15 of 1956 - Ordinance 15 of 1956, Annexation, Extending the limits of Salt Lake City to include Kimball Annex ( KULL GALL 15Sa1t Lake City,Utah, �'m 7 1956 195
I move that the ordinance bsssed.
Burbidge . . J/ /�
Christensen �/fir t2C-GG
Hich es. Iz
Romney . . . .
Mr.Chairman . / AN ORDINANCE
WHEREAS, on the 30th day of October, 1955, there was filed with the
City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Petition No. 1107 by the Kimball Equipment
Company (being a majority of the owners of real property situated in the tract
herein described), requesting that said tract of land be taken within the
limits of Salt Lake City, and also caused an accurate map of plat to be made
and certified to by a competent surveyor and approved by the City Engineer to
be filed with the City Recorder.
WHEREAS, the said tract of land is contiguous to Salt Lake City, and
there is no proper reason why it should not be annexed to and made a part of the
said city; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, after examining
said petition of said owners of said tract of land and considering the circum-
stances thereof voted by unanimous vote of all members of said Board in favor of
annexing said tract of land to Salt Lake City and directed that an ordinance
should be passed annexing said territory and the extension of the city limits
of Salt Lake City accordingly.
NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That the city limits of Salt Lake City be and the same
are hereby extended and enlarged so as to include the following described tract '
of land in Salt Lake County, to-wit:
Beginning at a point on the West line of 2nd West Street, said
point being N 0°13'142" E., 174.26 feet from the S.E. Corner of
Lot 16, Block 8, Five Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey and
running thence N 0° 13' 142" E 112.84 feet; thence N 89° 57' 49"
W, 739 feet; thence S 0° 13' 42" W, 112.84 feet; S 89° 57 i 149"
E, 739.00 feet to the point of beginning.
AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the whole of the above described
property be and the same is hereby zoned as Industrial "M-1" District.'
AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED and declared that when this ordinance takes
(Certified copies given to State Road Comm. 15
County Recorder & Post Master, March 15, 1956)
B. Judges
.. 2 -
effect the said tract of land above described shall thenceforth
be within the corporate limits of said Salt Lake City and zoned
as Industrial "M-l" District as in the ordinance provided, and
all ordinances, jurisdictions, rules and obligations of or pertain-
ing to said Salt Lake City are extended over and made applicable
and pertinent to the said tract of land, and the streets, blocks, -
alleys and ways of said tract shall be controlled and governed by
the ordinances, rules and regulations of said city in that behalf
and:the monuments of the C1,ty Engineer shalllthenceforth be taken -
therein as the standards ofAocations and distances.
SECTION 2 "Upon the passage of this,ordinance the City
Recorder of Salt14alke City ium.41 file and she iq hereby directed
to file with the Co*ty Rdcp5fdpr of Salt Lake County a copy of the-
map,or plat above m ntionod my certified',and acknowledged, as '
provided in such eases, togQher with a certified copy of this
SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, "
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective
SECTION )4. This ordinance shall take effect at once upon
its first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, .S
7tah this 7th day of March, 1956.
City Recorder
( SEAL )
BILL NO. 15 of 1956
Published March 9, 1956
City and County of Salt Lake,
Bessie Judges, Deputy City Recorder of Salt Lake City,Utah, do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
"An ordinance extending the Limits of Salt Lake.. ity"
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, March 7th1 1956 pgen
as appears of record in my office
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of
14th March, 1956
said City, this day of
BILL NO. 15 of 1956
Deputy Xity Recorder
Published_.-..Mar ch..9. .1956..l
'5 1
4/ '4-' eooK1291 PAGE417
\\ 14 74085 4 AN ORDINANCE
WHEREAS, on the 30th day of Oc-
City rRecorder°of¢SaltsLakedCity°
tion No. 1107 by the Kimball FgWp-
tent Company (being a majority of
he owners of real property situated in
Pa the tract herein described),requesting
+� that said tract of land be taen within
,.q '�7 the omits of Salt Lake City,and also
\, ) td a caused a accurate map of Plat to be
made antl tified t by competent
]q surveyor certified
approved by e City
'` Engineer to be filed with the City
.0 Recorder.
C WHEREAS,the id tract of land Ise
ycontiguousp o Salt Lake City,a dthere
y not ube annexed to a d made should Part
+1 Fi of the id city:and
40 C 4 stoners of Salt the
keCity after examin-
LC) ing said petition of said owners of
id 0) said tract of land and considering the
CT) El, circumstances thereof voted by ani-
B Board inart fa or oft amexingsaid tract
0)"cif El is 6 of thatand t0 Salt ordinance a should hend directed
an hepassed
~ ex-
0 r-1 tension of the city limits ofdSalteLake
(,)_^ Pil 0 City accordingly.
Q •UI CGa NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained
W by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
'd , Lake City Utah:
tH Si ECTIO tI 1. That the city limits of
Salt Lake City be and the s
,d 0 PI.gyp• hereby extended d enlarged
N-P Sf to include the following described
,d 0) 0) O tract of land in Salt Lake County,
hi N N 0 to-wit:
o 0 W d) 4 Beginning t o point n the West
line of 2nd West Street, id point
H CT PG (ssy be:ne N 0 deg,13'92"E..17428 feet
from the S.E.Corner of Lot 16,Block
OR 8,Five-Acre Plat A,"His Field Sur-
9Y,and running thence N 0 deg.13'
Y'E.,112.84 feet:thence N 89 deg.
4 57'49"W.738 feet;thence S 0 deg.
13'42"W,112.84 feet;S 88 deg.57'
49" E. 739.00 feet to the point of
` that the whole of the above described
properly be and the s s hereby
q.� d a Industrial"M-1'u some
and AND
redlT that when 1)1)0HER O ordinance
takes effect the said tract of land
4 abovedescribed shall thenceforth be
wii the corporate limits of said Salt
Lake City and zoned asIndustrial
"M-1"District as in the ordinance pro-
w vices,and
•bllga ordinances,
c f,rJurisdtations.
�. to said Salt Lake CAS' a extended
and made applicable and pertinent
to the tad tract of land, and the
streets,blocks,alleys and ways of said
by cthehaB ordie nances.
governed�A tiana of osaid cit in that and
��1 the monuments of the City Engineer
shall standards thenceforth be
locations therein din-
Lances. ofan
SEC' 2. Upon the passage of
this ordinance the City Recorder of
Salt Lake City shall file and she Is
hereby directed to file with the County .
£ctheer of Salt platkabove County
duly cee rtifiedr and acknowledged, as
provided in such cases,together with
a Certified COPY
of this ordinance.
SECTION 3In the opinion of the
Board of Commissioners, It i
sary to the Peace,health and safet f
the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that
this ordinance shall become effective
immSECTION 4.This ordnance shall take
e1Passed once
the Boardf of
das of Salt Lake Citc, Utah,this 7th
y of March.1956.
(SEAL) City Recorder
Published March 9 1956 (C47)
Affidavit of Publication
) ss.
County of Salt Lake )
WHEREAS, on the 30th dor of Oc-
tober,1955, there will filed with the
CiLy Recorder of Salt Lake City,Peti.N D. til. Ockey
lion o. 1107 by the Kimball Ennio- .
Meat Company (being a malorlty of
the owners of real property situated in ,
the tract herein described),requesting, Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is adver-
the said tract of land be taken within
limits of Salt Lake City,and also
eatised an accurate mar of plat to be
Made and d certified to by a competent tising clerk of THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE,a daily news-
•Wrveyor an approved bY the City
Engineer to be WIIEREAS filed with the City
Recorder. paper published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the
,the said tract of land is
.contiguous to d Salt Lake City,mad and there
.is no proper leaser. why it should: State of Utah.
'not be annexe to and e a part I
:of'.he s3d1 edy: and
WHEREAS, thc Board or Commis-i
stoners of Solt Lake Cif?,after exami-
ing l m said petition , said owpm's of
.Said tract of laiid.and considering the That the advertisement of which a copy is attached
Cirauiiances thereof voted by yeas Onto vote of all members of said ,
Board of land in o fSao Lof annexing ds addi recead hereto
that:an ordinance should be-passed
tension o
annexing f said territory and the city limits of Salt Lake ex. Salt Lake City Tall Na. 15 of 1956.
the ,
NOW. THEREFORE. be It ordained
by the Board of Commissioners of Salt.1
Lake City,Ut the city limits ah: "AN 01Thli;ANCEu extending the limits of
SECTION 1. That at''.
Salt Lake City be and the same ar.
hereby extended and enlarged to as ,
to act includeland the n following described ; Salt Lake City.
tr of iSalt Lako County, ;
.I ''TiTgIl'Vf" nIAftigI -2e kel te.510 l I
being-N 0 deg.1342'E,174.28 feet
from the SE.Corner of Lot It,Block
8,Five-Acre Plat"A,”Big Field Sur-
57'49.W,739 feet;thence S 0 dot.-
13'42'.W.112.84 feet;S 19 deg.50'
40" E. 739.00 feet to the point of
that the whble of the above described was published in said newspaper on..
ANT) BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED.and declared that when this ordinance Diarch 9, 1956.
[Mena effect the said tract of land,
'N'v'iggi ftlbrgratallko 9ro'f'rs*ar'PS'17.
,Lake City and zoned'CO Ind'ustrial.
"M-1.DIsqlit as in the ordtoance pro.
vlded,and all ordinanCes,furisdiefiOne,•
rules and obligations of or pertaining I.
to said Salt Lake City are extended t j
r n r Made antilicable and pertinent 1.e the'said tract of land, and the
streets,blocks,alters and ways of said
tract snail he controlled and-goveined Advertising Clerk
by the ordinances. rules and regula-
tions of Said My in tha, behalf and
day off
the standards of locations and dis-
SECTION 2. Upon the passage of
this ordinance tbe City Recorder of 9th
Salt Lake City shall file and she is to before me this
hereby directed to file with the Count,
Recorder of Salt Lake County a tionY r
of the map or plat above mentioned i
.duly certified and acknowledged, as A.D.19 56'
1 Provided in such cases,together ,
a certified COpy of this ordinancewith. C
i SECTION 3 In the opinion of the
,Board of Commissioners, I is cores.
1 sary to the peace,health and safetyTh et, - - /
!the inhabitant,of Salt Lake.City at 1 .--
this w.chnance. shall
''' 0"--• Z-Z5--. .'..,,."), ,L%?.-.4--''-12 -2
b7E(MV.4. Tins orifirance al,11 1.0,01
''Vis'i,i7e'l 7rig'll'onlif'C"riIi'lis:'-laj'a'.,',• .'
V,i),f,,=,,1„.a,e,,,Cify, Utah.thi, Th Notary Public
(SEAL/ Cdy Recorder
SILL NO.15 of 1.933
Published to
0,IBM (C-57)I.
My Commission Expires
Nov. 25, 1957