15 of 1943 - Amending Chapter XXII relating to Fire Department requiring placing of street numbers on rear entrac ... _ . ROLL CALL Ma 11, 3 VOT1NC1 Salt Lake City, Utah, y 194 ‘10.410, - - - - 1 move that the ordinance be passed. Keyser - - - - _-. (,—'V' . - — .• •,.. , .. . Matheson - - McConkie , - AN ORDINANCE AN ObDINANCE AbiNDING CHAFTBF XXII of the Sbvlsed Ordinances of Salt Late City, Utah, 1934, by adding in and to ;:alb chapter a now section to be knotn as Section. 554., relzLing to Fire DepaTtment. Be it ordained by the -board of Conifidsionors of halt true City, Utah: UNCTION T. That Chaster XXII of the devised ordinances of (bit bake City, Utah, 1934, be and the sale is hereby amended by. adding in anb to said chapter a flea section. to be unobn as Lecthon 5'j4, relating to sire Department, which shall road an follovvs: l!SliC. 55X- It shah.' be unlawfuet for the owner, agent or occupant of any ground floor space of any bun mg Or struc- ture located .within the fain Business Distribt or the :Aigar Douse Nusiness District of Salt Lake City, as defined in Sec- tion 1435 of these ordinances, to fail or neglect to place or cause to be placed in a COUL; iCUOU position and as close as practical to all, the ground floor, auxiPliary entrances, or eslts, of each place of business, or other unit, located on the ground floor of each such. building or structure, a number cor- responding 'to the official and denignatoe street number of each such place of business, or other unit, located on the ground_ floor of such building or structure, va-Jich number shall be paint- ed, carved, or cast in figures not lets than five (5) inches in height and to be of a color opposite to toe background upon which said. number is mounted. This iumb,gr shall be securely affixed to said bunt:ding or structure in a stationary and durable mianner anti be kept unobstructed al; all times and so that the nusibor will be clearly perceptjble from a distance of One hundred and V-, iJ i,y (1,50) toot , . 10 ti:ic 0. LLL01J (), ;Alf, L,y Lsy (.:01.112 1:1, I,Lao 1114.1 i,[1(:. 1, t,/ i J LI ir-3,• -12J..1 • : 7,$ _ ty i,ce(..)rc ki CI k.' T =ice •Il. A t' Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, County of Salt Lake Legal Notice AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAP- ILi._...ram.--A•J.,sa•„ I TELL XXII of Ms Revised Ordinances of Salli raaee o said Utah. 193n. w Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- addura in d to id tah. 1 n section to be known as Section 554, rnBeit to Irfre DtherBoard vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper Ha L ordained b' the Hoard of Com- of Sall Lai.Ut ly. ti tah: missions. 1SECTION I. That Chanter XXIL f the ILen;ad ordinances of Salt Lake published in.Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State tail Y. Utah, 1934, be and theis hereby amended by addin' tn_ and to T said chapternew section to be of Utah. knownSection 554, relating.to Plre. Department, which shall read as Sol ions 'SEC. 554: It shall be unlawful for' theground air flaw o"tc o'i f occupant.eutlat;aa' That the advertisement structure locatede within the Mat H District he S .ar House • _Business District of S.:11'Leke C ty. L'..- ''• '' - . .alined Section 1435 these tot fail neglect to place or es to be placedn position and a close a o peach. cnepicu- oal cause all the ground floora auxiliary entrances, of each Place of Fusions,. orboof exits it, ocated n the unu floor!of each rush building or structure, and r udln to the offnisi'and dent.tedpnntree .mbar of each such place of knl_i us. other unit, located on the indo11.1 le,'h,°hitng er steno- u+as published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the C rc, which mbar Than he painted, earned,or a iniinaures not less Dian live I51 'might and to he /� of a oler opposite to the n leMenamlno day of - A. D. 1J._. wltachcsaid ember i mounted. �— 'Clus' amber shall'be securely o altJr- M inn said buddliw strucann.turein nn sent dubstrueted atieall and and was published that ore +n bcr will be cleat n ,taxe fro', a. distance of 11 ap ttu0)1,1 tend Bile 11501 feat, SECTION 2. In the opinionof The the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the board o[ Commissinnere, t ^ nary the peace, health wind s I'ely of 1l the inhabitants of Salt Lake t that -/ I Ins ordinance become elfeel ice Jnt day of A. D. LJ SECTION 3. This ordinance shall lake effect rt Vun It1s first Ouhltca It the 2 rased by ins Roar. of COltnmission• /v e of Salt Lako Caty. Utah, flee, llUh Advertising Clerk.j day of Mey.A.11, 1943. AR JENEIId Ma or, Ethel Recorder. City Recordu. SEAL) Rill No. 15. Published .!lay 12th, 1043_ Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of A. D. 1.9.--.... Notary Pia 'c. Proof of Publication or Atton ney.