153 of 1914 - Sidewalk Extension No. 160, First Partial ROLL CALL
Salt Lake City,Utah September 15, 1914
Morris 11.
I move that the ordinance be passed.
SpearmanWells .C>�-�
Mr.Chairman —
An ordinance levying a tax end for the assessment of property
in the district bounded on the north by Sixth South Street, on
the east by Mount Olivet, on the south by Ninth South Street, snd
on the west by Ninth East Street; also on both sides of Fourth
South Street between Tenth East and Eleventh East Streets, the
east side of Tenth East Stree* between Fourth South Street and
Puller Avenue, the west side of University Street between Third
South end Fourth South Streets, and on both sides of Douglas
Street in Rogers' Subdivision, in Sidewalk Districts Nos. 22, 23
and 44, for the construction of cement sidewalks.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City
does hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of the
same upon the property hereinafter described in Sidewalk Dis-
tricts Nos, 22, 23 and 44, for the construction of cement side-
walk^, to-wit:
In pert of Section 5, Township 1 south, Range 1 east, Salt
Lake Base and Meridian; in Lots 2 to 24, inclusive, Block 1; 1,
and 23 to 44, inclusive, Block 2, GJoodmensee Subdivision of Block
1; 1, 2, 5, 5, 7 and 8, Block 14; 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block 15; all in
Plat "B"; 2 to 55, inclusive, Block 10; 55, and 2 to 28, inclu-
sive, Block 15, Fremont Heights Subdivision of Block 3; 1 to 9,
inclusive, Block 8; 1 to 11, inclusive, Block 9, Fremont
Heights Subdivision of Block 4; 1 to 14, inclusive, Block 6;
to 38, inclusive, Block 7, Arlington Heights Subdivision of
Block 5; 1 to 44, inclusive, Block 8; 1 to 44, inclusive,
Block 9, Arlington Heights Subdivision of Block 6; 1 to 52,
inclusive, Block 10; 1 to 52, inclusive, Block 11, Arlington
Heights Subdivision of Block 7; 1 to 13, inclusive, Block 1,
Sylvan Perk Subdivision of Block 11; 3 end 4, end 7 to 16, in
elusive, Rogers' Subdivision of Block 15; 2 to 5, inclusive,
Block 4; 1, 2, 3, 4 end 5, Block 5; 5, Block 8; 3, 4 and 5,
Block 9; 1, 2, 5, 7 end 8, Block 10; 2, 3 end 4, Block 11; 1
to 5, inclusive, Block 12; 4, 5 and 6, Block 20; 1 to 4, in-
clusive, Block 21; end 2 to 5, inclusive, Block 24, ail in P1=t
"F", Salt Lake City Survey, abutting on the east side of
Tenth East Street between Fourth South and Fifth South atreet
end on both sides of Tenth East Street between Sixth South
and Ninth South Streets; on both sides of Lincoln Street be-
tween Eighth South end Ninth South Streets; on both sides of
Sunnyside Avenue between Eleventh Fest and Twelfth East
Streets; on the Test side of Twelfth Fest Street between
Seventh South end Ninth South Streets; on the east side of
Twelfth East Street between Sixth South and Eighth South
Streets; on the north side of Eighth South Street between
Ninth Fast end Thirteenth East Streets; on the south side of
Eighth South Street bet-,een Ninth Fast and Twelfth East
Streets; on both sides of McClelland Street between Seventh
South end Eighth South Streets; on both sides of Eleventh
East Street between Seventh South and Eighth South Streets;
on both sides of Elizebeth Street between Sixth South end
Eighth South Streets; on both sides of Douglas Street between
Seventh South and Eighth South Streets, and between Fifth
South end Sixth South Streets; on the west side of Universit
-2- l'ai
Street between Third South and Fourth South Streets; on both
sides of Seventh South Street between Ninth Fast Street and
Mount Olivet; on both sides of Thirteenth Fast Street between
Sixth South and Seventh South Streets, and the west side of
Thirteenth East Street between Seventh South end Eighth South
Streets; and on both sides of Fourth South Street between
Tenth East and Eleventh Fest Streets.
This tax is levied to defray the expense of constructing
cement sidewalks four (4) feet wide, five (5) feet wide end
six (6) feet wide (all of said sidewalks to be four (4) inche
thick with three end one-quarter (34) inch base end three-
quarter (",:) inch topping) , upon the portions of said streets
opposite the property hereinbefore and hereinafter described
to be especially effected and benefited by said imy)rovement,
end it is hereby adjudged, determined end established that
seid property will be especially benefited thereby to the ful
amount of the tax hereby levied, and said parcels of lend are
hereby assessed et en equal and uniform rate in accordance
with the linear foot frontage upon said portions of said streets
fronting upon end to a depth of twenty-five (25) feet back
therefrom, end the tax hereby levied end to be assessed upon
said parcels of lend is twenty-seven thousand thirty-two and
36/100 (427,032.36) dollars; nine hundred seventy and 20/100
(4970.20) dollars, or 84/100 (40.84) dollars per front or li ;ar
foot of abutting property for four foot sidewalks, there bein..
1155 feet abutting said portion of said improvement; ninety-
four hundred forty-nine end 82/100 (.;9449.82) dollars, or
94/100 ( ?0.94) dollars par front or linear foot of abutting
property for five foot sidewalks, there being 10053 feet
abutting said portion of said improvement; and sixteen inuai> rn
six hundred twelve end 34/100 (416,612.34) dollars, or one en._
4/100 (0..04) dollars per front or linear foot of abutting
property for six foot sideways, there being 15,973.4 feet
-30 ,j��f/I
' abutting said portion of said improvement, within the bounda-
' ries of the lots, blocks and streets above mentioned in said
districts,wh.ich is the total cost end cost per front foot of
said sidewalks, according to the contract entered into for th.
performance of said work and making said improvement, with
G. A. Hemen, deeted the 24th day of April, 1913, and. the
Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to assess, in
accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, for the
purpose herein mentioned;
Four Foot Walks.
The west side of Lots 2 to 5, inclusive, Block 4, Plat
"F", Salt Lake City Survey; beginning et a point 82.5 feet
east end 165 feet south of the northeast corner of Block 1,
' Wood.mensee Subdivision of Block 1, ?let "B", Salt Lake City
Survey, thence south 495 feet.
Five Foot Walks.
The west side of Lots 2 to 23, inclusive, Block 1; the
east side of Lots,1, end 24 to 44, inclusive, Block 2, Wood-
nensee Subdivision of Block 1, ?let "B"; the south side of
Lots 29 to 55, inclusive, the east side of Lots 2 end 55,
Block 10; the north side of Lots 2 to 28, inclusive, the east
side of Lots 2 end 55, Block 15, Fremont Heights Subdivision
of Block 3j Mt=0iexx beginning at a point 66 feet east of
the southeast corner of Lot 1, Block 5, ?let "F", thence norta
165 feet; the east side of Lots 14, and 1 to 7, inclusive,
Block 6; the west side of Lots 1 to 19, inclusive, the east
side of Lots 20 to 38, inclusive, Block 7, Arlington Heights
Subdivision of Block 5; the west side of Lots 1 to 22, in-
clusive, the east side of Lots 23 to 44, inclusive, Block 8;
the west side of Lots 1 to 23, inclusive, Block 9, Arlington
Heights Subdivision of Block 6; the east side of Lots 27 to
52, inclusive, Block 10; the west side of Lots 1 to 26, in-
elusive, Block 11, Arlington Heights Subdivision of Block 7;
the west side of Lots 1 to 13, inclusive, Block 1, Sylvan
Park Subdivision of Block 11; the west side of the north 200
feet of the east 132 feet, and the west side of the south 120
feet of the east 132 feet of Lot 2, the east side of the south
120 feet of the west 132 feet of Lot 3, Block 11; the west
side of Lots 3, and 12 to 16, inclusive, end the east side of
Lots 4, and 7 to 11, inclusive, Rogers' Subdivision of Block
15; the east side of the west 324.35 feet of Lots 2 to 5, in-
clusive, Block 24, all in Plat "F", Salt Lake City Survey.
Six Foot Walks.
The north side of Lots 23 and 24, Block 1; the north sid-
of Lots 23 and 24, Block 2, Woodnensee Subdivision of Block 1•
the north side of the east 55 feet, end the north side of the
west 220 feet of Lot 5, the north side of Lot 6, the south
side of Lots 1 and 2, the east side of Lots 1, end 6 to 8, in
elusive, Block 14; the east side of the south 203 feet, and
the south side of Lot 1, the south side of the west 153 feet
of Lot 2, the south side of the east 157 feet of Lot 3, the
ock 5,
south side of the west 153 feet of Lot 4,/all in Plet "B";
the north side of Lots 2 to 28, inclusive, Block 10, Fremont
Heights Subdivision of Block 3; the north side of Lots 1 to
9, inclusive, Block 8; the north side of Lots 1 to 11, inclu-
sive, Block 9, Fremont Heights Subdivision of Block 4; the
north side of the west 110.9 feet of Lot 5, Block 4, PIts xxFA;
beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 1, Block 5, Plat
"F", thence east 66 feet; the south side of Lot 1, the south
side of the east 64 feet, and the south side of the west 35
feet of Lot 2, the south side of Lots 3 end 4, the west side
of Lots 4 end. 5, the north side of Lot 5, Block 5; the north
side of Lots 8 to 14, inclusive, Block 6; the north side of
Lots 19 and 20, Block 7, Arlington Heights Subdivision of
Block 5; the north side of Lots 22 and 23, the south side of
Lots 1 and 44, Block 8; the north side of Lots 23 and 24, the
south side of Lots 1 end 44, the east side of Lots 24 to 44,
inclusive, Block 9, Arlington Heights Subdivision of Block 6;
the north side of Lots 26 and 27, the south side of Lots 1 an.
52, the west side of Lots 1 to 26, inclusive, Block 10; the
north side of Lots 26 and 27, the south side of Lots 1 and ,52
the east side of Lots 27 to 52, inclusive, Block 11, Arlingtoi
Heights Subdivision of Block 7; the north side of the west 31..5
feet of Lot 5, Block 8; the south side of the east 120 feet o
the west 127 feet ofLot 3, the south side of Lot 4, the west
side of Lot 4, the west side of the south 41.25 feet of Lot 5
Block 9; the south aide of Lot 1, the south side of the east
198 feet of Lot 2, the west side of the south 41.25 feet of L.t
3, the east side of Lots 1, 7 and 8, Block 10; the south side
of the east 132 feet of Lot 2, the south side' of the west 132
feet of Lot 3, the south side of the west 150 feet of Lot 4,
Block 11; the south side of Lots 1 and 2, the west side of
Lots 2 to 5, inclusive, Block 12; the west side of the north
132 feet of Lot 4, the west side of Lot 5, the north side of
the west 82.5 feet, and the north side of the east 66 feet of
Lot 5, the north side of Lot 6, Block 20; the south side of
Lots 1 to 4, inclusive, Block 21, all in Plat "F", Salt Lake
City Survey, as the sere are shown. upon the official plats o
said city to a depth of twenty-five (25) feet back from said •
streets, end to collect said ttx.
SECTION 2. This tax shell become end be delinquent in
five equal yearly installments, with interest on the whole su
unpaid et the rate of six per cent per annum, payable at the
time each installment: is d.ue, to-wit: One-fifth thereof one
year after the ordinance confirming the levy of the tax for t e
payment for such improvement, becomes effective; one-fifth /1
thereof in two years after said ordin woe becomes effective;
one-fifth thereof in three years after said ordinance becomes
effective; one-fifth thereof in four years after said ordi-
nance becomes effective; and one-fifth thereof in five years
after said ordinance becomes effective. One or more of said
installments, in the order in which they are payable, or the
whole sweciel tex,mm}smast may be paid at any time within thirty
days after the ordinance confirming the levy of thel tax becomes
effective, 7fithout interest. In the event of zany installment
or the interest e:fore f4id not being paid on the d^lA the same
.:become: due, the wh816 amount of the special tax ulaid at
the time said. installment end interest are due, shrill become
due and payable, 4nd sh*11 dra.':s interest et the rate of eight
.-per cent per annum until the sale of the property assessed;
1 provided, one or more installments, in the order in which the
are payable, or the whole special tax unpaid, may be paid on
the day any installment becomes due, by paying the amount
thereof and interest to said date.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect one day
after its first publication.
Sidewalk Extension No. 160. VQ•--A--Loves V--4--t°—e
First Partial Estimate.
Passed by the Board of Coxbnissioner of Salt Lake City,
Utah, September 15th, 1914. / f /
City Recorder Mayor
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