised Ordi- nances of Salt Lake City, Utah,,. 1934, passed by the Board of Com- missioners of ~Salt Lake City,"V:ah, On'':Augustp, 1935, and known as bill No. 39, relating to at inspection, ,be" and the same is ijhereby repealed SECTION B. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, 40,1th.and eufetr.'of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City Lhat this ors nanc* become of ective lmnedi.ately. SECTION 4. This ordinance .shall take'effect upon its first publication. ii i, '.I Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salo Lake City, I! Utah, this __day of , i.i;. 1936. i' Mayor. City Recorder. { • • r• . \\ 1 f k* : ' i . ,.., , : , . Der' rr , z , 01 C S�1 i i