152 of 1975 - Ordinance 152 of 1975 – Amending Section 25-11-4 providing for the election of an alternate member ROLL CALL '
VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, December 16 ,19 75
I move that the Ordinance be passed.
o ensen d� 6742411 ,`
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 25-11-4 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to appeal board.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 25-11-4 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake
City, Utah, 1965, relating to appeal board, be, and the same hereby is
amended as follows:
Sec. 25-11-4. Appeal board. There is hereby created an appeal
board to consist of five members and one alternate member. Three
members and the alternate member shall be chosen by and from the
appointed officers and employees, and two members shall be city
commissioners; said members shall be chosen as follows:
(1) The three year appointive officer and employee member
and the alternate shall be chosen by ballot, each appointive
officer or employee of the city being entitled to cast one
vote for each member to be chosen. On the second Tuesday of
January in each year a general meeting of the appointed officers
and employees of the city shall be held at which meeting said
officers and employees shall elect one appointive officer or
employee member for a term of three years and the alternate
member for a term of one year to serve on said appeal board.
At least ten days prior to the holding of said meetings, the
city commissioners shall appoint some appointive officer or
employee to act as secretary to conduct said meeting and
election and post notice thereof in a conspicuous place and
manner in each of the city departments continuously for at
least five days prior to the date of said meeting. The three
appointive officer and employee members and the one alternate
member of the appeal board shall be from different statutory
departments of the city.
(2) On the second Tuesday of January of each even numbered
year, two city commissioners shall be appointed by the city
commission as a whole.
(3) In the event a permanent vacancy occurs in the appoint-
ive officer and employee membership of said appeal board, the
remaining appointive officer and employee member or members
shall fill such vacancy by appointment, the appointee to hold
office for the unexpired term of the member he replaces. In
case of a vacancy in the city commission membership such vacancy
shall be filled by appointment by the board of commissioners of
Salt Lake City. A permanent vacancy shall occur whenever any
member resigns, dies, refuses to act, or terminates his employ-
ment with the city.
(4) The alternate employee member shall act only when directed
to do so by the other two employee members and only when one of
the three appointive officer and employee members of the appeal
board shall be temporarily unable to act due to illness or other
reason as certified by the two remaining appointive officer and
employee members. The board of commissioners may appoint one of
their members as an alternate in the event a commissioner member
of the appeal board shall be temporarily unable to act. It is
the intent of this ordinance to allow the filling of temporary
vacancies to insure that the ill be five members present to hear
all appeals. , 'l'
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, it is necessary to the health, peace and welfare of the inhabitants of
Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 16th
day of gimaexnb m, 1975.
BILL NO. 152 of 1975
Published December 19, 1975
• Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
w oxawnww- - Shana D. Palmer
o of he ovoed Ordinances
to appeal hoard.
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