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155 of 1908 - Ordinance 155 of 1908 – Amending & re-enacting Section 151, re: appointment of City Engineer. • AN ORDINANCE. An ordinance amending and re.-enacting Section 151, Chapter XIV of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah. Section 1. That Section 151 of Chapter XIV of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, be,and the same is hereby amended and re«enacted so as to read as follows: 151. APPOINTMENT. COMPENSATION. The Mayor shall appoint, during the term for which. he is elected, subject to confirmation by the council, a competent person to the position of city engineer, who shall hold office until the Monday nest succeeding the expiration of the term of the appointing power, at a salary of thirty-six hundred dollars per annum, payable monthly as are the salaries of other city officers. 2y-42 - Passed by the City Council of Salt Lahc City,Utnh, December 7th, 1908, and referred to the Mayor for his ap ova . ./ Svc/ Cat Recorder :Psroved t2ie jay of Doccber, 1900. 'J�" 6GC1.„---- /ei/ z� �-w� y-,-3, Presented to the City Coul ft d referred to ffre Committee en,.- NOV 3 io 1909 1 oar dzootaz*, t.d to the ,C'Y Co tnci -% Doi, ► ,C DEC 71908 I.:list Publication in DEC 111908 J. B. MORETON, City