15 of 1963 - Amending Section 25-11-1 of the Revised Ordinances, as amended, relating to vacations and sick leave ROLL CALL Salt Lake City, Utah, "a.rcn lY 196 VOTING Aye Nay - I move that the Ordinance be passed. Christensen . . ) r Harrison / Romney / //.y`�'�1 .2t�. - Smart . . . Mr. Chairman . / AN ORDINANCE Result . . . . AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Sec. 25-11-1 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, as amended, relating to vacations and sick leave. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 25-11-1 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, as amended, relating to vacations and sick leave, be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding thereto a new sub- section (e) to read as follows: "Sec. 25-11-1. Sick leaves, vacations and compensation for. * * * "(e) Any employee separated from the service of the city for any reason except discharge for cause who at the time of his separation has not taken his earned vacation for the current employment year shall be entitled to be paid for said earned vacation. Such pay shall be con- sidered to be part of the employee's compensation for services rendered and shall be paid upon the termination of his employ- ment, which shall be deemed to be the completion of his last day of active service. Such pay shall be paid to him or to his administrator or executor in the event his separation from service is caused by death." Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 1 th day of March, 1963. 1 I j j j �/ MAYOR /-( I T N R PORDER (SEAL) BILL NO. 15 of 1963 Published March 22, 1963 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, as. County of Salt Lake janna..:Cobiao Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE- GRAM, a daily 1except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng- __ lish Ianguage with general circulation in Utah, and published in AN ORDINANCE Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. 2511J1 or It 2NCRev sed NOrdinances 1 of Salt Lak Clly, u,n 1955, a amended, ors f to va coda ana That the legal notice ofwhich a copyis attached hereto mk reaper by 9 Be Isalpner�5 ebe Salfh°Lakear Clio, Comm SECTION 1,That SeCllon 25-11.1 of }l= r -51 3 Cit RUtah, Ordinances of earl Lake -1- a._..Tn_..].3_.(]J"_'�.f 6. 'City,Utah, ions an a sick c,-e,b- ana thevsortie hereby i,ameyddO byY is alangd tnerlollawr eW ubsection 1e) "Sec. 25-Mk-.'Sick leaves, coca. tlon(e)A nc emploveelon arated fom reasonervi service f dlichargfovr'non eany has att eketmhisofearnsed s ration shell tbe-entitledt to be-paid for said cdnsideredcattop be5ucht pof 5heall be I p1ndered and sehpall beh paidbeen Ilhe termination M his be th mett, inch osnail be aeemea to be the a i : f his last i dab of-active service. n of erFTmarea ohr°:dad te�Ill°r ne i was published in said newspaper on I cI r on_22, 1963 -is c tus tvaPaeean dp from service�, - 1°ner's of Sall LakeaCity,u en,isle J.lots day of Marph,1962. aE°'BRACKEN-LEE, RPCOrdecNOGENSEN, a'BILL LNO.15 of 3962 Published March 22,1962 IC 22) Legal Advertising Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1.Lh day of 4/11 A.D. 191)3.._. Notary Public My Commission Expires No-. 25.,-.19.65 I r