153 of 1908 - Ordinance 153 of 1908 – Sewer Extension No. 186, Sixth & Final Estimate. AI O R D I I A H C B .
Am eraisanoe levying a tam and providing for the &permanent of
all � belted ea the south the north line
re erg within the atsi by
of Shirt Mena, eat the eat by the west lice of ♦ Street, on the
lnorth by the north lime of Sixth •tsssxa. and on the east by the an-
ter line of Virginia Street, in Sewer Distriet SA. 1, for the oon-
st3raetiew of esoass.
Se it admixed by the ally lonaeil of Salt Lake City. Utah:
SIOfIOR 1. bat the Oily Sesaoil toss hereby levy the tax and
provide for the Meeasismt Attie seers ttpen the property hereinafter
described in Sewer Bietriot Se. 1, for the eenetruotion of sewers,
SO;• 1, Sek S0; 1, 2 3
3a Leta II end 4. Ptahp AAA 4, o
l and t Sleek a
and 4, Bled[ 21; S. S set 4. Sleek SPi,,al,l in Plat 'Ow, abutting
on the sati side of birth Avenue between I sae Virginia Streets; o�
the aortic side of Posts t ammo between V sat Virginia Streets; on
both sites of V SSMss$ heftiest Shirt emt birth dermas; on both sides
of T Street tsarar.. Shird and *mirth 1ssamss; and en both sides of S
Street between laird sad Ponrth Lessens.
This tan is levied to Wray the espnse of ooastruoting ritri- �
fiat pips mates eta, SS) tubes in aisweter ma the portions of
loan etssete eprpesits the posporty 1Mretab fore sed hereinafter dos-
frilled to is eelp.sislly altatedsett bemAfitwt by wag improvement,
aua it is hereby odyeagrod, tetermined sat established that said prop-
jerky will be espasislly basetitsd thereby to the fill &aunt of the
tan hereby ler+wtea, sad aid paoesls of land are hereby assessed at an
steel and uniform. reds in $eser4snee with the linear foot frontage
upon said portioss of said strlste fronting loon and to a depth of
twenty!irs (ES) feet befit therefrom, and the tax hereby levied and
to be assessed upon said parcels of land is three thousand five hun-
trod fortyetwe and 5/100 ($3,842.05) dollars, or one and
1111914926/10,000,000 (*1.0917926) dollars per ffont or linear foot 'of
abutting property ter sewer se said portions of the streets above
saatieaet in Slate, listrist No. 1. them, b t44 4444.24 test of abut-
ting par* wit0dat the heeseeirsa et the lode, Meeks and streets
abets asatieaai. whiot is the total oast sal *sat per front foot of
;said swear seeer4int to the esatrsst entered into few the performance
of said week sad mating sail impingement. with Davis 6 Mouser, dated
the 4th day et Mir, 144, NMI tile lsemeeeev is hereby authorized and
,direotel to assess im ereembrmss Iota the previsions of this ordi-
naase fee the purpose hsreta usatiomait
Seemtiag ea leaslh £'sews.
Ow morn adds et bets 4 and 4, Slaeek 41; the north side of Lots
4 ant 4, Meek 40; the metk tide at Let 4, the oast 140 feet of the
north side et Let 4, *Leek 44; the south side of Lets 1 and 2, Block
ISS; the aerth ails et bets 4 and 4, Sleet 3$, Plat "t3".
Matta, ea ! strost.
lhs neat 1+44 Oast et the west aids of Lot 3, the north 140 feet
of the west side of Zed s, Steak 44; the month 140 feet of the east
aids of Let 4, the a rth 140 feet of the east side of Let 1, Block
41. Plat "4e.
1lsatias sa T Street.
Ohs south 144 fest of Ike meet site of Let a, the north 140 feet;
dot the west aids of Lot 2. D1oah 41; the south 140 toot of the east
'side of bet 4, the north /40 feet of the opt side of Lot 1, Kook
50, Plat "$w.
!seating en $ street.
the sewn 140 feat of the west side et Lot 3, the north 140 feet
of the weed aide of Lot B. bleak so; the south 140 fest of the east
aside of Let 4, the north 140 feet of the east side of Lot 1, Block
29, Plat "(#", Salt Lake City Survey, as the same are shown upon the
official plats of said City to a depth of twenty-five (25) feet back
ifron said streets, and to collect said tax.
SAMOS 1. Mil tax shall Weems* and be delinquent in five •iusbl
laatal3aasts, an fellows, te.mit: ore•fifth thereat one year after
the q uevs1 et the .alttiaamee esettruing the levy at the tax for the
payment ter sash •fif$h thereof is tws yya �ehaeat; saa years after
inch approval; .ao•fifth thereof in three years after such approval;
•*•.fifth thereat Is:4am year, Otter sash approval; and one-fifth
thereof is five 0400ko$140, AM" approval. One or neve of said in-
atOl2aoato, e r tkeurbeWtimapperbe pMt M or Vetere ten dale after
I� I
the appregui et 104 o041 ra. ool ivoiai the levy of the: tax.r. One
or mere installments, apt thealahale spaniel tax may be paid on the day
any iawrtallaent 4041110,04110 40 papiap the amount thereof and'itterestJll
to date it pspsat4 look of sail latallaoats shell bear interest i
ot..thi rate of NM 1E3 pot Met per swam* few the tots of the appro1
val of re svttaaisa .anfiritsy the lowly of Mil tax until date of
l•lingseaay, sat •irht (e) her east per annum free delinquency until
$ TIOS S. Skis ordiasaes shall take effect upon approval.
Sewer tztseel a Se. 104.
II• Sirtth • Heal itiaat•.
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.Mt AS soissoila swat
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