150 of 1977 - Adding section 51-5-20 providing for traffic impact and access study prior to development in certain 'VOTING MIMI Salt Lake City,Utah, September 15 1977
Mr. Chairman M■ 7
Agra al I move that the dinance be passed. /
Hogensen e
Phillips MI. /
/( -el'ir
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Chapter 5 of Title 51 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, by ADDING a new Section 20 relating to
traffic impact and access study required.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Chapter 5 of Title 51 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to traffic impact and access study
required, be, and the same hereby is amended by ADDING thereto a new
Section 20.
Sec. 51-5-20. Traffic impact and access study required. In
any district,. no permit for any structure or structures other
than one (1) single family or two (2) family dwelling per
applicant shall be issued for any residential structure for
which access to said structure is by any street which is less
than 50 feet in width, having less than a 30 foot paved driving
area, or which is a dead-end street unless it is shown that
such structure or structures will not adversely affect the
parking, travel or access of vehicles on the access street, and •
that increased traffic will not cause a safety hazard to users
and abutting occupants of said street. The planning director
and the traffic engineer shall make a determination as to
whether or not said structures will adversely affect traffic
and safety after reviewing the detailed plans for the structure
or structures including a traffic impact and access report which
shall be required as a part of the plans for the development.
Any decision made by said persons may be appealed to the board
of adjustment by either the developer or any affected property
owner in the block on which the proposed development faces.
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect 30 days after its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt e City, Utah, this
15th day of September 1977.
BI L NO. 150 of 1977
) 1 ished September 21, 1977
Affidavit of Publication
Countyy of Salt Lake
INc cnaMar s or Hue s or?ne Shana D. Palmer
Revleoa Ordinances of sett
Lake ChY, Section
20by AD- .-- _--_—_---.--__-----to
a new pact n r access
ro+rafnc Impact and dace-,5
,ruder ro7glea.
cumin ss°orleed bothe Board of
Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver-
citsve ah: tisi-ng clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday)
SECTION 1.a RevisedChapter rdir
Title sl M the
l Salt toLaketraffic
City,Utah,ct newspaperu n printed in the English language with general cir-
'ivns,ereian�+o harbc Impactl
and access study required,ba,
and rhea hereby Is vitiation in Utah, andpublishedin Salt Lake (:ity, Salt Lake
amended obv ADD No maretg a County, in the State of Utah.
n sec. 51-5.20. aHle act
and required.
an district,nolrpeic pit tor any
tructurn That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
•than One(1)single family or
two (2) family dwellingBPP
Ilcanl hall be Issued Br
y residential structure for Pub notice to amend an ordinance relating_ to
which access to said structure - _ _
by street will.Is
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street unless It is st�rpn,,,11gs
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vehicles on the access street,
and that e traffic oiII
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said The planning diree
or and ea traffic engineer
shall make a determination as
to whether or said strutc
tures will adversely affect tral•
and d Pi after viewing ------
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str Mans for Ind shoe
cure or structures Including
traffic Impact and accuse re- was published in said newspaper on _._Sept, 21,, 1977
port ard which
the plansq for dthe
development. Any decision
made be said persons may be
li appealed
pe byy etliherr the Hliieadeveloper or "— ---"—"- --'—'"—"------ -"
any effected property owner In
fire bteck or,which the proposed
d I enr f aares
sEcn ION This ordinance
h II i effect 30 daysaysafter
firt Wean,
is Sue by the Fleas a Com- I1y1 1 '�f 5 ��1_!'�- /._I r Salt Lake Cm- t / �`-
etah, thiss'n15th day M Seu
TEDL.wILSON Legal Advertising Clerk
City Recorder
BILL t. Se of 19I7
PunlishEd September 21,1(D7lE
Subscribed and sworn to before me this___ 28th
f ---- ------ day of
--- -- . Sept. --.- _ A,D. 79_77 _.
• Notary Public
My Commission Expires
June 1, 1981