154 of 1910 - Ordinance 154 of 1910 – Relating to flies. rA itf t AN ORDINANCE . An ordinance relating to fly producing, disease causing conditions' declaring such conditions a nuisance, providing for the abatement thereof, and punishing the maintenance of such nuisance. WHEREAS, It is commonly known that flies are very dangerous car- riers of filth, filth poisons, and disease germs; that they are born in filth, and are a constant threat against the health, happiness and propserity of the people; THEREFORE, Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City,. Utah: SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corpora} tion, to suffer or permit, or have upon their premises, whether owned' or occupied by them, either one or more of the following unsanitary fly producing, disease causing conditions, to-wit: 1st. Manure which is nor-securely protected from flies; 2nd. Anyprivy,vault, cesspool, sink, place, which[ p y p pit, or like is not securely protected from flies; 3rd. Garbage which is not securely protected from flies; 4th. Vegetable waste, trash, litter, rags, or refuse of any kind, nature or description in which flies may breed or multiply. SEC`TTION 2. Every act or thing done, made, permitted, allowed or continued, in violation of Section 1 of this ordinance, shall be deemed a nuisance. SECTION 3. It shall be the duty of the City Health Officer to ascertain and cause all nuisances, declared to be such in Sections 1 and 2 of this ordinance, to be abated, and he shall have authority, either by himself or by his agents, or deputies, in the day tiae, to enter upon any premises, and to enter any house, stable, store or anylI building in order to make a thorough examination thereof, for the pur} pose of determining whether or not any of such unsanitary conditions mentioned in Section 1 of this ordinance, exist. SECTION 4. In order to better carry out the provisions of this ordinance, the Health Officer may serve a notice in writing upon,4he • -2- owner, occupant, or agent of any lot, building or premises, in, or upon which any nuisance, declared to be such in Section 1 of this or-1 dinanee, may be found, or upon him who may be the cause of such nui- sance, requiring him to abate the same in such manner as the City Health Officer may direct, and within a reasonable time, to be fixed in the notice; but failure to give notice, as provided herein, shall not relieve the author of any nuisance from the obligation to abate such nuisance, or from the penalty provided for the maintenance thereof. SECTION 5. In case, Of neglect or refusal of any,person Wabata any nuisance defined byXthis ordinance, after notice:fn Writing' has been served upon`him, as provided in Section 4 of this ordinanci,pnd within the time in said notice specified, it is hereby made the dltty of the City Health Officer to abate or procure the abatement thereof,1 Iand the expense of such abatement shall be collected from the person jso offending. SECTION 6. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon eonvie- jtion thereof, stall be punished by a fine of not less than e5.00, norl more than 00.00, or by imprisonment in the city jail not more than Ififty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. SECTION 7. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage. Passed by t he City Council of Salt Lake City,Utah ne 1st, 1911, find referred to the mayor for his a* co RR/� y corder Approved this day of June,3vv�. e Mayor. ,-.,--_ ----- - -IQ ,r'11,1: 1' ,'.'r,',2- ',,,r1R `',0 .)-1-2.-rz. -•••..) , i• rqs_i.f,e0 •r• 1-, 0 I (Ink'0;',::: ! ifArert (-..(t- 0; -s,71,-..‘o7) ,e,)okra.i. f. '':.1, 1, .' '. rio..i....- ...1s.n-, ff,,rj.r.-• ':-,, •.,-•;.; ••• -.• t r-,i .; •.:•. o..-fw rr-irf n.w.J.; -1-0 ,britro'l eri 1,..,;11 ,epii,!fisib •,--,..ti-C. ..t r...: 1.-.,:iiiirr 1-for..... .-,. 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