156 of 1979 - Amending sections 66, 67, 89, 90, 117, 123, 145, 146, 147, 148, 150(4), 157(6), 207, 243, and Sectio PER TELEPHONE CONVERSATION -
JERRY BLAIR WILL FURNISH THE Utah, December 27 19 79
Result I 1j ___ ORDINANCE
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Sections 66, 67, 89, 90, 117, 123,
1.45, 146, 147, 148, 150(4), 157(6), 207, 243, ofTit1e46ofthe
Traffic Code, and41-3-16 of Salt Lake City, Utah, relating to
traffic rules and regulations.
Re it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Title 46 of the Traffic Code of Salt Lake
City, Utah, relating to traffic rules and regulations, be, and
the same hereby is, amended as follows:
Sec. 66. City transportation engineer. The office of
the city transportation engineer is hereby
established. The city transportation engineer shall be
appointed by the mayor and shall exercise the powers and
duties as provided by the ordinances of this city. The
city transportation enaineer shall be the city traffic
engineer and shall exercise the powers and duties as
proscribed by law.
Sec. 67. Traffic control devices--standards--
authority to implement--traffic engineering standards to
be used.
a. The manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for
Streets and Highways 1978 edition, is hereby adopted by
Salt Lake City as the ordinance rules and regulations of
said City; three copies of which shall be for use and
examination of the public in the office of the City
Recorder of Salt Lake City. Said code establishes the
standards of design and application of traffic control
h. The City Transportation Engineer shall place and
maintain any and all traffic control devices when and as
needed and shall implement the provisions of said manual
in accordance with accepted highway engineering
Sec. 89. Authority to establish play streets.
Whenever the city council has declared or proclaimed any
street, alley or part thereof as a play street, the city
transportation engineer shall place and maintain
appropriate signs or devices in the roadway indicating
and protecting said play area. Whenever such signs or
devices are in place and plainly visible, no person
shall drive a vehicle, park or permit his vehicle to
remain parked upon the roadway of any street or alley so
proclaimed and marked as a play street.
Sec. 90. Traffic Signals. "the city transportation
engineer is authorized to place and maintain traffic-
control signals as needed. Traffic-control signals
shall he located as described in schedule 6, attached
hereto, and made a part hereof."
Sec. 117. Speed limits. Where no special hazard
exists that requires a lower speed for compliance with
the preceding section, the speed of any vehicle in
excess of the limits specified in this code is prima
facie evidence that the speed is not reasonable or
prudent and that it is unlawful:
(1) Twenty miles per hour.
(a) Upon meeting or overtaking any school bus which has
stopped on the street for the purpose of receiving or
discharging any school children, provided such school
bus bears upon the front and rear thereof a plainly
visible sign containing the words "School Rus" in
letters not less than four inches high which can he
removed or covered when the vehicle is not in use as a
school bus.
(b) When passing a school building or the grounds
thereof, or through a designated school crossing zone
during school recess or while children are going to or
leaving school during opening or closing hours.
(2) Thirty miles per hour:
On all streets and at all places the prima facie speed
limit shall be thirty miles per hour, except as
otherwise provided in subsection 1. of this section or as
otherwise provided on those streets and places specified
in schedule 2 attached hereto and made a part of this
On all streets and at all places the prima facie speed
limit shall be thirty miles per hour, except as
otherwise provided it subsection 1 of this section or in
such other streets or places as otherwise posted or
marked as directed by the city transportation engineer.
Sec. 123. Angle parking. Restrictions on. (1)
Angle parking shall he permitted upon the streets or
parts of streets as posted or marked by the city
transportation engineer. The city transportation
engineer shall mark or sign such streets or parts of
streets for which angle parking is allowed and also
indicate the angle of such parking.
Sec. 145. Parking prohibited during certain hours on
certain streets. When signs or traffic markings are
erected or placed by direction of the city
transportation engineer, no person shall park a vehicle
or permit said vehicle to remain standing between the
hours specified in Schedule 14-e of any day except
Sundays and holidays, or such days as provided in said
Schedule 14-e, within the district or upon any of the
streets or parts of streets described in said Schedule
14-e attached hereto and made a part of this code.
Sec. 146. Continuous movement required. When signs
or traffic markings are erected or placed by the
direction of the city transportation engineer, no person
shall stop, stand or park a vehicle or permit said
vehicle to remain standing between the hours specified
in Schedule 14-f of any day except Sundays and holidays
U 62-
within the district or upon any of the streets or parts
of streets described in said Schedule 14-f, attached
hereto and made a part of this code.
Sec. 147. Parking time limited on certain streets.
(1) When signs or traffic markings are erected or placed
by the direction of the city transportation engineer, no
person shall park a vehicle or permit said vehicle to
remain parked for longer than the time specified between
the hours shown and within the district or upon any of
the streets or parts of streets described in Schedule
14-g attached hereto and made a part of this code,
except Sundays and holidays as enumerated in subsection
(2) hereof.
Sec. 148. Parking signs required. When by this code
or any other ordinance of this city and except for
parking meter zones, any parking time limit is imposed
or parking is prohibited on designated streets or parts
of streets the city transportation engineer shall erect
or place and maintain appropriate signs or traffic
markings giving notice thereof and no such regulations
shall be effective unless said signs or traffic markings
are erected and in place at the time of any alleged
Sec. 150(4). Parking meter space to he marked. The
transportation engineer shall establish and designate
parking meter spaces by painted lines upon the surface
of the roadway or pavement and/or curbing.
Sec. 157(6). Permission to park in parking meter
spaces without the deposit of a coin may he granted by
the mayor or his assignee upon application being made
therefor in writing upon the following conditions: A
showing of a substantial need to temporarily close off
the meters involved to the public use for a stated
duration of time: the placing of cloth bags, previously
approved by the mayor or his designee, over the meters
involved; the payment daily in advance to the City
Treasurer of five dollars per day or part of a day per
each meter bagged. Use periods to seven days or more
shall be governed by the provisions of § 41-3-16 of the
revised ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah.
Sec. 207. Yield right-of-way signs. (1) The city
transportation engineer shall erect and maintain a
"yield right-of-way" sign at such intersections where
needed. When such a sign is erected the driver of a
vehicle approaching the same shall in obedience to such
sign slow down to a speed resonable for the existing
conditions or shall stop if necessary as provided in
Section 214 and shall yield the right-of-way to any
vehicle in the intersection or approaching on another
highway so closely as to constitute an immediate hazard
during the time when such driver is moving across or
within the intersection.
Sec. 243. Location of stop signs. The city
transportation engineer shall erect and maintain a stop
sign at all stop controlled entrances to
intersections. Every stop sign shall be located as
required by the Uniform Traffic Control Devices for
Streets and Highways 1978 edition.
Sec. 41-3-16. Removal of parking meters. Permission
to remove a parking meter or. meters from the street may
be granted by the mayor or his designee upon application
heing made therefore in writing together with payment to
the city treasurer of the sum of one dollar per day or
part of a day per each meter so removed provided,
however, a minimum charge of $30.00 per meter shall be
assessed and paid in advance: but for use periods
longer than 60 days, payment may he made monthly upon
the terms and conditions as required by the city
treasurer. Use periods less than 6 days shall he
governed by the Provisions of Sec. 96-B-157(6) of these
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of
Salt Lake City, it is necessary to the peace, health and welfare
of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become
effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect January 7, 1980.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this 27th day of December , 197(
7117.e.�J �k /��/� MAYOR
BILL NO. 156 of 1979
Published January 3, 1980
nDM 3ha
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
AN ORDINANCES hana D. Conaty
AN DRDINANCE AMENDING Secllnn 66.67.89,20,it),
121,tAS,IA6.142,148.150(A),I.P(6).201.edit.of Title 40 of the
code .? 1p 16 of Salt Lake a ,Utah.relating to raffle.
rules od rA and regulations.
city,Utah. Being by the Hoare of Commissioners of Stab l ake Being first duly sworn deposes and says that he is legal
SECTION r I That retie 46°'Ins and
lade"Sal'Lake advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily
City,Utah,relating In tied rules and rem,dhotis,be,and
f. hereby Is,amended as engines
City transportation engineer The oft ea of meshy (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the English
trannenrtutlon engineer - hereby es+angsnen me city dolt Nalae%P ell' r ',,t be ad'll,',slob;oLiT,g7, language with general circulation in Utah, and
the ordinances ofIbis city.The city transportation engi-
shall be the Sty traffic e ern hall exel<,se published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the
therowers and duties as m.o.:rihenr by law.
T1'aftir control devim5--standards-aulhorlic to State of Utah.
imPlommt-foal/ir engineering standards to be used.
Them l n Uniform.traffic Control Device,for That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
Street.and Highways 1978 edition,Is hero,adopted by
Salt Lake City as the ordinance rules and regulations of
said City:three copies of which shall be for use and exam
anon of Me public In the office or the city Roc odor of pub notice to amend an ordinance relating to
Sa11 L ake City Said code establishes the standards of de-
sign and application of traffic control devices.
a bny'ann all ir°iri<f1Ooni of da icesawhenandas need. traffic rules and regulations
ed end shall Imnlemonl the provisions of said m ua)In
accordance with accented highway engineering principles
Sec.89.Ail har U«°Ierttablish play streets,Weene nr the
city or lrtn thereat a play treet,the Mh any street,
shall place and maintain a riate signs g
devices tin the roadway indicating and protecting sald play,
Whenever such s or devices a place and
Plainly visible,n sign,
drive a vehicle.park Or I
pdrmit his vnhlcle to remain arked upon the roadway of
an street or alley so proclaimed and marked as a p a
Sr,.90.Traffic Signals.
port"Ihe city transation n
is authorized to Mace and Maintain traffic-control si
as del Trenm-e M1, o1 signal,seen be loca+ryd as ae Jan. 3, 1980
^w sch dwa aHarned neretn,and ma e a pa t was published in said newspaper on
Sec li).Speed limits.Where no special hazard exists that
th th d
t th n d fdfvehiclell in exress of Me limits
specified M Mi.Mis rodeO evidenre that the
speed is Twenty 'I perreasonable or
Pldll do lino or over I fl.k Z 1 (`�
9 v school n which h- d In street t the T-- • `i - -' - J l`y'—i\rA.�C��
of receiving
° discharging a h and Legal Advertising Cl�rk
tProvided h l,0ndl hears s On h front a d ea _.
hereof a plainly phobic sign containing the words"School
ens"in letters not lest than four Inches high which can he
removedor covered when the vehicle is not in use as
mhoot bus
. n \
Ibllh When
missis'lna ch rhp4�ii;or crossing zone the
grounds thereof, Ire me this 16th day of
" while children mg to or leaving Kh0000!,
during or
Or dosing hems
(2)Thirty miles per hour: A.D. 19...$.Q..
On all streets and at a1 p e weed es the prima ladeed limit
shall hn thirty miles per hour,except as otherwise provid-
ed in 0ub=_netion I of this section m'as otherwise m'°vided
n those streets and places specified In.schedule 2 afta.
Med hereto and mark,part oflh. od
On all.streets and al allthe -m facie speed llrrlf JJJ11
shalt h M1i/in .s this per n or tin s.clothstreets o .
I subsection
Ihe i 'M.tetl section marked directed b the Sec 15(6).P _ in t k narking 1 snares pear public
• transportation an without the deposit i - hegranted b h mayor Y
Section I2 A k R.t ice 0 () Angle Or 1i' application M' d thereforo In
parking shalt be permitted U the f parts ofg M n fn oratily de A showing I
eels a sled o marked by the '1 trap Pnrtatinn vlvdtsubstantial need I use 1 f/tometers.
T it oily
placed to thebits for .. ap duration of Me
• ea is ,transportation n engineer shall mark dole bags,previously approved by e p mayor
lain ucM1 }n t nets at I.c Dark- daily in ady anc v ine m lets firer off Ihe ar nr
inn is gall -d and el.indicate Me neaten!. arking. dal advance over
the City Treater of flue Use
p r
See '45.Perking prohibited Miring certain n day or I day l h governed
meter ednbed.Usr periods
tosevenn-d e stint too dinances by t provisions
lain streets,M-. t traffic ark'g. in er. O i er Al-t-le of the revised ordinances of Salt Lake City.
Penrod park of the cle,, per r it!on engi
neer.no Utah.
shallPerson sc nark en Me o permit_id v Schoch.n
Id i• n off n?400 exding cept Su die ha nd dalsd i 91100ay Set-20'Yield shah
erect Maintain
nha city ld pl g t.of
any day said
Sundaes andholidays.wiin or silts da vs_ tan engineer shall erect and mdi a. 1¢Id rightuch
as the d t,or nor 1 1 u let', the bed in i - �I such intersections of where needed When such
providedtach m 1 and
e described if said d ie driver1 eh' ping the
rodSchedule 1 attached hereto and made earl of this nit shall obedience toh -99 do tllaton
rode n he. for thee ina conditions a .hall slop
Sec lib-Contlnuais movement rewired When 9 necessary a_provided in5,ton Intersection tee cti thou eero tie
traffic markings a ected or placed by the direction of rinhon anodeo env hway Io ice elyastor aptute n•
another highway clti touch drive an
the -sty transportation engineer,pperson ic shalle to l stop, mediate hazard during the time when such driver 5
handing and or Park
the vehicle or
specifiedit Din Schedule rla.lain of rnovin9 across or within the intersection.
v day except Sundays and holidays within the district or Sec.ad,Location stop S ns The c transportation
aupon n any of the streets 0,ee'ts of streets described id shot!erect and maintain a stop sign n a all top
Srhed,lle ie.f.attached hereto and made a part of this controlled entrani'.as to intersections.Every sl'p sign shall
code. be located required by the Uniform rdaic Control
Sec IeI,Parking tim¢limbed on certain streets.(11 When Devices tar Streets and Highways 1978 edition.
signs r irattir markings am ererted orm Placed by the Sec 41,3-I6 Removal of Parking meters Permission to
direction of the city transportation engineer,no person remove parking meter or meters Iron the street may be
shell park a vehicle or permit.said vehicle to remain granted by the aye or his designee upon application
Parked for loner than the me specified between Me being Made therefore In writing together with payment to
h shown d within the district ore any of the the city treasurer of the sum of one dollar r day or Part
arts or earls of streets described i Schedule Idy Ito, of a day per each meter on removed provided,however,
chmd hereto and made a Part of Mis ode,except Sundays charge at 330.00 per mete;shall be•ssn ed and
and holidays as enumerated In subsection(2)hereof. paid inu advance but for use periods longer than 60 days.
S c.14A.Parking Signs reaulr¢d.When by this code nr a, Pa'/meet Maybe made rmmthiy goon the tern,,and condi.
other ordinance of this city and except for parking meter lions rep hall 6 days shall be ey the c d r ter.Uses of Seds 1es-
narking time limit Is im ned or king la ga52(6)of these ordinancesro bvefh¢provisions of Sec.M.
prohibitedyon designated streets or parts of streets the city
flanseorlation engineer shall erect or place and maintain SECTION 2.In the opinion of the Board of Commissioner,
• oriole signs or traffic markings giving notice Memo( t Sag Lake pity,it is necessary t the peace.health and Wet.
and no such regulations shall be effective unless said signs (are of the habitant o'salt Lake City that this Ordinance
or traffic madling3 are erected and in place at the time of become effective immediate,.
any alleged violation. SECT ION 3.This Ordinance shall fake effect January-i,
Sec..15014)-Parking meter snare to be marked.The trans 1980.
shall establish and designate parking POhis by the f Dec of Commissioners M Salt Lake Ciiv,
portmeter spaceclnbyry da.Imes upon the suriare° the Utah this 211h day of December,1979. TED L.WILSON
roadway orPavement and'or curbing MAYOR
(SEAL) '�nit nv'ro
Pl.m�.nml pan„a-,:z.,pan a-ln I
it �hsk