150 of 1908 - Ordinance 150 of 1908 – Amending & re-enacting Section 288, re: appointment of Board of Health. t A If R D I H A i�i C E . / An ordinance amending and. re-enacting Section 288 of the Revised Ordinances of Balt Lake City of 1903, in. reletion to the Board of Health, the appointment and cornpensati:wl Or: the once, as _mended by an ordinance passed by the City Council February 5, 1906, and approve by the Moyer February 7, 1906 Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SEC'TION 1. That Section 288 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1903, in regard to the Board. of Health, the appointment and compensation of the same, cc amended by an ordinance parsed by the City Council February 5, 1906, and aii;:roved by the Mayor February 7, I I1906, be, and the same is hereby emended and re-enacted so a:3 to read as follows: SECTION 288. BOARD O. ILTALI'd. iM..:'0 ...i:; : . C0 ATIO :. The Mayor she h_i. by and v ith the advice and consent of the Council)) appoint, luring the term for which he is elected, a found of Health, consirting, of a Health Co_e esioner, an Assistant Health Commissioner, each of whom shall be a graduate of a reputable medical college, cud two citizens. The hhoyor shall be ex-afficio chairman of the 'Board.. The compensation of each membor of the Board of Health (e-xclusive of the ilcyor, Health Commissioner an Assistant Health Commissioner) is hereby- fixed at five ( 5.00) . 1 dollars for each meeting attended. The ITea1tY! Coanni;;„iomer sha Ireceive as compensation, in full for all services rendered the City, a salary of twelve dundred (t1200.00) dollars ;per annum, payable monthly as are the oealzrrieo of oilier city officers. The h1nyor Shalt) also, by and :pith the advice end consent of • the Count'l :>p,:oint, uuri t, ;e iw .cm for which i 3 is elected, one A:nistarrt 're.zlta o -tssioner, ,h.o ;hall be a g-n-iduate of a reputable medical college, and . no shall .Cc such cots and per- . form such dutioe pertaining to the Health Department of the City as may be delegated to, - reclaim() of nial by the Health Com- `a- 150 _2- missioner accordit to law; and who shell receive as ccmpensa- tion, in full for all services rendered the City, a salary of nine hundred ( 900.00) dollars per annum, payable monthly as art the salaries of other city officers. 3ECTIO! 2. All or3inenees and resolutions or parts of ordinanc;s -and resolution:, in'•co. tliet he;e.^✓ith s_c here0y'repealec to the ex- tent Of such confl ct.. fit' SECli3s 3 ,..14.s c inance shell is e efieott:,,aiyon approval. . - 0409 ity Council of ,. .1, _. _.e ,rJ * v,,:.00r 16, 100O, ;:-nu re-erLea bc �._., .._ ;oz for his ;)roval. Ci . Ileeerl_ A ro-ve day of Bo mbe ,i u bayor " . • i 1, M z: � - p a � . .... „,.... ,,, „____,, Y � � ' j „ . = Q0 •.g r Etho {;4 c A�! j C = 0. � C4Z . t , � 1 ., . �- . CA .-,