15 of 1971 - Adopting the Neighborhood Development Program - Central Business District West Neighborhood Developm KVLL L.ALL
February 4 1
Salt Lake City,Utah , 197
Barker . . . .
Catmull . . . l/ I move that the Ordinance be )s d
Garn � ��
Harrison . . .
Mr. Chairman .
AN ORDINANCE OF Salt Lake City, Utah, relating to the Redevelop-
ment Agency of Salt Lake City Corporation in accordance with Section
11-10-20, Utah Code Annotated 1953, as amended, adopting the Neighbor-
hood Development Program entitled "C.B.D. West Neighborhood Develop-
ment Program" dated January 15, 1971, as the official redevelopment
plan for the project area.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That the Neighborhood Development Program entitled
"C.B.D. West Neighborhood Development Program" dated January 15, 1971,
be adopted as the official redevelopment plan for the following named
project area in accordance with Section 11-10-20, Utah Code Annotated
1953, as amended:
SECTION 2. The legal description of the boundaries of the
project area covered by the redevelopment plan is as follows, to-wit:
Commencing at the Northeast corner of the intersection
of First South Street and Main Street; thence South along
the East right-of-way line of Main Street to the South-
east corner of the intersection of Main Street and Third
South Street; thence West along the South right-of-way
line of Third South Street to the Southwest corner of the ,r--
intersection of Third South Street and West Temple Street;
thence North along the West right-of--way line of West
Temple Street a distance of 1,695 feet, more or less;
thence East along the North right-of-way line of First
South Street projected, to the point of beginning; all in
the City of Salt Lake and the State of Utah.
SECTION 3. The purpose and intent of Salt Lake City Commission
with respect to the project area is to accomplish the following purposes
by adoption of the redevelopment plan:
a. Removal of structurally substandard buildings to permit the
return of the project area land to economic use and new
b. Removal of impediments to land disposition and development
through assembly of land into reasonably sized and shaped
parcels served by improved public utilities and new
community facilities.
c. Rehabilitation of buildings to assure sound long term
economic activity in the core area of the City.
d. The elimination of environmental deficiencies, including
among others small and irregular lot subdivision, over-
crowding of the land and inadequate off-street parking.
e. Achievement of an environment reflecting a high level of
concern for architectural and urban design principles,
developed through encouragement, guidance, appropriate
controls and professional assistance to owner participants
and redevelopers.
f. The provision of a substantial number of housing units of
low or moderate cost on land to be disposed of for
residential purposes.
g. The strengthening of the tax base and economic health of
the entire community.
h. Provisions of improvements to public streets, curbs and side-
walks, other public rights of way, street lights, and land-
scaped areas.
SECTION 3. The redevelopment plan entitled "C.B.D. West Neigh-
borhood Development Program" dated January 15, 1971, is incorporated
herein by reference and made a part of this ordinance.
SECTION 4. The "C.B.D. West Neighborhood Development Program"
dated January 15, 1971, is hereby designated as the official redevelop-
ment plan of the project area.
SECTION 5. The Salt Lake City Board of Commissioners hereby
determines and finds as follows:
a. The project area as above described is a "blighted area" as
described in Section 11-19-2, Utah Code Annotated 1953, as
amended, and that the redevelopment of said area is necessary
to effectuate the public purposes set forth in the Utah
Neighborhood Development Act and public purposes intended
by the establishment of the Redevelopment Agency of Salt
Lake City Corporation.
b. The redevelopment plan would redevelop the above described
area in conformity with the Utah Neighborhood Development Act
and is in the best interests of the public peace, health,
safety and welfare of the area and the community.
c. The adoption and carrying out of the plan is feasible and
economically sound.
d. The redevelopment plan conforms to and is compatible with the
master plan of Salt Lake City, Utah.
e. The carrying out of the redevelopment plan will promote the
public peace, health, safety and welfare of the community and
will effectuate the purposes and policy of the Utah Neighbor-
hood Development Act.
f. The condemnation of the real property as described in the
redevelopment plan is necessary to the execution of the
redevelopment plan and adequate provisions have been made
for the payment of said property to be acquired as required
by law.
g. The Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City Corporation has a
feasible plan for the relocation of persons to be temporarily
or permanently displaced from housing facilities in the
project area.
h. Persons displaced from the project area are able to find or
will be able to find either in the project area or in areas
not generally less desirable in regard to public utilities
and public and commercial facilities, and at rents or prices
within their financial means and available to them, decent,
safe, and sanitary dwellings equal in number to the number
of dwellings displaced and reasonably accessible to their
places of employment.
SECTION 6. The Salt Lake City Board of Commissioners is satisfied
that permanent housing facilities will be available within three years
from the time occupants of the project area, if any, are displaced, and
that pending the development of such facilities, temporary housing at
comparable rents to those existing at the time of the displacement
will be available in the general area.
SECTION 7. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is
necessary to the peace, health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 8. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this day of February, 1971.
BILL N . 15 of 1971
Published February 11, 1971
Citn,Utah,erldlme tadhe Rck eveloe-i
Ce 1 lllencv N'Sal!"at.ake Citori
otovtetildnu01n dance IM
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aeyelapmt r the °lect Affidavit of Publication
De It prdalned by,,-Board t
ionera pl Salt Lak¢ CItV,'
ppSoodddCDION 1. Thatt the Nolnttled
'l"C.B.D West Neighborhood Develop-,
r Program"dated JenlICIV le''
ideve be doppla of Me olliclal l'he�s [[y�
deveepmen( Ian for Me lollowirg rl.All[
la/ItO lest in rdaode a
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Icsouihr of,elr nd west°Temple ()sing clerk of the DESEI{ET'NEWS, a daily (except Sunday)
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wdi Ilne f West t,more newspaper printed in the English language with general sir.
loireet; lezce E of Leon feet,
less;manse East along me mien culatcon in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
siht-oi way :InB 1 First South l
lren prole(Yab�d,a ihe point of be. County,in the State of Utah.
a!"line VIZ nr1eura'n m sou Leka
"SECTION 3. The purpose end,
Intentof ppeesd re LakeCity i That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
a pllxnL the iVesre gg nro se bv;
add pfion of the redeveiownent Ian:
dare IngiVis eta "itI'me"refu�' Pub Ordinance relating to the Redevelopment Agency of
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"e.lnlnewl eimructionrnrstolend' SL City Cbrp, etc Bill-13 ora971
lelsooslnen a davetoanent Mrilgh�
feed d'd Shooeddoarrel,Se s ee bcv
;Improved public rllltles and new! ----- ._
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Rehabilitation lone"foam economic ac-
tivity in the c0 area of the City.
mental'eel efkkn rel,Including anwng,
lathers small and irregular lot sub-,
ivisi�on, overcrowding 0l tfhe land
land�AAnnadequate It-itreet u rIking. I
reflecting ea highllevel oft concern for,
rchlteclural and urban deslan hem-!
Icicle!,didance,d through a rage ———--.
d Cafes:!dal atance to owner
tl°Ipams d r�aevlanoer:.
�f.Tht provision of substantial nopublished in said newspaper on
in./mbar t te housing ndpo"roabrtdie500eed I
�Aorjneldent?esther oefa the saki Feb 11, 1971
base and economic health of the n.l
tine< unify.
n.. streets,
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° and le ascapeo°trees'Ilan n rO.D. pMst,SECTION 3. Tne
plan enf filled "C.O.D. weatl
, 19 Ps Incor-I i"
tl ref January , 1911, is In end 1, v
posted herein by re/trance �I and ____.____._..__. �
'"IPCI,3nrle°.t rna.°%'•'tRP'West' Legal Advertising Clerk
Neighbor tpod Development;
Program"dated Janunre 15,1011,lest
leren0 desloneted me oject a
deoniorment plan of the protect eCit.I
Board Tatt C50n'tnlscb Salt hereby City'
termines and rinds as follows: •
a Tne protect Brea os shove de
scribed Ina"blighted area"as de-
Annotated 1953, it lam'endled code /afR to before nit. this ______12th____._ ____ day of
that ihe redevelopment of said red
is necessary to ellectuate the public,
Neri=erhoodl D10eVelopmentihAcfVend A.D. 19.__71__.
adisc par Intended Re by:Me e
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!d eloTh the above de pion would !v
i.tlevelop the with described Sa_n le to City Corporation has t
n conformity with the Utah Neigh, feasible Ian for therelocation of
borhood Development Act and Is In persons to pe temporarily patina-: `
the test interests of the public peace, I molly displaced from noosing faclll 4", _ ..g t ✓L
health, safely and w elate of the chines In the protect -----'--- _._----- _
o. Persons dIs IaceE ftamt the
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forms to end Is pailbfe Iln the and public and commercial facilities,
master plan of Salf lake Cite,Utah. and t ters o Iced within their
The arryinp 1 01 the them,ial means and available to
development plan ill promote the v decent,a safe, and to Ina
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of accessible naz displaced
Ifie ur a IN 1cY 4 1ht� reasonably ible to Their places
Utah Noma nhood Dd•cdio melt.xpir(!S of as lovmen'
A<t SECTION m. The Salt Leke City
1. The condemnation of thereel' Board of Ce r noosing
1 ro ty as described ht the redowl,. tear/permanent houses readies m
` be a oileEld chain three years item
anon of the r is edevelopment the time a
and adeouale rovislons have Wan,/to Ifany,are occupants o s the ch protect
made for the payment of said dines,temporary e development of such lac:or to be a< Ired as eegulredt bv, able°S rents tothose,existing to at pthe
la•.v._„ lme of the displacement Will be
liable In Site ce tan
a eiCTIDN T.in ihe elnlon 01 the
Bo d 0f Commissioners It is Cces.
to the peace habit", MtY and
clfare F the �this'ordin of Sal-
lake ffective Immediate,.
eY Mal this'ordinance be-
come B.This ordinance hall
by ihe'00afirst
'A arty
loners of Salt Lake Ctly.Ufdl,MI5
ilh day of February,)011,
beau Clod.Reco,d?nSEN,
Btu NO.15 of 19TI I
Published February 11,tell (W)