153 of 1978 - Amending Section 43-6-1 providing for one-half mileage rate for Senior Citizens over 65 and physical ')
VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, September 28 ,1978
Mr.Chairman 6M_f"
move that the Ordinance be passed.
Phillips 1 id t U.t1 t
Result AN ORDINANCE 9117- c(-)
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 43-6-1 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to taxicab rates.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That Section 43-6-1 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to taxicab rates, be, and the same
hereby is, amended to read as follows:
Sec. 43-6-1. Rates of hire established. No owner or driver
of a taxicab shall charge any sum for the use of a taxicab
other than in accordance with the following rates:
(1) Hour rates: Three dollars per hour for one or more
(2) Mileage rates: Sixty-five cents for the first one-
sixth mile or fraction thereof and ten cents for each additional
one-sixth mile or fraction thereof.
(3) Waiting time: Twenty cents for each two minutes of wait-
ing time or fraction thereof.
(4) Footlockers: Fifty cents for each footlocker.
(5) Handbaggage: There will be no charge for handbaggage up
to two pieces for each fare and a charge of twenty-five cents
for each additional piece of handbaggage exceeding two.
(6) Parcel delivery: Twenty-five cents for delivery of
parcels, in addition to the above mileage and time rates.
(7) Car pool passengers: Fifty cents for each passenger
for one-way trip to or from drop-off or pick-up points.
(8) Delay delivery of small parcels: One dollar seventy-
five cents per parcel, not subject to the above mileage and
time rates.
(9) Senior citizens over 65 and physically handicapped
passengers: One-half the mileage rate set forth in section (2) .
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, it is necessary to the health, peace and welfare of the
inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 28th day of September , 1 78.
\ ---
BILL NO. 153 of 1978
41ab1ished October 4, 1978
Affidavit of Publication
• County of Salt Lake
-- _--- I Shana Do Conaty
ING Section 434-1 of the Re-
CIsed Ordinances of Salt Lake
ity, Utah, 1965, relating to
taxicab r of•ates.
Beingfirst dulysworn,deposes and says that he is legal
Baussioners of ma It Laker P Y g
of Salt Laker
City,Utah:. advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily
SECTION Oht I. That SectioH
nano 1 me Revised Oral- (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the English
as of Salt o to City,Utah,'
wu`,relating to•axlher bales, language with general circulation in Utah, and
M, rM the 9amc hereby Is,
'oreadasfollows, published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the
amend.Se. 43 b1. Rates of hire Y Y
ostabtaxicabNshallrrharge an State of Utah.
su a for.Poe ore or a taxicab!
n r than In accordance with
llowingHour rates:
tes: That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
er hour
g one or more
p(De s
Mileage rates:Sixtv-tive
cell olrth�rvlloa4ixntmns' Pub notice to amend an ordinance relating to
foreach additional one-sixth l
mile or fraction hereofen a
(3) Waiting time, 'Twenty taxicab rates
cents for each two minutes of,
waiting lime or fraction'
(o)noofialocker'Fifty ce to
for oacn footlocker.
be15)'Charge br henrlbaggagci
ap to two nieces for each tarn
nd charge f twenty-five
ofhbeacgeedfdnl i,ndagpaeceeigo.
16)Parcel delivery:-Twenty-
11vo cents for delivery nl par-
cels,In addition to the above
mileage and time rates
'71 Car pool passengers,
Filly cents for each passe.,
for one-way
oranickup to or
from was published in said newspaper on Oct. 4, 1978
(8)Daley delivery of small
(five cants oar dollar1,not s„b-
lact to the above mileage ana
ime rates.
IV)Senior itl G
ge handicapped ndi pped - e) I _
n. .0 1 lftn mileage t I\ �i...,i\.\.I ...,`� f G_V. �. , . . ..
sot forth In section(2)
the Hoard of the Commissionerst Legal Adver trsi g Clerk
thethealth,peee City,re and t Is welfare ai
the Inhabitants of Salt Lake:
City that this ordinance Income
effective immediately.
SECT I .Thfs ordinance rn to before me this 16th day of
shall take effect anon its first
inssad ny the Beard of Com-
missioners A.D. 19 78
ers f Snit Lake Clly,t�
With, ills 213. day of Scp
Tempera,Ch Ir)vm I /
Cit Recorder
VIIGt1Ah1 / �/
BILL N0153 of 1978 ` / G
Published Octobe MS IE.9)) l �.��.�G �. NotaryF r� ..........p.bIic
My Commission Expires
June 1, 1981